Page 98 - shehuizeren2012
P. 98
全球责任 幸福家园 全球责任 幸福家园
Global Responsibility, Global Responsibility,
Happy Homeland Happy Homeland
志愿行动 拓展幸福 志愿行动 拓展幸福
Volunteering to Expand Volunteering to Expand
Happy Space Happy Space
责任专题 Cutural Integration
Responsibility Topics
价值理念 培训体系 内派干部培训 员工活动
Values Training System In-house Leadership Staff Activities
树立公司统一的企业文化理 建立包含文化、语言、团队建设 积极接受当地先进的管理方法 利用中外重大节日、公司重大庆
念,营造“不分国籍和肤色, 在内的项目培训体系 和经营理念 典等场合举办形式多样、内容丰
专题一:全球责任 幸福家园 不分语言和文化,人人平等 Establish a training system Accept local advanced management 富的员工活动
covering corporate culture,
methods and business concepts.
Organize diversified staff activities which
language, and team building.
Topic 1: Global Responsibility, Happy Homeland 竞争”的共同价值观 enrich Chinese and foreign festivals or
major company celebrations.
Establish unified concept of corporate
culture in the company and create
common values among employees
regardless of their nationality, color,
language and culture.
中国建筑致力于国际化运营,在 20 余个国家和 Committed to international operations, we have spread our
business to more than 20 countries and regions. Based on our 案例:参加巴哈马第 17 届国际文化节
own advantages and in combination with the situation in the host
社区实际,推动当地就业,促进当地产业发展,采取措 country, we provide job opportunities for local people and promote k8凯发美国巴哈马公司积极参加巴哈马第 17 届国
the development of local industries. We also take measures to 际文化节,超过 60 名管理人员以组织、表演、义卖
protect aboriginal culture, actively participate in volunteer activities
全球幸福家园。 and strive to build happy homes in the world. 等方式参与志愿者活动。活动结束时,公司将义卖
汇聚全球人才 Bring Together Global Talents 委会的日常运营。
人才是企业发展的核心优势。k8凯发坚持企业人才 Talent is a core advantage in the corporate development. 巴哈马第 17 届国际文化节现场
We pursue a diverse talent pool and aim to localize our the 17th International Cultural Festival in the Bahamas
多元化战略,致力于属地化运营,积极促进当地就业。 operation to promote the local employment. We established Case Study: Participating in the 17 International Cultural Festival in the Bahamas
k8凯发建立并完善以岗位为基础,绩效为导向,符合当 and improved the job-based and performance-oriented CSCEC US Bahamas Company took an active role in the 17th International Cultural Festival in the Bahamas. Over 60
remuneration system in line with the local economic management personnel participated in volunteer activities in the form of performances, a bazaar, and other events. At the end of
development, provided social security and business insurance the event, the company donated the money raised at the bazaar to the Culture Festival Organizing Committee to support the daily
的社会保障,购买商业保险,设立企业年金;依法与员 for employees in accordance with the local laws and operations of the organizing committee.
regulations and set up enterprise annuity. We signed labor
contracts with employees, provided them with a scientific,
规划方案和各类教育培训机会,拓宽晋升渠道,促进 reasonable and systematic career development plan and 促进当地产业发展 Boosting the Development of Local Industries
offered education and training to promote the development of
本地员工的发展。 We give top priority to local products and services in
local employees. k8凯发优先采购当地的产品和服务,推广先进的管
our approach to sourcing and procurement, and offer our
理和技术经验,促进当地发展。 advanced management and technology experience to boost
local economic development.
1 对各采购项的本地分包商及建筑材料供应商进行充分调研
Conduct a full investigation into local subcontractors and suppliers of sourcing items and building materials
促进当地 2 优先向本地的分供应商发出询价邀请
Give priority to the local sub-suppliers
Boosting the
Development of 3 建立评价分级制度及区域采购平台
Local Industries Establish a scoring and rating system, and build regional procurement platforms
4 与当地的大型分包商建立战略合作关系
Establish strategic cooperation with local large subcontractors
海外社区发展 Overseas Community Development
促进当地员工发展 Promoting the development of local employees Adhering to the business concepts of “observing the law
faithfully for standard management and making pioneering
共赢”的本地化经营理念,了解并尊重当地政治、文化 efforts for win-win cooperation”, we understand and respect
文化融合 Cultural Integration 习俗,融入当地社会,积极参加当地各项公益活动,举 local political and cultural practices to integrate ourselves into
local society. We also take an active role in public activities,
k8凯发尊重当地员工的风俗习惯、宗教信仰、文化传 We respect the customs, religious beliefs and cultural 办各种属地化人员技能培训,支持当地社区公共基础
traditions of local employees to achieve localized operations, organize localized skill training sessions for employees and
统,努力实现属地化运营,积极促进不同文化融合。 设施建设,努力实现与当地社区的共同发展。 support infrastructure construction in local communities to
and actively promote the integration of different cultures.
successfully achieve common development.
96 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 97