Page 95 - shehuizeren2012
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重视安全生产 重视安全生产
Focusing on Production Safety Focusing on Production Safety
促进社会就业 促进社会就业
Offering Job Opportunities Offering Job Opportunities
助力社区发展 助力社区发展
Assisting Community Assisting Community
Developmentt Developmentt
热心公益事业 热心公益事业
Devoting to Public Welfare Devoting to Public Welfare
助力农民工发展 Boosting the Development of Migrant Workers
k8凯发尊重每一位农民工,坚决维护农民工权益。 We respect our migrant workers and protect their rights
and interests resolutely. In 2012, we provided 920,822 jobs for “k8凯发夫妻终于圆了马拉松之梦,感谢中国建
2012 年,k8凯发向农民工提供了 920,822 个岗位。农民 migrant workers in 4,813 projects. Migrant employees received 筑对k8凯发农民工的关爱。”k8凯发七局交通公司农民
工分布在 4,813 个项目,月人均工资 0.41 万元。 an average monthly salary of RMB 4,100.
861,272 人
31,583 人
Employees signing contracts directly 东雷、刘彩英在内的 10 多名农民工缴纳报名费,免
劳务派遣形式用工(31,583 人) 费提供参赛 T 恤、存衣包以及参赛保险。 Migrant workers participating in marathon
Employees in the form of labor dispatching
Case Study: Marathon Dream of Migrant Worker Couple
劳务分包或业务外包(861,272 人)
Labor subcontracting or business outsourcing “Our marathon dream has come true. Thanks to China Construction for its care of our migrant workers.” said Wang
Donglei and Liu Caiying, with smiles after they took part in Zhengkai International Marathon.
The couple is fond of sports,.Their biggest dream was to participate in Zhengkai International Marathon. CSCEC 7th
Bureau Transportation Company contacted with the organizing committee, paid the registration fees for more than 10 migrant
workers including Wang Donglei and Liu Caiying and provided them with competition supplies, including T-shirts, bags and
personal insurance.
不断将劳务管理制度化、规范化,拥有劳务管理人员约 5,000 人;
劳务管理 帮助劳务企业建立规范的劳务制度,在合作中树立了“共生共存、共存共赢、共赢共荣、和谐发展”的新理念
Labor Service Management Institutionalize and standardize labor service management, and use about 5,000 labor service management staff;
Help labor service enterprises to establish a standard labor service system, and cooperate on the“mutual existence, 案例:农民工黄明获 2012 年“五一劳动奖章” Case Study: Migrant Worker Winning 2012 National
mutual win-win, mutual prosperity, and harmonious development”concept. Labor Medal
k8凯发五局农民工黄明获 2012 年“五一劳动奖章”,
Huang Ming, a migrant worker at the CSCEC 5th
成为湖南省54 名此项荣誉获得者中少有的农民工。 Engineering Bureau, received the 2012 National Labor
与劳务分包商签订不拖欠农民工工资协议书; Medal and became one of 54 migrant workers to win in
建立农民工工资支付责任制; 黄明平时最喜欢干的事情就是搞技术革新,他常说: Hunan province. Ordinarily, Hu Ming loves technological
农民工工资 各工程局成立劳务决算小组,全面开展农民工工资支付专项检查工作 “我是农民出身,但也不能光出傻力气,还要学会动 innovation. He said, “Although I am a peasant, I cannot work
Wages for Migrant Workers Sign an agreement with subcontractors to ensure no delay to wages for migrant workers; 脑子干活。” blindly. I have to learn to work by intelligence.
Establish a responsibility system for the payment of migrant workers;
Establish a payment supervision system and wage deposit system;
Each engineering bureau must set up labor service accounts group and carry out inspections on the payment of wages for
migrant workers
社会保障 未参加工伤保险的农民工发生工伤,按照工伤保险规定的标准支付费用 助力社区发展
Social Security Guide and supervise labor contracting companies to purchase accident insurance, industrial injury insurance for migrant
workers, and pay premiums for them in full and on time;
Pay the required cost for migrant workers who are not put on insurance and injured in the work in accordance with Assisting Community Development
standards in work-related injury insurance provisions
多渠道改善农民工居住条件,做好生活区规划; k8凯发在运营过程中注重与社区建立和谐友好、互 We strive to build a harmonious, friendly and mutually
日常生活 不断丰富农民工业余生活内容,安排健康有益的业余娱乐活动 beneficial relationship with the communities in which we
Everyday life Improve the living conditions of migrant workers through multiple channels and develop new plans for the living area; 利共赢的关系,积极识别社区中的主要利益相关群体,
Enrich spare-time life of migrant workers by organizing healthy recreational activities operate, and actively identify the key stakeholder groups to
主动了解社区需求,全力帮助社区发展。 better understand their needs and to positively contribute to
community development.
We take the initiative designing and building affordable
积极创建建筑工地农民工业余学校,持续为农民工提供安全知识等各类培训。2012 年创建农民工业余学校
技能培训 约 5,580 所,共计培训 249 万人次,发放证书 57 万个,投入资金约 1,254 万元 实现“居者有其屋”的理想而努力。将加强保障性住房 houses, and strive to give everyone affordable “Home
Skill training Set up after-work schools for migrant workers, and provide them with safety training etc. In 2012, we set up 5,580 after- 工程质量管理工作放在重要位置,明确勘察、设计及 ownership” opportunities. In 2012, we undertook 124 affordable
work schools training 2.49 million migrant workers, issuing 570,000 certificates and investing about RMB 12.54 million housing projects with a total construction area of 27.28 million
施工各方的质量责任。2012 年,承建保障性住房项目 square meters in 21 provinces, autonomous regions and
124 个,总建筑面积约 2,728 万平方米,分布于 21 个省、 municipalities directly under the Central Government.
92 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 93