





Page 90 - shehuizeren2012
P. 90

重视安全生产                                                                                                                 重视安全生产
       Focusing on Production Safety                                                                                          Focusing on Production Safety
         促进社会就业                                                                                                                 促进社会就业
       Offering Job Opportunities                                                                                             Offering Job Opportunities
       助力社区发展                                                                                                                 助力社区发展
       Assisting Community                                                                                                    Assisting Community
       Developmentt                                                                                                           Developmentt
       热心公益事业                                                                                                                 热心公益事业
       Devoting to Public Welfare                                                                                             Devoting to Public Welfare

                                                                                                                                                                                 不伤害自己;               三个坚持
                                                                                                                                                         杜绝“三违”                  不伤害他人;               坚持上岗前培训;
                                                                                                                                                          违章指挥;                  不被别人伤害             坚持平时的安全学习教育
                                                                                                                                                           Three Violations     Three No Harm      persist in pre-job training;
                                                                                                                                                                                not hurt yourself;
                                                                                                                                                           violate command;
                                                                                                                                                                                not hurt others;
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Three Persistence
                                                                                                                                                             violate labor discipline
                       班组谈话 Group talking                          与班组长沟通 Communicating with the head of group                                              violate operations;   not be hurt    certificates;
                                                                                                                                                                                                  persist in working with special
                       案例:创新安全管理模式,探索班组化管理方式                       Case Study: Making Innovation to Our Safety                                                                                  education
                                                                   Management Model and Exploring the  Team
                                                                                                                                                                                                  persist in regular safety study and
                          陆家嘴中心大厦项目工期紧,质量安全要求高,                    Management Model
                       钢结构施工高峰期需同时投入几百名钢结构作业人                         The Lujiazui Central Building Project was characterized
                                                                   by its short project schedule and high safety requirements.              增强保障能力
                       员,传统的一个分包队伍配备一名现场负责人已不                                                                                                                                             Enhancing Protection Capability
                                                                   At the peak of construction, hundreds of steel worker had to
                       适应“大兵团”作战。k8凯发钢构上海分公司项目部结                     work at the same time. The traditional approach uses one                     k8凯发深化隐患排查治理,加强重大风险防控,强                         We regularly deepen our inspection and treatment on
                       合钢结构施工工序、作业工种特点,以 6-12 名同工                  subcontracting team equipped with one onsite safety officer.             化监督管理,不断提升安全保障水平。                             hidden dangers, strengthen the prevention and control of
                                                                                                                                                                                          major risks, and intensify our supervision and management to
                                                                   However, the CSCEC Steel Structure Shanghai Branch
                       种作业人员为单位,建立施工生产作业班组,配备                      Company set up working groups for every 6-12 workers. Each                                                             improve our approach to safety protection.
                       不脱产班组长和安全员进行监督管理。项目部通过                      group was equipped with a full-time head and a safety officer.           安全检查活动                                        Safety Inspection Activities
                                                                   The group approach eliminated a number of hidden safety                      k8凯发运用科技和信息手段,建立健全安全生产隐
                       推行安全生产管理班组化建设,消除多点作业安全                                                                                                                                                 By means of technology and information, we have
                                                                   dangers and achieved its objective of zero hidden dangers and
                       管理隐患,实现了“零隐患、零事故”的目标。                       zero accidents.                                                          患排查治理机制,强化监测监控,严密排查治理起重                       established and improved our inspection and treatment
                                                                                                                                            机、吊罐、脚手架等设施设备安全隐患,及时发现和消                      mechanism for hidden dangers, strengthened our supervision
                                                                                                                                                                                          and monitoring, and inspected hidden dangers in cranes,
                     开展安全教育培训                                      Conducting Safety Education and Training                                 除安全隐患。全年组织开展安全隐患排查 3,600 余次,                  hanging tanks and scaffolding to effectively eliminate them
                        k8凯发高度重视安全教育培训工作,将员工安全知                         We attach great importance to the safety education and                排查项目 8,300 余个,发现和整改隐患约 96,000 余条。             before they become a safety concern. In 2012, we organized
                                                                   training of our staff and view safety knowledge and operating                                                          over 3,600 safety inspections, inspected more than 8,300 items
                     识和操作技能培训作为安全工作的重要组成部分。                        skills as an integral part of a safe work environment. By giving                                                       and rectified more than96,000 hidden dangers.
                     通过集中讲课、播放宣传教育片、发放宣传书籍、制                       lectures, watching educational videos, distributing publicity
                                                                   books, a producing publicity board and newspapers, we have
                     作宣传栏、报刊等方式开展安全教育培训,杜绝“三违”,                    conducted safety education and training sessions that have
                     做到“三不伤害”和“三个坚持”。2012 年,k8凯发组织                   effectively put an end to “three violations”, and guaranteed the
                                                                   “three not hurts” and “three persist in”. In 2012, we organized
                     企业层面的安全教育培训约 1,200 余次,培训教育人                                                                                              案例:定期公布重大危险源                                Case Study: Regularly Releasing Major Danger Sources
                                                                   more than 1,200 companywide safety education and training
                     数达到 71,800 余人。                                sessions for 71,800 employees.                                                k8凯发二局土木公司加强在施工程的安全管理工                         The Civil Engineering Company of CSCEC 2nd Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                          Bureau strengthened its safety management work for all under
                                                                                                                                                                                          construction projects, releasing information on its sub-project risk
                                                                                                                                              险控制措施”实施定期公布,重点监管。公司针对基                     and control measures, and highlighting its targeted supervision
                                                                                                                                                                                          method. With regard to the foundation pit, earth excavation, and
                                                                                                                                                                                          demolition blasting, the company explained its approach to each
                                                                                                                                              情况,分类别逐一陈述、分析重大危险源、可能导致                     one by one after analyzing all major sources of danger and possible
                                                                                                                                              的事故、风险控制措施等。                                accidents and developing risk control measures.
                                                                                     Pre-job safety training
                                                                                      Explaining safety knowledge to
                                                                                      a peasant worker

                                                                                     安全技能培训                                                                                                         Notice on Major Sources of Danger
                                                                                     Safety skill training
                                                                                      一对一访谈                                                                                                         Notice on Dangerous Sub-projects
                                                                                      One-to-one discussion

         88  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                                                                                                                                拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  89
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