Page 88 - shehuizeren2012
P. 88
Focusing on Production Safety
Offering Job Opportunities
Assisting Community
Devoting to Public Welfare
荣誉及利益相关方评价 中国建筑热心公益事业,努力为社会和谐稳定、持续发展奉献力量。k8凯发在海外业务上坚持属地化经营,
Honors and Stakeholders’ Comments 带动当地经济发展。积极执行国家的方针政策,恪守现代商业伦理和行业规范,以实际行动承担起国有企业的
荣获国家级AAA安全文明标准化诚信工地66项,获得省部级以上安全文明工地400余个,获奖数处于同行业前列。 We are enthusiastic about public welfare, and take concerted steps to improve our approach to social harmony and stability,
and sustainable development. In our overseas businesses, we seek to boost local economic development and actively implement
k8凯发美国公司荣获美国建造与承包商联合会颁发的 STEP 安全金奖。STEP 安全金奖是美国建筑行业内最有权
national principles and policies. We respect modern business ethics and industry regulations, and always assume the political,
威性的安全奖项。 economic and social responsibilities of state-owned enterprises in order to be a good corporate citizen.
中国建筑是建筑企业排头兵,什么工程都能干,干的都是放心工程!希望中国建筑再接再厉,永做援建先锋! Focusing on Production Safety
—— 国家发改委副主任 穆虹
k8凯发深知安全生产对自身及社会的重要意义,始 We understand that production safety is of great
—— 国务院国资委副主任 姜志刚 importance to us and to society so we always give it top
青春情暖,爱满k8凯发。同心义卖活动,用团员青年自己的力量和智慧,解决农民工和农民工子女的实际困难,义捐、 priority. Adhering to the safety principles of “safety first,
防为主,综合治理”的安全方针,秉持“生命至上,安 prevention crucial and comprehensive treatment” and the
全运营第一”的价值理念,推进安全生产标准化建设。 value concept of “life supreme and safe operations first”, we
—— 中央国家机关团工委委员 吴庆华 have standardized the construction of our production safety
k8凯发注意对发生的安全生产事故深刻反思,从中 system.
汲取教训,将加强防护措施和教育培训作为安全生产 We pay attention to deep reflections on the safety
有保障,平时常有慰问品,蛮好! accidents, and learn from them. We also strengthen
的重要保障,不断健全安全管理体系,严格落实安全 protective measures, and education and training, and take
—— k8凯发成都国金项目木工 张代康
生产责任制,深入开展安全隐患排查治理,持续强化 them as an important guarantee for production safety. While
关爱农民工服务活动,为k8凯发农民工成长创造了良好的社会环境,k8凯发一定抓住大好机遇,努力成为知识型工人。 constantly improving safety management system, and strictly
—— k8凯发七局农民工代表 李泽亮 implementing the responsibility system for production safety,
到最低。2012 年 , 全年未发生较大及以上生产安全事 we deepen the inspection and elimination of hidden dangers,
and intensify safety management and supervision to minimize
Received 66 national 3A Safe awards for having civilized, standardized and honest construction sites and more than 400 awards for 故,生产安全责任事故起数和死亡人数同比 2011 年 the possibility of production safety accidents. In 2012, no
safe and civilized construction sites. The number of awards China Construction received was far ahead among counterparts. 分别下降了 27.8%和 33.3%,亿元产值死亡率约为 serious production safety accident occurred. The numbers of
The CSCEC US Company was awarded the STEP Gold Award for Safety by the American Association of Construction and accidents and deaths dropped by 27.8% and 33.3% respectively
Contractors, the most authoritative award for safety in the American construction industry. 0.003。 over the previous year, and the death rate per output value of
Awarded the title of “Beijing Best Employer for College and University Graduates”. 100 million Yuan was about 0.003.
Awarded the title of “Advanced Company for Poverty Alleviation”. 夯实安全基础
Reinforcing Safety Foundation
China Construction is in the vanguard of the construction industry, and is capable of undertaking any project and delivering it to you k8凯发健全安全管理组织体系,加强安全教育培训,
with quality. I hope that China Construction will continue to be a pioneer in aid construction forever. 全面落实安全生产责任制,筑牢安全生产基础。 We regularly update and improve our safety management
Muhong, Deputy Director of National Development and Reform Commission system, strengthen our safety education and training, and
China Construction stands for the level of central enterprise to provide assisstance. It also stands for the SASAC's. 安全管理组织体系 implement our safety production responsibility system to
Jiang Zhigang, Vice Director of SASAC reinforce production safety foundation.
Through loving-care and a charitable bazaar activity, young league members used their wisdom and strength to solve challenges k8凯发建立了覆盖公司总部、二级单位和项目经理
faced by migrant worker and their children. Charitable donations and public welfare activities brought endless pleasure to the 部的安全管理组织机构。公司总部安全生产管理机构 Safety Management System
participants. The activities positively reflect the love of China Construction. We have established a safety management system that
Wu Qinghua, member of Working Committee of central state organs 由安全生产管理委员会作为最高管理决策机构,公司 covers our headquarters, secondary units and project manager
I have worked at numerous sites for large and small, private and state-owned companies, but China construction has the best 主要负责人担任主任,各部门负责人为委员会成员,安 departments. The top safety decision-making organization
working and living environments, and the most reliable salary. We also frequently get surprise gifts. It’s really good. at our headquarters is the Production Safety Management
Zhang Daikang, a carpenter at Chengdu Guojin project site of CSECE 全质量环境部负责日常安全管理。各二级单位围绕现 Committee which has company leaders as the directors of
The Caring for Migrant Worker Activity created a good social environment for the growth of our migrant workers. We must seize this 场的管理风险设置相关管理程序和管理人员。安全工 the committee and department heads as members. Safety,
golden opportunity, strive to be informed workers. quality and environmental departments are in charge of all
Li Zeliang, a migrant worker representative of CSCEC 7th Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. 程师、安全员的配置数量与行业其他企业相比,均相 daily safety management operations. The secondary units set
对较高,有效降低了工程现场安全风险。 up management procedures and personnel in connection with
onsite management risks. The number of safety engineers
and safety officers in our company is higher than that of other
similar companies, which helps us reduce safety risks at our
project sites more effectively.
86 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 87