





Page 84 - shehuizeren2012
P. 84

倡导公平竞争                                                                                                                 倡导公平竞争
       Advocating Fair Competition                                                                                            Advocating Fair Competition
         推动科技创新                                                                                                                 推动科技创新
       Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation                                                                      Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation
       实施管理创新                                                                                                                 实施管理创新
       Implementing Management Innovations                                                                                    Implementing Management Innovations
       引领行业发展                                                                                                                 引领行业发展
       At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry                                                                    At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry
       开展国际合作交流                                                                                                               开展国际合作交流
       International Cooperation and Exchanges                                                                                International Cooperation and Exchanges
                     引领行业发展                                                                                                                 开展国际合作交流
                     At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry                                                                    International Cooperation and Exchange

                        k8凯发作为建筑行业排头兵,致力于成为行业科学                         At the leading company in our industry we are committed to                k8凯发大力实施“大海外”战略,对海外事业经营理                        We have modified the strategy of our “Great Overseas”
                                                                   scientific development and transforming the development model. We                                                      plan, adjusted and transformed our business concepts,
                     发展、转变模式的引领者。主动参与国家和行业标准                                                                                                念、管理模式和业务模式进行调整和转型,以管理、技
                                                                   have taken the initiative to participate in the formulation of national                                                management models and business models, and increased
                     的制定,组织举办专业论坛和学术活动,分享创新经                       and industry standards. And we regularly organize professional           术促效益,带动所在地建筑工程行业的发展。                          efficiency via our approach to management and technology.
                                                                   forums and academic activities. We also share our experiences and                                                      This has enhanced the development of our overseas business
                     验和成果,引领行业发展方向,共同拓展行业创新和                                                                                                    k8凯发广泛开展国际交流,参与国际会议和论坛,
                                                                   achievements, and guide the industry so as to transform its innovation                                                 and boosted the overall development of construction industry
                     发展的空间。                                        and development space.                                                   加强与国际同行的沟通和交流,共同探讨全球建筑行                       overseas.
                                                                      We create conditions for professional exchange among our                                                                We conduct international exchanges, participate in
                        k8凯发积极创造条件促进同行间的专业交流,全年                                                                                               业专业领域发展方向,为行业的创新发展拓展更为广
                                                                   peers. In 2012, we held the High-rise Building Forum, the National                                                     international conferences and forums, and have strengthened
                     举办了“高层与超高层建筑论坛”、“全国桥梁工程技                      Bridge Engineering Technology Exchange and other academic                阔的空间。                                         our communication with our international counterparts so as
                     术交流会”等多项具有行业影响力的学术活动,带动                       activities to promote professional development throughout the                                                          to discuss global construction trends, and facilitate innovation
                                                                   industry. We also strengthened our cooperation with colleges and                                                       and industry-wide development .
                     行业专业领域的发展。加强与重点高校的合作,发挥                       universities. In association with Chongqing University, we organized
                     企业主体作用。与重庆大学联合主办了“土木建筑施                       the High-end Forum on Civil Engineering Construction and we also
                                                                   held the Fourth National Steel Structure Engineering Technology           2012 年公司参与的重要国际会议和论坛
                     工学科发展高端论坛”,与清华大学等高校共同主办“第                                                                                               Key International Conferences and Forums that CSCEC Attended in 2012
                                                                   Exchange with Tsinghua University and others to lead and empower
                     四届全国钢结构工程技术交流会”,引领行业科技发                       technological development in our industry.                                第三轮中美工商领袖和前高官对话会 The Third Annual US-China CEO and Former Senior Officials’ Dialogue
                                                                                                                                             中俄贸易和投资促进会议 Sino-Russia Investment and Trade Fair

                                                                                                                                             第四届中日韩工商峰会 The Fourth China-Japan-South Korea Summit
                                                                                                                                             中非合作论坛第四届中非企业家大会 The Fourth Entrepreneurs’ Conference of Sino-Africa Cooperation Forum

                                                                                                                                             中国—海湾阿拉伯国家可持续发展论坛 China - Gulf Arab National Forum on Sustainable Development
                                                                                                                                             中阿合作论坛第四届企业家大会暨投资研讨会 The Fourth Entrepreneurs' Conference & Investment Seminar of China-Arab
                                                                                                                                             States Cooperation

                                                                                                                                             2012 年世界城市峰会 World Cities Summit 2012

                     第四届全国钢结构工程技术交流会                               全国桥梁工程技术交流会
                     The Fourth National Steel Structure Engineering Technology Exchange  National Bridge Engineering Technology Exchange     国水灾等多重不利因素影响,圆满建设完成曼谷中
                       案例:信息化建设                                    Case Study: Information Construction                                       国总理英拉表示曼谷中国文化中心的建成,将把中
                                                                      As a information technology consulting service company
                          中国建筑作为建筑业十项新技术—企业信息化                                                                                                泰文化交流推向更高水平。
                                                                   with ten new technology in construction, CSCEC held totally 16
                       技术咨询服务单位,成功组织举办了 16 届建筑行业                   seminars on information application in construction enterprises。           Case Study: Chinese Culture Center in Bangkok
                       企业信息化应用发展探讨会。该探讨会一直把利用                      These seminars always paid much more attention on  technological              After overcoming floods in Thailand and many adverse
                                                                   advancement and management improvement through
                       信息化推动行业技术进步和管理提升作为第一要务,                     informatization  to realize institutional innovation, technological        factors over past two years, China Construction Thailand   时任国务院总理温家宝、泰国总理英拉共同出席曼谷中国文化中心
                                                                                                                                              Co., Ltd. successfully completed the Bangkok Chinese
                       为实现建筑企业机制创新、技术创新和管理创新,                      innovation and management innovation in construction enterprises,          Culture Center project. Wen Jiabao, former Chinese   Wen Jiabao, the former Chinese Premier, and Yingluck, Prime Minister of
                                                                   which enhanced the core competitiveness of enterprises,                                                                Thailand, attended the Unveiling Ceremony for Chinese Culture Center in
                       提高企业核心竞争力,促进企业持续、快速、健康发                                                                                                Premier, said, the “Chinese Culture Center in Bangkok   Bangkok.
                                                                   urged enterprises to realize development in a sustainable,                 is the first cultural centre that China has established in
                       展提供了一个良好的交流、互动平台。经过多年努力,                    rapid and healthy way and offer a good platform for companies              Southeast Asia, and is of exemplary significance.” Yingluck,
                                                                   to communicate. After years of efforts, China Construction
                       该探讨会已经成为一个推动行业信息化发展的知名                                                                                                 Prime Minister of Thailand, said, “With the completion of
                                                                   has become a famous brand to boost the development of                      Chinese Culture Centerin Bangkok, Sino-Thai culture will
                       品牌。                                         informatization in the whole industry.
                                                                                                                                              move toward a higher level.”
         82  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                                                                                                                                拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  83
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