Page 92 - shehuizeren2012
P. 92
重视安全生产 重视安全生产
Focusing on Production Safety Focusing on Production Safety
促进社会就业 促进社会就业
Offering Job Opportunities Offering Job Opportunities
助力社区发展 助力社区发展
Assisting Community Assisting Community
Developmentt Developmentt
热心公益事业 热心公益事业
Devoting to Public Welfare Devoting to Public Welfare
安全应急管理 Safety Emergency Management 营造安全文化
k8凯发设立安全生产应急组织机构,建立安全生产 We have set up production safety and emergency k8凯发注重发挥文化的引导和塑造作用,积极开展
organizations, established production safety and emergency
应急预案体系,组织应急演练,促进员工掌握应急基 plans, and organized emergency drills to help staff master 各类安全文化建设活动,分年、月和周定期开展各类
本知识,提高突发事件处理能力。2012 年,公司制订和 basic emergency knowledge to improve their ability to handle 安全活动,不定期组织安全生产竞赛。充分利用各类
emergencies. In 2012, we formulated and revised 2,280
修订各类应急预案 2,280 余项;组织应急救援及预案 emergency plans and organized more than 4,000 emergency 传播媒介,借助电视、互联网、报纸、板报、杂志、广
演练 4,000 余次,参与人数近 15 万人。 drills for nearly 150,000 staff. 播等多种形式开展安全基础教育,营造浓厚安全文
Safety culture show
Creating a Safety Culture
We pay great attention to the important role that culture
plays in ensuring safety and carry out weekly, monthly and
yearly safety culture activities as well as production safety
contests at irregular intervals. Through media such as TV, the
Internet, newspapers, magazines, blackboards and broadcasts
we have conducted comprehensive publicity and education
campaigns to create a strong safety culture.
“Production Safety Month” activity
防台防汛应急演练 安全事故应急演练
Emergency Drill for Typhoon and Flood Prevention Emergency Drill for Security
综合应急预案 Offering Job Opportunities
Overall Emergency Plan
Special Emergency Plan 就业是民生之本。中国建筑将拉动就业视为自己
综合应急预案 现场处置预案 工提供就业岗位。
Overall Emergency Plan 现场处置预案 On-site Disposal Plan
On-site Disposal Plan Employment is the source of the people's livelihood. We
事故的应急方针、政策,应 依据项目现场风险评估及危 view offering employment opportunities as our most important
急组织结构及相关应急职 险性控制措施,结合现场情况, social responsibility. For this reason, we take active measures
责,应急行动、措施和保障 根据总体应急预案、专项应急
等基本要求和程序 预案而制定的应急处置措施 to provide job opportunities to college students and migrant
I n c l u d e s e m e r g e n c y Includes emergency handling workers.
guidelines, policies, an 专项应急预案 measures that are based on the
emergency organizational Special Emergency Plan overall emergency and special 2012 年新员工训练营
2012 New Recruits Camp
structure and related emergency plans, and stipulates
emergency duties as well that all measures should be in
as emergency actions, 针对具体的事故类别、危险 accordance with the onsite risk 促进大学生就业 Promoting the Employment of College Students
measures and safeguards 源和应急保障而制定的计 assessment and risk control
and other basic requirements 划或方案 measures and in line with the k8凯发积极吸纳大学生就业,为他们提供良好的 We actively recruit college and university graduates and
and procedures Includes the plans and actual situation at the site provide them with a solid platform from which to develop their
programs for concrete 职业发展平台,通过招聘平台发布招聘公告,进行公开、 career. We provide job opportunities through the recruitment
a c c i d e n t s a s w e l l a s
sources of danger and 公平、公正的招聘。2012 年共招收应届毕业生 18,913 platform, and offer open, fair and impartial recruitment. In
emergenc y protection 2012, we recruited 18,913 graduating students, 91% of our new
measures 人,其中本科及以上学历占 91%。 hires were university graduates or above.
Safety Emergency Management System
90 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 91