





Page 97 - shehuizeren2012
P. 97

重视安全生产  重视安全生产
 Focusing on Production Safety  Focusing on Production Safety
   促进社会就业    促进社会就业
 Offering Job Opportunities  Offering Job Opportunities
 助力社区发展  助力社区发展
 Assisting Community   Assisting Community
 Developmentt  Developmentt
 热心公益事业  热心公益事业
 Devoting to Public Welfare  Devoting to Public Welfare
 中国建筑保障房建设获得奖项       抗震救灾                                          Disaster Relief
 CSCEC’s Awards for Affordable Housing
                         k8凯发积极投入到抗震救灾各项活动中,帮助灾                         We are actively involved in earthquake relief activities
                                                                   to help people in the disaster-stricken areas rebuild their
 参加活动 Events  主办单位 Organizing Units  获得奖项 Awards
                     区人民重建家园。截至 2012 年底,玉树灾后重建任                    homes. At the end of 2012, we had completed a total of 85
 所属企业获全国保障性安居工程建设优秀                                                                                         2
 组织奖 7 家;劳动竞赛先进单位 17 家;优  务总计 85 项,总建筑面积 40.41 万平方米,总投资            reconstruction projects with a construction area of 404,100 m
 保障性安居工程建设  国家发改委主办  秀工程项目 29 个;优秀工程项目 28 个;                       and an investment of RMB 1.674 billion. In each of the projects,
 Affordable Housing Construction  National Development and Reform Commission  Seven Prizes for Outstanding Organization in   16.74 亿元。  we paid attention to safety management, quality, scheduling
 National Affordable Housing Construction, 17
 Advanced Units in Labor Contest, 29 Excellent                     and environmental protection.
 Engineering Projects, 28 Excellent Builders
 新华网联合中国房地产研究会、      玉树援建工程进度
 ( 第二届)保障性住房发展高峰论坛  中国房地产业协会、经济参考报举办  2012 年度保障房建设推动力企业大奖  Working schedule for reconstructing Yushu
 The 2nd Affordable Housing Development Forum  Xinhua Network in association with China Real  2012 Award for Promoting  Affordable Housing
 Estate Research Society, China Real Estate  Construction
 Industry Association, and Economic Information.
 优博集团  CIH,AF2012 中国住交会(第十四届)  中国房地产社会责任杰出贡献大奖  2010 年        2011 年                         2012 年
 UB Group  The 14th China International Real Estate &  China Real Estate Award for Outstanding   In 2010  In 2011  In 2012
 Architectural Technology Fair
 Contribution to Social Responsibility
                       农牧民住房建设,交付入住时间第一、交付           农牧民住房率先全部实现竣工入住;城             率先如期完成了青海省委、省政府 2012
                       入住套数第一、结构封顶率第一、施工速度           镇居民住房竣工率 91.33%,达到了竣          年提出的“630”(2012 年 6月30日)和“930”
                       第一                            工率 90% 的节点目标;                 城镇居民住房建设全部完成以及在 2012
                       Achieved first place in delivery time, the   安冲乡中心寄宿学校、玉树州红旗小学  年基本完成三年重建任务的目标
                       number of delivered houses, the rate of   及玉树县第一完全小学全部竣工,保证  Completed the construction of urban
                       structural capping and construction speed                   houses in 630 (June 30, 2012) and 930
 k8凯发尊重并保护社区传统文化和遗产,推动社区  We respect and protect the traditional culture and   in the construction of houses for peasants   了孩子们能够按时在新校园上课  plans as proposed by the Qinghai provincial
                       and herdsman
 heritage to shape community culture and realize sustainable   Achieved a 100% completion rate in housing   government, completing the entire three-
 文化塑造,促进社区可持续性发展。                                    for farmers and herdsman and a 91.33%   year reconstruction mission in 2012
 development in communities.                         completion rate in urban housing which
                                                     reached our objective of 90%;
                                                     Finished the Central Boarding School in Anchong
                                                     County, the Red Flag Primary School and the
                                                     First Wanquan Primary School in Yushu, which
 案例:保持与大明宫风格统一  Case Study: Keeping the Uniform Style of Daming Palace  ensured children had classes on the new campus
 Xi’an Zhongjian Kaiyuan No.1 project is adjacent to the
 西安k8凯发 ·开元壹号项目紧邻大明宫遗址公园,
 Daming Palace Heritage Park. For this reason, the company
 在总体规划、外立面设计、售楼处建筑设计、景观  sought to retain architecture that was similar to the Tang
 设计方面,力求保留唐代城市规划和建筑的文脉。  Dynasty when designing the façade, sales offices, and
 landscape. The architecture now bears the style of Han and
 整体建筑造型具有汉风唐韵,气势磅礴、宫阙俨然,  Tang Dynasty combining the magnificence of a palace with
 又具有现代建筑简洁、明快的时尚感,是房地产界  the simplicity of modern architecture. It is a masterpiece of
 architectural design in the real estate industry.

 Devoting to Public Welfare
                     援建的玉树州红旗小学                                    青年联合会在玉树八一孤儿学校捐赠
                     Yushu Red Flag Primary School aided by CSCEC  CSCEC Youth League are making donation to Yushu Bayi Orphan School.
 k8凯发积极履行社会责任,主动参与帮贫扶弱、援  We proactively implement social responsibility initiatives
 that benefit poverty alleviation, disaster relief, and volunteering
 in order to contribute to society’s harmonious space. In 2012,   志愿者活动  Volunteering Activities
 全年对外捐赠金额 2,859 万元。  we donated RMB 28.59 million.
                        k8凯发注重对员工志愿精神的培养,致力于将志愿                         Encouraging staff to show their volunteering spirit and
                                                                   work to systemize, institutionalize and normalize volunteer
 定点扶贫  Poverty Alleviation  活动体系化、制度化、常规化,激励员工立足岗位、                activities is one way that we motivate employees to perform
 In 2012, we were responsible for assisting Yanchi and   奉献社会。2012 年,员工参与志愿者活动达 4 万人次  their duty and contribute to the society. In 2012, we organized
 2012 年,k8凯发定点对口帮扶宁夏回族自治区盐池
 Tongxin counties in Ningxia Hui Autonomous region. We             more than 3,000 volunteer activities with about 40,000 people
 县、同心县,动员员工为两县捐款 486 万元。在少数民  mobilized our employees to donate RMB 4.86 million. In   以上,举行志愿活动 3,000 余次,累计志愿服务时间  offering more than100,000 hours of volunteer service.
 Tongxin County, an ethnic minority area, we established a   超过 10 万小时。
 skills training center for the local workforce to help them learn
 助当地剩余劳动力学习工作技能。  new job skills.

 94  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  95
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