Page 101 - shehuizeren2012
P. 101
全球责任 幸福家园 全球责任 幸福家园
Global Responsibility, Global Responsibility,
Happy Homeland Happy Homeland
志愿行动 拓展幸福 志愿行动 拓展幸福
Volunteering to Expand Volunteering to Expand
Happy Space Happy Space
专题二:志愿行动 拓展幸福 带孩子上班日 Taking a Child to Work Day
Topic 2: Volunteering to Expand Happy Space “带孩子上班日”活动邀请农民工子女来到施工 We invite the children of migrant workers to the
construction site. Accompanied by young volunteers, the
现场,参观父母工作环境,感受父母工作生活。 2012 年, children visit the workplace of their parents to better
“带孩子上班日”与“安康杯”结合,演化为涵盖人群更多, understand how and where they work. In 2012, we combined
中国建筑以共青团为载体积极开展志愿活动,培 We actively carry out volunteer activities to cultivate “Taking a Child to Work Day” with the “Ankang Cup”, a safety
the spirit of “Dedication, Friendship, Mutual assistance and 内容更为丰富的“亲情呼唤安康”活动,让亲情牵引安 competition. By adding a human element to the competition,
Progress” among the Communist Youth League. We have 全文化落地,把亲情元素融入竞赛过程,变安全规定 migrant workers become deeply aware of how their safety
“带孩子上班日”、“幸福空间义卖”、“心手相连海外 successively organized “Taking a Child to Work Day”, a “Happy is intrinsically tied to family happiness. The activity directly
Space Charity Sale”, and “Hand in Hand and Heart to Heart 为情感引导,让农民工深刻意识到自身的生命安全与
农民工子女关爱活动”等品牌活动和特色做法。k8凯发 impacts safety in the workplace.
—— Caring for the Children of Migrant Workers” activities to 家庭幸福利害攸关,为安全再添一道亲情保险。
本着助人自助的理念投身公益事业,承担企业公民责 showcase our belief that “helping others is helping ourselves”.
任,持续拓展幸福空间。 We also devote time to public welfare and shoulder our
responsibility as a corporate citizen to help expand the happy 带孩子上班日
living environment. Taking a child to work day
“幸福空间义卖会”是一个涵盖“义捐、义卖、义演” Happy Space Charity Sale 1 2 3 工地亲子体验
The Happy Space Charity Sale is a social welfare activity 前期准备工作 入场安全教育
等内容、任何企业员工都有能力参与的社会公益活动。 Preparatory Work Admission Safety Education Parent-child Experience on
that each employee has ability to take part in. It covers charity Construction Sites
donations, charity sales, charity performances and other 提前安排好农民工子女往返车票及住 在进入施工现场前,项目安全总监对 带孩子参观物料堆码整齐、环境较为
activities. 宿,方便家长与儿女团聚; 农民工子女进行安全教育培训,教授 安全的施工现场,让孩子对工地有一
幸福空间义卖会 为农民工子女购置统一服装 , 满足施 安全帽的作用、如何佩戴安全帽、进 个初步的认识;
Happy Space Charity Sale 工现场统一着装要求 入施工现场时的服装要求等; 选择一些轻巧、简单的工作让孩子尝
Buy round-trip tickets and arrange 志愿者全程一对一看护孩子以保障安全 试去做,学习父母的劳动技能
hotels for children of migrant workers Project safety director will offer Bring children to the construction
ahead to make family union much training to the children of migrant sites with orderly material stacking
义捐 员工捐出自己不常用的二手物品,提高闲置物品的使用效率,实现节能环保 easier;
Charitable Employees donate their used goods to improve the efficiency of unused goods and realize energy- Purchase unifor ms for migr ant workers on the effects of safe helmet, and safe environment to make them
how to wear safe helmet correctly and
have preliminary impression on the
Donations saving and environmental protection workers and their children to meet clothing requirements before they construction sites;
the requirements on the construction enter into the construction site Select some lightweight and simple
由志愿者组织将义捐物品以超低价格转让给工地上的农民工,所得资金全部捐献给打工子弟学校改善 work for children to learn labor skills
Charity Sale The volunteer organizations sell donated goods at a very low price to migrant workers on site. All money
raised at the charity sale is donated to migrant schools to improve teaching facilities, by which the
migrant workers get the chance to participate in social welfare activities while getting benefits 心手相连海外农民工子女关爱活动 Hand in Hand and Heart to Heart —— Caring
for the Children of Migrant Workers
义演 以打工子弟学校孩子们为主、企业员工和农民工兄弟为辅,共同组织演出,慰问工程建设者 中国建筑作为全球化运营的建筑地产综合企业集
Charity The charity performance is done by the children at migrant schools, with assistance from As a global building real estate conglomerate, we have
Performance employees and migrant workers, to express support for the builders 团,外派农民工散布在世界各地,k8凯发启动“手拉手 ·心 expatriated migrant workers all over the world. We started the
连心”情系海外农民工子女志愿服务活动,为孩子们邮 “Hand in Hand and Heart to Heart —— Caring for the Children
of Migrant Workers ” volunteer activity, sending cards with
leaders’ signatures and stationery to the children of migrant
“幸福空间义卖”将企业使命融入到志愿活动中, 海外的父母写信。100 多名海外事业部员工子女还与海 workers, encouraging them to write to their parents. More
用员工力所能及和自愿自觉的方式,调动一切可以动 外农民工子女结成对子,小朋友们之间互通信件,建立 than 100 children of employees in overseas development
departments paired off with the children of migrant workers.
员的社会力量“奉献爱心,照亮别人,温暖自己”,打造 了深厚的友谊。通过实施关爱行动,让海外农民工更 These children write to each other and have made deep
了一个立体的幸福空间。部委、中央媒体、中央企业的 加安心工作,营造相互信任的幸福空间。 friendships. By organizing this activity, we try to make migrant
workers set their minds to work abroad and create a happy
space with mutual trust.
The Happy Space Charity Sale incorporates our
company mission into its volunteer activities and mobilizes 志愿者活动获得主要荣誉:
our employees. By “devoting loving care, lighting others and Honors for volunteer activities
warming ourselves”, the activity creates a three-dimensional 中央企业金牌青年志愿者 2 名
happy space. Young volunteers from ministries and Two persons got Central Enterprise Young Volunteers Gold Awards
departments, as well as central media and central enterprises 公司团委获中央企业青年志愿服务优秀组织单位
all participate in the activity to enhance our contribution to Company's Youth League Committee was awarded the title of Outstanding Youth Volunteer Organization among Central Enterprise
serve society.
Taking a Child to Work Day was awarded the Golden Project of Youth Volunteer Services among Central Enterprise
Happy Space Charity Sale
98 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 99