





Page 103 - shehuizeren2012
P. 103


                        2013 年是“十二五”发展规划承上启下的重要时期,                    2013 is an important transition period for the 12th Five-
                                                                   Year Plan, and a key year for us to promote sustainable
                     也是推进中国建筑持续发展的关键一年。展望2013 年,
                                                                   development. Looking ahead, we will take “expanding a happy
                     中国建筑将以“拓展幸福空间”为使命,坚守既定战略,                     living environment” as our mission, honor our established
                                                                   strategy, and continue to innovate so as to achieve our
                                                                   comprehensive development.
                        ——重视质量和效益,弱化规模性指标考核。强                         —— Paying attention to quality and benefits, focusing
                     化企业短板、风险防范、核心竞争力和可持续发展能                       on the shortcomings of our enterprise and risk prevention,
                                                                   enhancing our core competitiveness and evaluating our
                     力考核,坚持和深化“三大市场”策略,实现企业发展                      sustainable development capability; deepening our “three
                     模式的转变,走集约式、内涵式、节能环保式发展道路。                     markets” strategy, transforming our development model,
                                                                   and taking the centralized, connotative, energy-saving and
                        ——加强绩效管理,构建绩效文化。通过团队和                      environment-friendly development road.
                     个人价值的提升,实现中国建筑集体价值的持续提升,                         —— Strengthening our performance management
                                                                   and culture, achieving continuous improvements through
                                                                   CSCEC’s collective value by improving the value of our teams
                        ——建立鼓励创新的机制,营造支持创新的宽松                      and individuals, enhancing our profitability, and ensuring the
                                                                   interests of our shareholders with good business performance.
                                                                      —— Establishing a mechanism for encouraging
                     建设全产业链“绿色k8凯发”、“数字k8凯发”和建筑工业                      innovation and creating a relaxed atmosphere for innovation,
                                                                   building a vibrant and innovative corporate image, promoting
                                                                   the construction of “green CSCEC” and “digital CSCEC”, and
                     发项目。                                          building industrialization in the whole industry chain, while
                        ——推进向节能环保新业务的转型。推动绿色科                      speeding up the construction of our scientific and technological
                                                                   research and development platform and major R&D projects.
                     技研发,启动从投资、规划开始,到设计、施工、物业管                        —— Advancing our transition to new energy-saving and
                     理的绿色全产业链示范项目,用实际行动为“生态文明”                     environmentally friendly businesses, promoting green sci-
                                                                   tech research and development, commencing with green
                     建设贡献力量。                                       demonstration projects in our industry chain from investment
                        ——推进管理提升活动。进一步完善项目管理标                      and planning to designing, construction and property
                                                                   management to contribute to the construction of an ecological
                     化管理,加强集采体系建设,提高管理效率,创造更                          —— Pressing ahead with improvements to management,
                                                                   further improving the standardization of our project
                                                                   management, implementing detailed management featuring
                        ——强化社会责任。努力为社会创造和提供更多                      “one cutting, two eliminations, three centralizations”,
                                                                   strengthening the construction of our central procurement
                                                                   system and improve management efficiency so as to create
                     持社区发展,热心公益慈善活动,努力实现公司与利益                      greater comprehensive value.
 OUTLOOK             责任为推动行业发展贡献自己的力量,持续刷新建筑                       and provide more job opportunities, continuing to promote
                                                                      —— Strengthening social responsibility, striving to create
                                                                   poverty alleviation work, utilizing our professional advantages
                                                                   in support of community development, devoting time and
                                                                   money to public welfare and charity activities and fostering
                                                                      As a leading central enterprise and an industry leader, we
                     方沟通,持续提升公司运营透明度、品牌美誉度和综                       harmony between our company and stakeholders.
 k8凯发正在努力成为最具国际竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团                                        should be responsible for contributing our share to promote
 We aim to become the most internationally competitive   合价值创造能力,与各利益相关方共同努力为“美丽中  the development of the industry, continuously setting  new
 construction and real estate enterprise integration group  国”建设做出更大的贡献。  records in building height, span and size. We will continue to
                                                                   communicate with stakeholders in a much more active manner
                                                                   to enhance the operation transparency, brand reputation and
                                                                   comprehensive ability to create value of our company. And we
                                                                   also will go on working together with stakeholders to make
                                                                   meaningful contributions to the construction of beautiful China.

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