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国务院国有资产监督管理委员会研究局副局长 楚序平 全球契约中国网络执行秘书长 程多生
Chu Xuping, Deputy Director General of Research Bureau of SASAC, State Council Cheng Duosheng, Executive Secretary-General of Global Compact Network China
中国建筑股份有限公司的这份报告,针对企业股东、客户、供应商、分包商、社区等利益相关方的关切和需求, 《中国建筑股份有限公司 2012 可持续发展报告》围绕“拓展幸福空间”的企业使命,从拓展价值空间、品
从拓展价值、品质、生态、成长、共赢、创新、和谐空间等七个方面,全面地披露了企业履行社会责任的实践和绩效。 质空间、生态空间、成长空间、共赢空间、创新空间、和谐空间等维度披露了公司过去一年可持续发展取得的新
最可喜的,是报告数据详实,披露的数据数量大、数据质量好。数据无言,但是表达能力最强,反映现象最真。 进展。报告内容详实,议题全面,表现形式灵活,行业特色鲜明,是一份充分体现中国建筑与利益相关方沟通
在信息化的今天,除了神仙,都要用数据说话。一串串闪亮的数据,点亮了报告,更展示了k8凯发股份强劲的可持续 诚意的高质量报告。
发展实力。孤立的数据意义不大,连续的丰富的数据形态才能揭示真实,体现高水平的管理能力。k8凯发股份的报 《报告》系统披露了中国建筑过去一年可持续发展取得的成效:关注股东利益,依法合规经营,不断提高盈
告体现了这个趋势和特点,在信息化时代,社会责任工作更需要注入数据要求和色彩,通过大数据分析,去掌握信息、 利能力;坚守品质,努力为客户提供优质的产品和服务;积极探索绿色设计、绿色开发、绿色施工的新途径,应对
获取洞察、采取行动、提升绩效。 气候变化,维护生态平衡;营造平等、尊重的企业氛围,为员工发展提供良好的平台;与供应商、分包商密切合作,
数据背后的生命,是中国建筑股份有限公司的企业价值观。公司以《k8凯发信条》为核心,以“拓展幸福空间”为 提高产业链发展水平,实现共生共荣、互利共赢;加强与国内外同行交流,营造“勇于创新、宽容失败”的企业创新
企业使命,突出为各利益相关方创造价值,在生产经营的每一个细节落实“诚信、创新、超越、共赢”的企业精神。 文化氛围,促进行业技术进步;完善社会责任管理机制,引领行业对社会责任管理创新,积极投身社会公益事业,
这是中国建筑股份有限公司的企业之本,是中国建筑企业的希望,也是中国企业的希望,是中国企业贡献于世界 履行企业公民责任。
的东方式社会责任管理价值。 《报告》披露内容符合联合国全球契约对人权、劳动、环保、反腐败等方面的要求,为国际社会提供了一个了
在信息化的今天,无论是政府促进美丽中国建设,还是企业促进可持续,还是学术研究,都需要通过数据分 解中国建筑的平台。希望中国建筑在新的一年中笃信而行,继续深化文化引领型社会责任推进模式,持续提升社
析进行沟通和决策,开始社会责任管理的量化进程。这份报告开了个好头,希望中国建筑股份有限公司百尺竿头 会责任管理水平,为各利益相关方创造更多的价值!
With the mission of contributing to the happy living environment, CSCEC Sustainability Report 2012 has disclosed its new
progress in sustainable development over the past year from seven dimensions including contributing to value space, quality space,
Taking into account the concerns and needs of stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, suppliers, subcontractors,
and community, CSCEC has fully disclosed its practice and performances of social responsibility from the aspects of value, quality, ecological space, growth space, win-win space, innovation space, and harmonious space.
ecology, development, win-win, innovation and harmony. The Report has systematically reveal the progress of sustainable development that China Construction made over the past
Most delightfully, I find the report is full of detailed and good-quality data. The data are silent, but more compelling and more year, paying attention to the interests of shareholders, operating by laws and regulations, and constantly improving profitability.
credible. In the digital and informational days, nobody can deny the fact that data speak louder than words. Chains of glittering In the aspect of quality, it strives to provide high-quality products and services. The company has actively explored the new ways
data have made the report more attractive, and showed the strong strength of sustainable development in China Construction. The to green design, green development and green construction, coped with climate change and maintained ecological balance. It has
isolated data are not meaningful, while the rich and continuous data can tell you the truth, and reflect the high-level management created equal and respectable corporate environment, and provided a good development platform for employees. It made close
capability. This report has represented such trend and features. In the age of information, we need to put the requirements and role cooperation with suppliers and subcontractors to improve the development of industry chain, and achieved mutual existence and
of data into the social responsibility work. Through analyzing a large number of data, we can grasp the information, gain insight, prosperity, and mutual benefits and win-win outcomes. It has also strengthened communication with the counterparts at home
take action and improve the performance. and abroad and created an environment for innovation featured with “brave to innovation and tolerant of failure” to promote
What is behind the life of the data is the corporate values of CSCEC. With “Credo of CSCEC” as the core, and the contribution technological progress in the industry. Furthermore, it has improved social responsibility management mechanism, led the
to the happy living environment as the corporate mission, the Company has given top priority to the value creation for stakeholders, innovative social responsibility management in the industry, devoted itself to public welfare and fulfill the responsibility as a
and earnestly implemented the corporate spirit of integrity, innovation, transcendence and win-win outcome in every detail of corporate citizen.
production and operation. This is the foundation of CSCEC, the hope of Chinese construction enterprises, and the expectation of The Report contains comprehensive issues, detailed information, rich representations, and distinctive industrial features. It is
Chinese enterprises, as well as the eastern social responsibility management value that Chinese enterprises contribute to the a high-quality sustainability report that has fully reflected China Construction’s sincerity to communicate with all stakeholders. The
world. Report has also provided a platform for international community to understand China Construction. What is disclosed in the Report
In the age of information, whether promoting the construction of a beautiful China by governments or achieving sustainable meets the requirements of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labor, environmental protection, anti-corruption,
development by enterprises, or conducting academic research, we need data analysis before communicating, making a decision, and other aspects. I hope China Construction may act with its commitments in the new year, continue to deepen the culture-led
or starting quantitative process of social responsibility management. This report is a good start. I hope China construction make social responsibility promotion model, and constantly improve social responsibility management to create more value for all the
greater efforts and make new and greater contributions to building a beautiful China and realizing the Chinese dream. stakeholders.
104 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 105