





Page 21 - shehuizeren2012
P. 21

公司概况  公司概况
 Company Profile  Company Profile

 可持续发展背景  可持续发展背景
 Background Information on   Background Information on
 Sustainable Development   Sustainable Development

 责任管理  责任管理
 Responsibility Management  Responsibility Management
 利益相关方沟通参与  利益相关方沟通参与
 Stakeholders’ Communication   Stakeholders’ Communication
 and Engagement  and Engagement
 责任创新                利益相关方沟通参与
 Responsibility Innovation
                     Stakeholders’ Communication and Engagement
                        满足利益相关方的合理要求、为利益相关方创造                         We are committed to meeting the reasonable
 越的经营管理思想,承载着全体员工共同的期冀。《k8凯发信条》明确了k8凯发在处理与客户、员工、股东、社会等利                requirements of our stakeholders and creating value for
 益相关方的关系时,必须信奉与秉承的最基本的原则与理念,系统地解答了企业发展过程中最基本的问题。《中                 them. We have established communication channels that help
                     通方式和渠道,主动了解利益相关方的期望与要求,并                      us better understand their expectations and demands, and
 建信条》是k8凯发实施文化引领型社会责任推进模式,开创具有中国建筑特色社会责任管理推进路径的重要支撑                  are proactively responding to their needs to strengthen our
 和依据。                                                              relationship.

 Releasing Credo of CSCEC to Explore Our Culture-led CSR
 The Credo of CSCEC concept stresses the importance
 of “embedding responsibility into our corporate culture”. It
 reflects excellent management thinking and embodies the
 expectations of all of our employees. It is a key principle that   各利益相关方沟通参与表
 must always be upheld when dealing with our relationship   Stakeholders’ Participation and Engagement
 with customers, employees, shareholders, society and other
 stakeholders. The concept systematically answers the basic
 questions we face in our development. It provide us with   利益相关方  期望与要求  沟通与回应方式
 important support and basis to promote culture-led social   Stakeholders  Expectations and Demands  Communication and Response
 responsibility model and explore social responsibility with
 Chinese architectural  characteristics.  股东与投资者  收益回报 Revenue and returns  提高盈利能力 Enhance profitability
                      Shareholders and   满意市值 Satisfying market value     及时披露信息
                      investors        权益保护 Protection of rights and interests  Disclose operational information in a timely manner
                                       了解公司经营情况 Understanding of operating conditions 遵守市场规则 Abide by the rules of the market
                                       诚信履约 Fulfillment of promises with integrity  合同执行 Fulfillment of contracts
                      客户               信息透明 Information transparency      需求调查 Survey demands
                      Customers        高质量产品 High-quality products        日常沟通 Offer daily communications
                                       高品质服务 High-quality services        建议与反馈 Provide suggestions and feedback
                                       节能减排 Energy conservation and emission reduction  绿色设计 Pursue green design
                      环境               应对气候变化 Tackle with climate change  绿色施工 Implement Green construction
                      Environment      节约资源 Save resources                维护生态平衡 Maintain ecological balance
                                       生态保护 Ecological protection         绿色办公 Build a green office
                                       共同成长 Common growth                 权益保护 Protect rights and interests
                      员工               工资与福利保障 Salaries and benefits      民主沟通 Use a democratic approach to communication
                      Employees        健康与安全 Health and safety            教育培训 Offer education and training
                                       人文关怀 Caring for people             劳动保护 Provide labor protection
                                       公平竞争 Fair competition              提升研发能力 Improve R&D capability
                      行业               推动行业技术进步                           参加行业发展论坛
                      Industry         Promote technological progress in the industry  Participate in the forums on industry development
                                       提升行业管理水平 Improve industrial management 管理提升 Improve management
                                       共同发展 Mutual development            协议合同执行 Fulfillment of agreements and  contracts
                                       合作共赢 Win-win cooperation           高层互访 Offer mutual visits by senior management
                      战略合作伙伴与供应链 资源共享 Sharing of resources                定期会议 Conduct regular meetings
                      Strategic partners   公开公正 Open and just             多渠道合作与研究 Provide multi-channel cooperation
                      & supply chain   公开采购 Fair procurement              建议与支持 Offer recommendations and support
                                       信守承诺 Fulfillment of promises       公开采购信息 Disclose procurement information
                                       保证付款 Secure payments               谈判与交流 Support negotiations and exchanges
                                       遵纪守法 Abide by laws and regulations
                                       依法纳税 Pay taxes in accordance with laws
                                       促进就业、教育培训                          合规管理 Compliance management
                                       Promote employment, education and training
                      政府、社区与公众                                            主动纳税 Pay taxes on time
                      Government,      公益慈善、社区参与                          支持与引导 Offer support and guidance
                      community and the   Conduct public welfare and charities and participate in   培训与宣传 Conduct training and propaganda
                                       the community
                      public           带动当地产业发展                           沟通活动 Provide communication activities
                                       Boost development of local industries  公益行动 Carry out public welfare initiatives
                                       Promote the development of community public services

 18  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  19
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