Page 19 - shehuizeren2012
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公司概况 公司概况
Company Profile Company Profile
可持续发展背景 可持续发展背景
Background Information on Background Information on
Sustainable Development Sustainable Development
责任管理 责任管理
Responsibility Management Responsibility Management
利益相关方沟通参与 利益相关方沟通参与
Stakeholders’ Communication Stakeholders’ Communication
and Engagement and Engagement
Social Responsibility Management Index System of CSCEC
Community Strategy and Management
由社区参与和沟 由公司概况、
通、就业和培训、社区 战略及分析、公司治理、
发展、战略合作、文化和教育、 责任管理等 4 个议题、18 个
参与《中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS- Participating in Compiling Writing Guidance for China CSR 捐赠救灾、安全生产等7个议题、 指标构成
CSR3.0)》建筑、地产两大行业指标体系的编制,助 Reports (CASS-CSR3.0) to Enhance Efficiency and Quality 33 个指标构成 It is made up of company profile, strategy
of Compiling Social Responsibility Reports
力行业提高社会责任报告编制效率与质量 It is made up of community involvement and analysis, company management
We compiled construction and real estate industry index and communication, employment and and responsibility management,
我 们 参 与《中国 企 业社 会 责 任 报告编写指南 system, parts of Writing Guidance for China CSR Reports 由员 training, community development, including 18 indexes
strategic cooperation, culture
(CASS-CSR3.0)》建筑、地产两大行业指标体系的编制, (CASS-CSR3.0), which help construction and real estate 工权益、员 and education, donation 济绩效、发
companies to enhance their efficiency and quality during 员 工 工发展、职业健 and disaster relief, safety 展能力、依法合
为建筑、地产企业提高社会责任报告编制效率和质量 compiling social responsibility reports. Employees 4 个议题、28 个指标构成 production, including 个指标构成 Shareholders/ Investors
规等 3 个议题、12
33 indexes.
Compiling the CSCEC Management Manual on Social It is made up of employee rights, It is made up of economic
Responsibility Indexes to Improve Industrial Social employee development, occupational performance, development ability and
health and security and caring for employees,
compliance with laws and regulations,
编制《中国建筑社会责任指标管理手册》,促进行业 Responsibility Managment including 28 indexes. including 12 indexes.
社会责任管理提升 Following an investigation, we compiled the 社会责任
k8凯发开展了《中国建筑社会责任指标管理手册》(以 CSCEC Management Manual on Social Responsibility Social Responsibility
Indexes(hereafter called "The Manual") to explore to
下简称“《手册》”)的调研、编写工作,探索构建中国 establish a social responsibility management index system 由行业推动、国际影响、公平竞争、尊重知识产权等 Management Index 建筑类包括公平营销、建造质量、建造服务等 3 个
建筑乃至行业社会责任管理指标体系,为行业社会责 for CSCEC and the whole industry. The Manual establishes a 4 个议题、17 个指标构成 议题 21 个指标;地产类包括地产质量、购房服务、
物业服务等 3 个议题、21 个指标
comprehensive social responsibility index system which aims It is made up of industry promotion,
任管理提升做出努力。编制《手册》的目的是构建完整 international influence, fair competitiveness
at improving the basic understanding of social responsibility 由环境 由权 益 Construction industry is made up of fair
管 理、应
的社会责任指标体系,普及社会责任指标管理基础知 management among our staff and guiding them to conduct and respecting intellectual rights, 对气候变化、 保护、责任 marketing practices, quality and services,
including 17 indexes.
including 21 indexes. And real estate
采 购 与责 任
the social responsibility index management in their daily work. 提高资源利用效 分包、合作共赢 industry is made up of quality,
The Manual defines eight fields, 38 issues, and 188 indexes, Industy 率、防止污染、保护 等 3 个 议 题、11 个 purchasing services and
生物多样性、绿色物 指标构成 proper t y ser vices, Clients
指导员工在日常工作中开展社会责任指标管理。《手册》 and helps us keep abreast of real-time performances so as 业服务及绿色办公等 7 including 21 indexes. 客 户
明确了公司社会责任指标体系所涉及的 8 个领域、38 to better diagnose risks and correct shortcomings associated 个议题、27 个指标构成 It is made up of protection of
with our operations. It also enhances our ability to mitigate It is made up of environmental rights and benefits, responsible
procurement and subpackage
个议题、188 个指标,有助于公司推进所属企业社会 risks and achieve sustainable development while providing a management, tackling climate and win-win cooperation, including 11
reference point for counterparts who wish to promote social change, enhancing efficiency of resource indexes.
责任工作,实时掌握社会责任各方面指标的履行情况, consumption, preventing pollution,
responsibility management. protecting biodiversity, green property
及时诊断公司运营中面临的风险和不足,进一步提升 services and green office, including
27 indexes.
Supply Chain
环 境
16 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 17