





Page 17 - shehuizeren2012
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公司概况  公司概况
 Company Profile  Company Profile

 可持续发展背景  可持续发展背景
 Background Information on   Background Information on
 Sustainable Development   Sustainable Development

 责任管理  责任管理
 Responsibility Management  Responsibility Management
 利益相关方沟通参与  利益相关方沟通参与
 Stakeholders’ Communication   Stakeholders’ Communication
 and Engagement  and Engagement
 责任管理                责任沟通                                          Responsibility Communication
 Responsibility Management  中国建筑将对内、对外的责任沟通作为企业社                      China Construction considers internal and external
                                                                   communication on responsibility as an important part in
                     会责任推进工作中的重要内容,不断完善沟通机制建                       promoting its corporate social responsibility. Therefore it
                     设,使股东、员工、客户、合作伙伴、政府和社会公众                      improves its communication mechenism continuously to make
 k8凯发以“拓展幸福空间”为使命,完善社会责任工  Our mission is to continue “expanding a happy living   了解公司社会责任履行情况。  stakeholders such as shareholders, employees, customers,
 environment” and to improve and strengthen our social             partners, goverments and the public know its CSR practices in
 responsibility system and approach to communication and   k8凯发发布了《中国建筑股份有限公司 2011 可持续  time.
 责任深入融入到公司战略、日常经营管理当中,不断提  innovation. We will integrate corporate social responsibility into   发展报告 / 社会责任报告》,向利益相关方系统传播  We have released CSCEC 2011 Sustainability Report/
 our corporate strategy and daily operations and management        CSR Report to better disseminate information about our social
 to raise the happiness index of our stakeholders.  公司社会责任理念与实践。   responsibility concept and practices to our stakeholders.
                                                                      To further exchange our achievements and experiences,
 社会责任工作体系   System of Social Responsibility Initiatives  公司领导参加企业社会责任工作会议、论坛等相  our leaders participated in the Working Conferences on Social
                     关活动,交流公司社会责任工作的成效和经验。                         Responsibility of Central Enterprises as well as a number of
 k8凯发建立覆盖公司各层级、各领域的文化引领型  We have established a culture-led social responsibility   other activities.
 社会责任工作体系,成立由高管和部门负责人组成的  system that covers all business units and all fields, and have
 set up the Social Responsibility Committee. The committee is
 社会责任委员会,负责领导公司整体社会责任工作。  made up of employees from top management and department
 社会责任委员会下设社会责任工作办公室,主要  heads and is responsible for steering our approach to social
 负责制定社会责任工作规划、管理制度,组织实施社  The Social Responsibility Committee has also established
 会责任实践,对外开展社会责任交流,编制发布社会  a Social Responsibility Office. The Office is responsible for
 the planning and implementation of all social responsibility
 initiatives, formulating our management system, and carrying
 out all practices and external exchanges related to social
 responsibility, as well as compiling and releasing reports.

 中国建筑社会责任管理工作架构                                                                 中国建筑参与第八届中国企业社会责任国际论坛
 Social Responsibility Management Framework  of CSCEC               China Construction participated in the 8th China CSR International Forum

 公司总部  二级单位  三级单位  项目部  2012 年度中国建筑参加社会责任活动情况
 Corporate Headquarters  Secondary Units  Tertiary Units   Project Department  The Social Responsibility Activities CSCEC Participated In In 2012

                     参加“第八届中国企业社会责任国际论坛暨 2012 最具责任感企业颁奖典礼”,并作为获奖企业代表参加论坛对话
 社会责任委员会  社会责任委员会    Participated in the 8th China CSR International Forum and the Ceremony to Announce 2012 the Most Responsible Enterprise
 Social Responsibility   Social Responsibility   and a dialogue session as a  representative of  prize-winners
 Committee  Committee
                     Participated in the 5th China CSR Report International Seminar and presented keynote speech
 社会责任工作办公室  社会责任工作办公室
 Social Responsibility Office  Social Responsibility Office  参加“中国企业社会责任报告评级年度总结会暨《中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS-CSR3.0)》研讨会”,
                     Participated in the Summing-up Conference on Rating China CSR Reports and the Workshop on CASS-CSR3.0 and presented
 职能部门、事业部  接口部门或单位  接口部门或单位  接口部门或单位  keynote speech
 Functional Departments,   Interface Departments   Interface Departments   Interface Departments
 Business Divisions  and Units  and Units  and Units  参加“第四届上市公司社会责任报告高峰论坛”
                     Participated in the 4th Summit Forum on Social Responsibility Reports of Listed Companies
 相关负责人  相关负责人  相关负责人  相关负责人  参加“第七届中欧企业社会责任圆桌论坛”, 并作主题发言
 Relevant Persons in Charge  Relevant Persons in Charge  Relevant Persons in Charge  Relevant Persons in Charge
                     Gave keynote speech at the 7th Sino-European CSR Roundtable Forum
 上下级关系  Relationship between Superior and Subordinate
 业务指导关系  Relationship of Business Guidance  Participated in the Ceremony to Release the Blue Paper on China CSR of CASS

 14  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  15
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