Page 25 - shehuizeren2012
P. 25
Optimizing Corporate
Upholding Honest Operations
Enhancing Development
荣誉及利益相关方评价 中国建筑关注股东长期、持续的收益和回报。k8凯发致力于建立良好的投资者关系,健全股东权益保护机制,
Honors and Stakeholders’ Comments 真实、准确、完整、及时地披露公司信息。k8凯发不断提升盈利能力,强化风险防控,以良好的经营业绩保障股东价
利润总额进入中央企业前 10 强。 We have a strong tradition of focusing on shareholders’ long-term and sustained returns. We have build good relations with
investors, constantly look to improve our protection of shareholders’ rights and interests, and disclose information in an accurate,
连续 7 年获得中央企业负责人经营业绩考核 A 级。
complete and timely manner. We aim at increasing our profitability, and are regularly strengthening our risk prevention and control
公司信用等级被中国对外承包工程商会评定为对外承包工程企业信用等级评价 AAA 级;被中诚信国际信用评级 system to ensure optimal and sustained value for shareholders through good operation performances.
有限公司,中国工商银行、中国农业银行、中国银行、中国建设银行、中国交通银行评定为 AAA 资信等级。
2012 年度公司治理专项奖中,公司入围董事会奖前 20 位。 优化公司治理
Optimizing Corporate Governance
—— 东兴证券股份有限公司行业分析师 郑闵钢
与其他建筑和地产公司相比,中国建筑业绩持续增长,确定性强。 k8凯发按照《公司法》、《证券法》等法律规定和现 In accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law and
other regulations, as well as the institutional requirements for
—— 中国国际金融有限公司行业分析师 丁玥 代企业制度要求,建立健全规范的法人治理结构,设 modern enterprise, we have established a standard corporate
中国建筑房建业务稳健推行“大项目”战略,充足在手订单保证收入稳定增长。同时,商品房开发领域良好的品牌 立股东大会、董事会、监事会、经营层和职能机构。董 governance structure. We have also set up Shareholders’
General Meeting, Board of Directors, Supervision Committee,
和管理优势,也将平稳应对市场波动。 事会内部设立战略与决策委员会、审计委员会、人事与
Management Level and Functional Organizations. Moreover,
—— 中国银河证券股份有限公司行业分析师 罗泽兵 薪酬委员会三个专门委员会,研究讨论提交董事会审 we have established three special committees including
a Strategy and Decision-making Committee, an Auditing
中国新型城镇化规划在未来有望逐步落实,中国建筑在房建工程领域引领行业创新发展模式,有望在中、西部地 议的重大事项,形成正式提案。股东大会、董事会和
Committee, and a Personnel and Remuneration Committee
区城镇化率提升过程中显著受益。 监事会均制定了明确的议事规则和工作程序,运作机 under the Board of Directors to discuss major issues and
—— 国泰君安证券股份有限公司行业分析师 韩其成 制规范,机构运转协调。 provide formal proposals to the Board for consideration. We
have clear and standardized rules of procedure and working
processes for our Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of
Ranked among the Top 10 central enterprises by gross profit. Directors and the Supervision Committee.
Awarded Class-A Prize in the Examination of Business Performance 7 years in a row.
Rated as AAA Chinese international contractor by China International Contractors Association (CHINCA) and rated as AAA credit
rating by China Chengxin Credit Rating Co., Ltd., Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of
China, China Construction Bank and Bank of Communication.
Our Board of Directors was given the “Prize for Best Board of Directors”, and its secretary was granted the "Prize for the most 股东大会
Creative Secretary" in the Eighth Selection of Golden Round Table Prize for Board of Directors of China Listed Companies. The Shareholders’General Meeting
company was nominated as a “Top 20 Board of Directors” in the selection of 2012 prize for corporate governance among the
companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
监事会 董事会
Facing an investment downturn in the infrastructure construction market and tighter real estate regulations, the company made Supervision Commitee Office of The Board
positive adjustments to its business structure to ensure its stable profitability. 战略与决策委员会
Strategy and Decision-
Zheng Mingang, Analyst of Dongxing Securities Co., Ltd. making Committee
Compared with other building and real estate companies, CSCEC has maintained steady performance. 审计委员会
Ding Yue, Analyst from China International Capital Corporation Limited Management Level Auditing Committee
China Construction has steadily promoted “big project” strategy in housing construction business, and its sufficient orders in hand 人事与薪酬委员会
have ensured the stable growth in its operating income. In the meanwhile, with its good brand and management advantages in the Personnel and
field of real estate development, China Construction will also steadily deal with the fluctuations in the markets. Remuneration Committee
Luo Zebing, Analyst of China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd. Functional Organisations
China is expected to gradually implement the new urbanization planning in the future, and China Construction is leading the
innovation and development model of the industry in the fields of housing construction and engineering, so it will be expected to
significantly benefit from increasing the urbanization rate in the central and western regions.
Han Qicheng, from Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.
k8凯发不断优化和完善治理机制,充分发挥董事会 We are optimizing and improving our governance
mechanisms, utilizing the role of the Board, and conducting
full-process monitoring in all of our investment projects and
行全过程监控,控制风险,助力公司实现可持续发展。 optional management to control risks and help us in our
pursuit of sustainable development.
22 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 23