Page 29 - shehuizeren2012
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优化公司治理 优化公司治理
Optimizing Corporate Optimizing Corporate
Governance Governance
坚持诚信经营 坚持诚信经营
Upholding Honest Operations Upholding Honest Operations
增强发展能力 增强发展能力
Enhancing Development Enhancing Development
Capacity Capacity
Deliver information rapidly to
increase overall understanding Enhancing Development Capacity
problems with professional knowledge
Answer investors’ questions and Investor Reception By telephone, email Investor Strategy Communicate about company 致力于质量效益型发展,推进企业发展模式的转变。 proprietor, and big projects) strategy, we are committed to
Adhering to the PRSII and “Three Big” (Big market, big
and SMS
offering quality that benefits our overall development and
promote the transformation of our corporate development
model. By implementing a detailed management system
centralizations”, and creating the N+1, N+2 value with N-1
developments and industry prospects
沟通交流公司发展状况、 行业前景等
resource consumption and costs, we intend to increase our
Main channels to 投资者策略会 N-1 的资源消耗和成本费用去创造 N+1、N+2 的价值, that features “one cutting, two eliminations, three
disclose information profitability, strengthen our risk prevention and enhance our
Capital Market
资本市场 研究报告 shareholders.
to investors control mechanisms to ensure optimal and sustained value to
institutions that compile reports
业绩路演 Research Reports 对研究机构撰写 发展策略 Development Strategy
Reverse Roadshow
Performance Support and assist research
In combination with the strategic objective of the “One
Roadshow k8凯发围绕“一最两跨、科学发展”战略目标,制定 Most and Two Entries” approach, we have formulated the
spot project investigations
informatization and internationalization) development strategy,
Organize investors to make on-the-
主动向投资者推介公司信息 “专业化、区域化、标准化、信息化和国际化”发展策略, PRSII (professionalization, regionalization, standardization,
Actively introduce company which sets the direction for how we aim to become the most
information to investors 了前进方向。 internationally competitive building real estate group in the
2012 年,“五化”发展策略继续向纵深推进。k8凯发 world.
In 2012, we went on promoting our PRSII strategy
信息公开 Information Disclosure 通过内部整合和外部并购的方式,成立了具有优势资 further. We set up specialized companies possessing superior
k8凯发秉承“诚,而后沟通”的原则,以投资者关系 Information disclosure is vital to protecting the 源的专业公司;不断强化重点区域资源配置强度,努力 resources by means of internal integration and external
legitimate rights and interests of shareholders and to 实现区域层面的效益最大化和可持续发展;交融推进 merger and acquisition. We continued to strenthen resource
管理、信息披露等制度为基本保障,构建全方位的投 promoting standardized operations. By means of information allocation in important regions to maximize our benefit
资者关系管理体系。通过定期报告、临时公告等信息 disclosure channels such as periodical reports and interim 标准化和信息化,企业生产和管理方式逐步提升;海 and realize sustainable development at regional level and
announcements and direct communication channels such as 外经营实现规模效益双增长,国际化水平进一步提高。 promoted standardization and informatization simultaneously
披露渠道,路演、反路演等直接沟通渠道,真实、全 to improve our ways in production and management gradually.
roadshow and reverse road show, we disclose information
面、及时披露公司信息,建立与投资者和社会公众全 in a comprehensive and timely way, and are always building We realized scale expansion and benefit increasing in overseas
bridges to help us better communicate with investors and operation, which enhanced our internationalization further.
the public. We believe these are the best ways to meet the
构等利益相关方的信息需求。 information needs of stakeholders such as capital markets and 营销策略
regulatory agencies, among others. Marketing Strategy
2012 年,k8凯发按规定披露信息 68 份,其中定期报 k8凯发坚持“大市场、大业主、大项目”策略,将战
In 2012, we had disclosed 68 copies of information in We are committed to our “big market, big proprietor,
告 4 份、临时公告 49 份、其它信息 15 份,平均每 7 个交 accordance with regulations, including four periodical reports, 略合作和大客户营销作为重要内容,努力提升营销层 big project” strategy, and see strategic cooperation and
49 interim announcements, and 15 copies of other information.
易日有 2 份信息与资本市场见面;举行 3 次大型业绩路 次。通过高端营销,k8凯发实现了大市场向区域化市场、 key customer marketing as an essential part of our future
Two copies of information were released to the capital market success. Through high-end marketing initiatives, we have
演及10 多场反路演,面对面满足投资者的深度需求。 in an average of seven days. We held three big performance 大业主向合作型业主、大项目向效益型项目的转变升 transformed from focusing solely on big markets to regional
roadshows and more than ten reverse roadshows to meet the markets, from being a big proprietor to a cooperative
further needs of investors face to face. 级,产品结构、区域布局不断优化。 owner and from focusing on big projects to projects that
2012 年,合同质量进一步提升,大项目比重明显 are mutually beneficial to all parties. We have done this to
增加。与大客户签署合作项目金额突破 4,500 亿元,占 optimize our project structure and regional distribution.
In 2012, we increased the quality of our contracts and
总合同额近 50%。房建承包单体项目平均合同额达 3.5 the number of big projects that we were involved in. The
亿元,同比增加 21%。 value of contracts signed with key customers exceeded RMB
450 billion, accounting for nearly 50% of the total value of
contracts that year. The average value of a single housing
construction project contract was RMB 350 million, an
increase of 21% over the previous year.
法国巴黎银行赴郑州富士康项目反路演 2012 年度中期业绩推介会
BNP Paribas Held a Reverse Roadshow at Fushikang Shopping Mall in Zhengzhou 2012 Interim Results Conference
26 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 27