





Page 26 - shehuizeren2012
P. 26

优化公司治理                                                                                                                 优化公司治理
       Optimizing Corporate                                                                                                   Optimizing Corporate
       Governance                                                                                                             Governance

       坚持诚信经营                                                                                                                 坚持诚信经营
       Upholding Honest Operations                                                                                            Upholding Honest Operations

       增强发展能力                                                                                                                 增强发展能力
       Enhancing Development                                                                                                  Enhancing Development
       Capacity                                                                                                               Capacity
                      重大投资项目决策前调研:在投资评审阶段,公司董                       Making investigations before deciding to invest in major                   k8凯发规范合同管理,严格遵守合同规定,履行合                          We standardized our contract management system, honored
                                                                    projects:independent directors make on-the-spot                                                                       all provisions in our contracts and respected our contractual
                      事实地考察项目,减少决策风险;                                                                                                       同义务,全年未发生重大违规事件。
                                                                    investigations at the investment evaluation stage to reduce                                                           obligations. In 2012, no significant  violations occurred in the
                      关注已投资项目情况:全面评估投资项目实施情况,                       decision-making risks;                                                                                                company.
                                                                    Focusing on the performance of invested projects: fully                 内部审计
                                                                    evaluating the performance of invested projects, and                                                                  Internal Audit
                      效控制投资风险和预期投资收益回收;                             tracking the implementation of decisions and changes to the                k8凯发重视内部审计监督,在深化审计体制改革,
                                                                    decision-making process to effectively control investment               加强审计信息化、标准化的基础上,重点关注投资、工                          We pay much more attention to internal audit supervision
                      全程监控重大经营行为:发挥独立董事事中监督作                                                                                                                                              and focus on investment, project management, cadre
                                                                    risks and recover expected investment returns;
                      用,参与并监控风险管理、内部控制等重大经营行为,                      Monitoring the entire process for major operational                     程项目治理、干部监管、结算收款、绩效考核等领域。                      monitoring, balancing accounts, performance assessment,and
                                                                                                                                                                                          other fields on the basis of deepening audit system reform,
                      与监事会事后监督职能形成互补。                               activities: utilizing the supervising role of independent               2012 年,k8凯发开展审计项目 620 项。通过审计监督,不                strengthening audit informatization and standardization. In
                                                                    directors, monitoring operational and management                        断完善企业内部控制、改进风险管理、规范公司治理、
                                                                    activities, participating in risk management and internal                                                             2012, we audited 620 items to improve our internal control and
                                                                    controls.                                                               促进公司可持续发展。                                    risk management and regulate corporate governance, through
                                                                                                                                                                                          which we urged the sustainable development in our company.
                     坚持诚信经营                                                                                                                 商业道德
                     Upholding Honest Operations                                                                                                                                          Business Ethics
                                                                                                                                                                                              Adhering to the principles of seeking both temporary and
                                                                                                                                            预防的工作方针,全面推进惩防体系建设、廉洁文化                       permanent solutions, carrying out comprehensive controls,
                                                                                                                                                                                          taking measures that prevent and punish wrongful acts, and
                        k8凯发重视诚信经营,遵守国家法律法规、国际惯                         We conduct all operations in good faith, abide by state               建设、廉洁风险防控等反腐倡廉工作,促进“规范企                       paying close attention to preventative measures, we have fully
                                                                   laws and regulations, international conventions and business
                     例和商业道德,不断完善自身制度和管理体系,使企                                                                                                业行为,净化企业环境,服务社会发展”目标的实现。                      implemented anti-corruption initiatives that standardize our
                                                                   ethics, and always seek to improve our internal structure                                                              corporate activities, clean our corporate environment, and
                     业诚信经营有章可循;强化运营管控,夯实诚信基础;                      and management system for honest operations. We regularly                    k8凯发深入开展廉洁文化建设,宣传陈超英先进典                     serve our social development.
                                                                   strengthen our operational management processes, and                     型,对领导人员、监督系统人员和普通员工开展针对
                     建立信息披露机制,接受外部监督,以诚信经营提升                                                                                                                                                  We have taken extensive efforts to embed a corruption-
                                                                   are consolidating our credit basis. We have established an                                                             free culture throughout the company. By publicizing our
                     公司内在品质和价值创造能力。全年未发生偷税漏税                       information disclosure mechanism and accept supervision                  性培训,推动党风廉政建设责任制全面覆盖公司总部,                      advanced Chen Chaoying model, we have set targets and
                     事件。                                           from external bodies to better improve our internal quality and          事业部,二级至三级单位和项目管理部,初步实现了廉                      conduct  tailored  training  for  leaders,  supervisors  and
                                                                   value creation capacity. Throughout the year, no tax evasion                                                           other employees. Having a corruption-free culture in our
                                                                   occurred at CSCEC.                                                       洁文化建设工作常态化和标准化。全年开展反腐倡廉                       headquarters , all business departments, secondary and
                     合规管理                                                                                                                   教育活动 2,531 场次,参加反腐倡廉教育活动 98,319               tertiary units, and project management departments made us
                        k8凯发以总法律顾问制度为核心,制定和执行合规                      Compliance Management                                                    人次。                                           realize a standardized approach to anti-corruption. In 2012, we
                                                                                                                                                                                          conducted 2,531 anti-corruption education activities for 98,319
                     管理制度,培育合规管理文化,防范合规风险;将信息                         We make centralized legal consultation system at the                                                                participants.
                                                                   core, formulate and implement a complicance management
                                                                   system to prevent compliance risks. We have raised legal
                     建立海外法律管理体系,健全海外法律风险防范机制,                      awareness among our staff and implemented an information
                     不断推动合规管理工作标准化、信息化和国际化。                        management system for legal affairs as well as established               2010、2011 和 2012 年廉洁文化建设具体行动
                                                                   an overseas legal management system. We are working                      Measures to build a corruption-free culture in 2010, 2011 and 2012
                                                                   to improve these mechanisms so as to prevent overseas
                                                                   legal risks and standardize our international compliance                   廉洁文化建设具体行动
                                                                   management system.                                                         Measures to Build a Corruption-free Culture       2010         2011          2012
                                                                                                                                              Items demonstrating the importance of building a corruption-free   188  245  421
                                                              营造守法                                                                                                                             29,243        20,521       34,081
                                     建立合规                     合规氛围                     控制重大                                                   Education campaigns with warning cases(person-time)
                                     工作标准                                              法律风险                                                   签订党风廉政责任书(份)
                                                           Abide by all laws and
                                  Establish compliance     create a company-wide     Control all major                                        Signing a“Letter of Responsibility on Building a Corruption-free   25  25    35
                                   working standards      compliance atmosphere        legal risks                                            Culture”( copies)
                                                                                                                                              各级领导人员实行廉洁承诺(人次)                                  3,688        8,636         9,767
                                                                                                                                              Anti-corruption commitments of all leaders(person-time)
                                                                                                                                              Leadership dialogue on the promotion of an anti-corruption culture  2,589  3,950  5,429
                        印发《知识产权管理手册》、《合同管             组织“六五”普法辩论赛                推进项目法律顾问工作,建立项目法                                             学习《国有企业领导人员廉洁从业若干规定》和《党员领导干部廉洁
                        理手册》及工程分包分供合同范本               Organize the June 5th Legal Knowledge   律风险报告机制                                         从政若干准则》(人次)                                       17,764       12,410       30,200
                        Print and distribute Intellectual Property   Debate Contest  Promote the legal consultation for all                   Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations for Senior Management of State-
                        Management  Manual  and  Contract                        projects and establish a mechanism for                       owned Enterprises and the Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations on
                        Management Handbook and sub-contract                     reporting the legal risks associated with                    Political Practices for Party Leaders(person-time)
                        template for construction engineering                    projects

         24  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                                                                                                                                拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  25
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