Page 61 - shehuizeren2010
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关于k8凯发 About Us
China Construction adopts the environmental policy of “Green Construction based on Environmental Harmony”, incorporating the Sustainable Operation
principle of “Energy-saving, environmentally friendly, and ecological construction” into its management, design, procurement, construction
and services, leading low-carbon development in the construction and real estate industry.
Environmental Management Technological Innovation
中国建筑以“推进绿色技术引领行业进步”为宗 China Construction adheres to the principle of “Promoting
green technology and leading industry advancement”. In accordance
with ISO1400 standards, we have developed an environmental
环境管控水平,持续推进环境管理的规范化、系统化、 management system to improve the quality of environmental 质
精细化。 control; and we will continually improve the standardisation,
systematisation, and specialisation of environmental management.
2010年,环保总投资近亿元人民币。 Quality
In 2010, our investment in environmental protection was
组织《施工现场环境控制规程》师资培训班3期,覆 close to 100 million RMB.
盖900人次。 Three terms of the training course on Environmental
Control Procedures for Construction Sites were conducted, with
participation totalling 900 placements.
Environmental Management System 安
组织保障 设置组织机构 建立三级环境监控体系,推进环境保护的系统化 Safety
Organisational Establishing a department Develop a three-tier Environmental Control System, to promote the
to organise environmental
Setting protection work systematisation of environmental protection
规范标准 完善制度 《施工现场环境标准》,规范公司环保行为 环境管理 环
Standardisation Improvement of Compile the Environmental Control Act, Guide to Energy-saving and 协调工作小组 公司总部 境
Criteria the system Emission-reduction, and Construction Site Environmental Standards to Management
standardise the company’s environmental protection strategies Coordination Unit Environment
环保管理 三级环境
能力提升 标准推广 环保培训,提高员工环保意识,落实环境管理制度 环境管理 监控体系
Improvement of Promotion of environmental Organise training programmes on environmental protection with centralised Environmental 子企业
Capability management standards courses, seminars, forums, and field studies to enhance environmental awareness Management Three-tier Environmental Subsidiary
among employees and promote the environmental management system Department Control System
加强环保技能技术的推广与应用,实施绿色设计、 员
过程控制 标准应用 绿色采购、绿色建造,打造绿色地产 环境管理 工
Process Application of environmental Strengthen the promotion and application of environmentally friendly skills 工作人员 项目
Control and technologies; implement green design, green procurement, green Environmental Project Staff
control standards Management Staff
construction and green real estate
环境考核 考核机制 完善环境管理科学考核机制
Environment Assessment Improve the assessment mechanism for environmental management
Assessment mechanism science
会 Society
2010可持续发展报告 59
Sustainability Report 2010