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P. 56

            Safety System

                 中国建筑重视安全制度建设,推进安全生产标准化                            China Construction stresses the establishment of safety
                                                               systems, and vigorously promotes standardised production safety,
                                                               as to ensure there are sufficient guidelines and rules concerning
            一步完善安全规章制度,起草《中国建筑安全生产奖惩管                          production safety. In 2010, we further enhanced our safety
            理暂行办法》,对奖励条件和标准以及安全生产问责做出                          regulations and drafted the Interim Measures for Production
                                                               Safety Rewards and Punishments within China Construction to
                                                               clearly specify the conditions for rewards and punishments, as
            生产提供系统指导。                                          well as accountability for production safety. We also published
                 公司根据国家安监管理规定,与所属企业签订安全                        and implemented the Production Safety Management Manual, to
                                                               provide systematic guidelines on production safety.
                                                                   We abide by the provisions of the State Administration of Work
            安全生产月期间,公司与各工程局、事业部和设计院等单                          Safety, and sign agreements concerning safe production with all
            位签订《2010年度安全生产责任书》,明确二级单位安全                        levels of the Company, to ensure that each level is given appropriate
                                                               responsibilities, and all work is controllable and under control.
                                                               During National Safety Month, we signed the 2010 Production
            级企业与下属300家企业签订安全生产责任书,各企业与                         Safety Responsibility Agreement with various engineering bureaux,
            所属近7000个项目签订安全生产责任书,将安全生产责任                        departments and design institutes, to specify production safety
                                                               objectives, management objectives and job responsibilities of class-
                                                               two units, and performed quantitative assessments. All class-two
            重点负责、人人参与。                                         enterprises signed production safety responsibility agreements
                                                               with 300 affiliated enterprises, which signed production safety
                                                               responsibility agreements for almost 7000 projects, to ensure that the
                                                               production safety responsibility system covers every project, every
                                                               post and every process. Hence, we achieved full responsibility for and
                                                               full participation in safe production.
            Safety Inspections

                 中国建筑有计划、有重点地进行安全检查,从实际                            China Construction plans and performs focused safety
                                                               inspections, establishes safety inspection plans in accordance
                                                               with individual project needs, specifies inspection objectives and
            把安全生产中存在的薄弱环节和关键问题作为检查重                            requirements, and focuses on the less secure process and key
            点。通过检查实现整改隐患、预防事故发生并促进安全                           problems during inspections. Inspection can enhance production
                                                               safety through immediate rectification of hidden dangers and
                                                               prevention of accidents.
                 2010年,公司总部组织2次安全生产大检查工作和                          In 2010, the headquarters organised two general production
            5次专项安全生产检查工作,共检查项目160多个、施工                         safety inspections and five specific production safety inspections.
                                                               A total of 160 projects and over 80 construction enterprises
                                                               (companies  and  organisations)  were  inspected.  Over  200
            份,提出整改管理隐患1,000余条。                                 notifications regarding rectification of hidden dangers were sent.
                                                               More than 1,000 recommendations regarding rectification and
                                                               management of hidden dangers were made.

         54  中国建筑股份有限公司
            China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited
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