





Page 58 - shehuizeren2010
P. 58

            Safety Culture

                                                                   China Construction took the Production Safety Month and
                                                               Production Safety Year as opportunities to organise a series
            机,广泛开展形式多样、主题突出的系列宣传教育活动,                          of publicity and education campaigns, which included various
            提高全员安全生产意识,共同营造安全文化。                               activities and prominent themes, to raise awareness of production
                                                               safety and create a safety culture.
                                                                   All enterprises and the project management department
            公共区域等地悬挂宣传横幅,张贴宣传资料,制作黑板                           of China Construction hung banners in offices and public
            报、挂图、事故案例等多形式、多渠道加大宣传力度,营                          areas, posted promotional materials, and made use of a variety of
                                                               communication channels including blackboards, wall charts and case
                                                               studies to enhance publicity and help create a safe atmosphere. On
            施、安全知识漫画、施工中主要事故类型等科普知识图片                          Safety Consultation Day, we held a science exhibition and introduced
            展览;发放安全生产宣传材料,促进各级人员安全意识的                          accident prevention measures, safety knowledge comics, and major
                                                               categories of construction accidents. We also distributed promotional
                                                               materials on production safety, to raise safety awareness among all
            业、各项目部安排员工撰文,公司择优予以刊登,交流、                          staff. An essay writing activity was held under the theme of Production
            宣传好的经验和做法;在公司总部、各二级企业、各项目                          Safety Month. Enterprises and project departments invited
                                                               their staff to write articles, the best of which were published,
                                                               to exchange and promote good experiences and practices.
            为主题的安全生产知识测试,共有近3万名管理人员参加                          The company headquarters, class-two enterprises and project
            知识测试,数万农民工参与答题。                                    departments held production safety knowledge tests under the theme
                                                               of “Be responsible and knowledgeable regarding production safety”.
                                                               Nearly 30,000 managerial personnel participated in the tests, and
            式包括组织安全生产活动,张贴标语,出动宣传车,组织                          some 10,000 rural migrant workers participated in oral tests.
            安全检查,举办安全知识竞赛、演讲、表彰和安全专题会                              Safety activities are organised for overseas projects. Activities
                                                               include posting slogans, safety inspections, safety knowledge
                                                               competitions, speeches, commendations and safety conferences.
            泰国、韩国、阿联酋、卡塔尔、科威特、美国、阿尔及利                          In 2010, more than 400 safety activities were organised by branches
            亚等国家和地区的k8凯发机构,覆盖250,000人次。                          of China Construction in countries and regions including Congo
                                                               (Brazzaville), Singapore, Thailand, Korea, United Arab Emirates, Qatar,

                                                               Kuwait, the United States and Algeria. Up to 250,000 people participated

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            China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited
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