Page 63 - shehuizeren2010
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案例:中海地产苏州中海国际社区 About Us
233-2地块高科技示范项目 可持续经营
Case study: China Overseas international community
in Suzhou, by China Overseas Property; Block 233-2 ,
High-tech demonstration project
技术应用及经济效益分析: Sustainable Operation
Analysis of the application of technology and its economic benefits:
年节电量(千瓦时) 年减CO (吨) 年减SO (吨)
技术措施 Electricity conserved CO emissions reduced SO emissions reduced TSP Note to client: Pls
Technological measure 2 2 give details reduced
per year (kWh) per year (tonne) per year (tonne)
per year (tonne)
节能围护结构 404,000 451.41 4.0369 0.21188 Technological Innovation
Energy-saving building envelope
太阳光伏系统 159,000 162.98 1.957 0.00965
Solar photovoltaic system
风能运用系统 34,000 43.665 0.3852 0.02564
Wind energy system 质
汇总 597,000 658.05 6.379 0.2472
Total Quality
节约用水 Water conservation 安
Taking advantage of the on-site climate and hydrology, we 全
have deployed a grey water recycling system, rainwater collecting
公司利用项目所在地的气候、水文情况,应用中水 Safety
system, water-saving irrigation system, and pervious concrete
回用系统、雨水收集系统、节水灌溉系统及透水混凝土路 pavement technology, to efficiently use rainwater and waste water,
面技术等,有效地利用雨水、废水,保护地下水。 thus protecting underground water sources.
设备/技术名称 作用 环
Name of Equipment/Technology Function 境
中水回用系统 To process used water in daily life with central treatment and reuse it in green irrigation, car-washing,
Grey water recycling system Environment
road-washing, and toilet-cleaning.
雨水收集系统 To use rainwater as a new source of water, with connections to irrigation and flushing systems, to
Rainwater collecting system
increase the volume of water replacing tap water.
节水灌溉系统 通过采用微喷灌、滴灌的方法达到节水目的
Water-saving irrigation system To save water using mini spray cans and drip irrigation. 员
透水混凝土路面技术 使用透水混凝土做路面,使雨水流入地下,保护地下水资源
Pervious concrete pavement To build roads with pervious concrete, allowing rainwater to percolate underground, to conserve the Staff
technology underground water resource.
统研究 污水生物处理高效除磷脱氮技术,适用于城市污水处理的新建和改造项目
Reaction system studies on AO A highly efficient nitrogen removal technology involving biological waste water treatment, applicable to
Note to client: Pls give details new projects and reconstruction projects that entail urban sewage treatment
phosphorus and nitrogen 社
removal in multiple stages 会
上表为公司部分节水技术工艺 Society
Some of the company’s water-saving technologies
2010可持续发展报告 61
Sustainability Report 2010