





Page 64 - shehuizeren2010
P. 64

节约建材                                               Building material conservation

                                                                   Strengthening the development and application of green
                                                               building materials, the Company has continued to integrate
            进住宅工业化的进程,实现节能环保目标。                                industrial production processes into the construction of residential
                                                               units to achieve energy saving and environmental protection.

                     环保建材名称                                             作用
             Name of green construction material                       Function

             调湿涂料                        To absorb moisture in a high humidity environment, and release moisture in low humidity
             Humidity-adjusting coating
             固废再生绿色建材                    节约50%以上的建材
             Green building materials recycled   Save more than 50% of building materials by using high-efficiency recycled aggregate concrete in
             from solid-waste
                                         the main structure, with gypsum partition walls manufactured from desulphurised gypsum.
             相变材料墙体                      将能量以相变潜热的形式储藏起来,实现能量在不同时空的转换,以便减少供热
             Phase Change Material Wall  FromChina. From the foundation of the People’s Republic of China toe hav

            Some of the company’s  conservation technologies for building materials

            案例:中国建筑东北院设计的万科沈阳项目                                案例:会呼吸的建筑
                 采用工业化方法建造的万科沈阳公司,建筑可回收                             以“会呼吸的城市,会呼吸的建筑”为指导方针,
            材料占60%,产生的建筑垃圾比传统模式减少83%;钢筋                        以打造智能高效、绿色生态、节能环保的典范建筑为目标
            损耗是传统模式的75%;混凝土损耗是传统模式的65%;                        的设计方案,使第十二届全运会中心二氧化碳的排放量将
            省去外墙脚手架。                                           降低30%,达到最高三星级绿色建筑标准。

            Case Study: Shenyang Vanke Metropolitan Tower designed   Case study: “Breathing architecture”
            by Northeastern branch of China Construction           The  schematic  design  adheres  to  the  principle  of
                Shenyang Vanke Metropolitan Tower was constructed   “Breathing city and breathing architecture”, aiming to construct
            using industrial methods. The building contains 60% recyclable   a distinctive building that is intelligent, efficient, energy-saving
            materials, with construction producing 83% less waste than if   and environmentally friendly. Upon its completion, the centre will
            traditional construction methods had been employed; the steel   produce 30% lower carbon dioxide emissions than commercial
            used is 75% the amount required by traditional methods; the   centres built by traditional methods, meeting the highest standard
            concrete used is 65% the amount required traditional methods;   of three-star green architecture.
            and the external scaffolding could be omitted.

         62  中国建筑股份有限公司
            China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited
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