Page 36 - shehuizeren2010
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律操作指引》。 Corporation (Pilot) , systematic regulations are implemented
regarding legal procedures at every stage of investment projects,
the legal assessment content, as well as legal risk assessments
对各类经济合同进行统一归口管理,规范合同管理 for legal consultations and projects. The Legal Practice Guidelines
on the Right to Use State-owned Construction-used Land in the
Real Estate Business was promulgated, to strengthen legal affairs
签、批准签字、联签等方面的审核程序。 consultations on real estate investment projects.
项目法律管理 Management of standardised contract
Uniform and standardised management of all kinds of
在符合开展项目法律顾问条件的在施工程项目设置 economic contracts is enforced to regulate contract management
项目法务管理岗位,覆盖率达92%。2010年举办合约商务 practices. Usage of the contract authorisation chop is 100%
monitored, to make the assessment of contract signing by reviews,
(法务)人员的集中培训597次,培训24,408人次。 endorsement and joint signing more stringent.
催收清欠 Management of project-related laws
Managerial positions on legal affairs are opened for
construction projects, for situations suitable for employing a
应收款项占营业收入比重同比下降4.2%,为近五年来最 project legal consultant. The coverage rate is as high as 92%. In
2010, a total of 597 training sessions were organised on “Contract
Business (legal affairs)”, and 24,408 people were trained.
海外法律法规库 Settlement of inbound and outbound payments
Inbound and outbound payments are efficiently settled, to
bolster the Company’s operational quality. Unsettled outstanding
区的法律法规,基本涵盖中国建筑目前海外经营的所有区 income balance decreased to 4.2% of the total turnover volume,
域。2010年完成俄罗斯和美国的法律专辑制作。 which was the lowest in five years.
Database of overseas laws
注册商标管理 An overseas laws database has been established with
有效管理“k8凯发”、“k8凯发+CSCEC”注册商标,申 laws and regulations from 27 countries and regions, essentially
covering all the jurisdictions where China State Construction
请“中国建筑”、“中国建筑+CSCEC”并获得全部45个 currently has operations. In 2010, the special legal portfolios on
类别共88个商标的成功注册,另外取得“k8凯发地产”和 Russian and US laws were completed.
Management of registered trademarks
In addition to the effective management of registered
trademarks “CSC” and “CSC + CSCEC”, “China Sate Construction”
and “China State Construction +CSCEC” were successfully
registered in 88 trademarks in 45 categories. Another two
categories, “CSC Properties” and “CSC Properties + CSCEC”, were
内部控制 also registered.
公司以全面风险管理领导小组和工作小组为核心,构建由 Internal Control
The Company has established an internal control system that
is centrally led by the board of directors. The board of supervisors
成的“三道防线”风险管理机制与管理架构。 supervises the internal control work determined and implemented
2010年,公司严格遵循相关法律法规、上交所股票 by the board of directors. The Company’s core units are the
Comprehensive Risk Management Leading Group and Working
上市规则及公司《信息披露管理办法》,以内部控制为主 Group, and there is a “Three-tier” risk management mechanism
线开展各项审计工作,独立行使对内部控制体系的专门监 and management structure comprising “Individual operations/
business units – Legal Affairs Department – Auditing Department”.
督和评价。全年完成审计项目607项,提出审计建议2,381 In 2010, the Company strictly followed related laws and
条,促进节约5,074万元人民币。 regulations, the Rules & Regulations for listing companies set out
by the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Administrative Measures
on Information Disclosure. Many audits were conducted, based
效能监察 on the internal control principle, independently supervising and
evaluating the internal control mechanism. A total of 607 auditing
projects were completed during the year, and auditors made 2,381
中国建筑开展效能监察,针对管理漏洞,提出监察 recommendations, which saved 50.74 million RMB.
34 中国建筑股份有限公司
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited