Page 35 - shehuizeren2010
P. 35
子企业。 to the headquarters. About Us 可持续经营
Produce Comprehensive Risk Management Report of China
Construction 2010 and submit it to the State-owned Assets
要求,编制《中国建筑2010年度全面风险管理报告》并呈 Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council
(SASAC) for record purposes, according to the requirements in
the Comprehensive Risk Management Guideline for State-owned Sustainable Operation
围绕年初识别的6项重大风险、7项重要风险,制定 Enterprise of SASAC.
管控方案,由责任主控部门、辅控部门逐条进行落实,完 Formulate plans to control the six major risks and seven
important risks identified at the beginning of the year. These
成《k8凯发股份2010全面风险管理监控分析报告》。 plans will be implemented and the Comprehensive Risk 科技创新
编制《k8凯发全面风险管理资料汇编》和《k8凯发风险 Management Report of China Construction 2010 will be produced
by the departments responsible and the departments providing
的企业文化。 Compile Collected Information on China Construction Technological Innovation
Comprehensive Risk Management and China Construction
Electronic Quarterly on Risk to create an atmosphere of risk
合规管理 management and a corporate culture of comprehensive risk
management within China Construction.
Compliance management 质
控入手,建立健全企业法律风险防控体系;建立以授权管 量
The Company is focused on establishing a centralised
理为基础,贯穿企业经营全过程的法律事务管理体系。 corporate legal consultation system. Through preventive measures Quality
at the source of operations, a comprehensive corporate legal
risk management mechanism is established. In addition, a
针对投资业务高速增长,重点加强投资业务法律风 legal affairs management mechanism applicable to the whole
险防范和管理,颁发《中国建筑股份有限公司投资业务法 operation process has also been established, with management
律事务管理办法(试行)》,对投资项目各阶段法律工作 Establishment of a new system 安
流程、法律审核内容以及投资项目法律顾问、项目法律风 Regarding the rapid growth in investment business: 全
more emphasis should be placed on legal risk prevention and
险评估等进行系统性规定。为增强对房地产投资项目的法 Safety
management in this area. By promulgating the Legal Practice of
律业务指导,颁布了《房地产国有建设用地使用权业务法 the Investment Business in China State Construction Engineering
建章立制 催收清欠 境
Establishment of a new Settlement of inbound and
system outbound payments Environment
规范合同管理 海外法律法规库
Management of standardised Compliance Database of overseas
contract Management laws
项目法律管理 注册商标管理 Staff
Management of project- Management of registered
related laws trademarks
会 Society
2010可持续发展报告 33
Sustainability Report 2010