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关于k8凯发 About Us
实现永续经营和基业长青是中国建筑一以贯之的追求。中国建筑通过完善公司治理架构,优化组织基础,依法合规经 可持续经营
To achieve sustainable operation and long-lasting business is the constant goal of China Construction. Through perfecting the corporate
governance structure and improving the organisation’s foundation in compliance with laws and regulations, “Professionalised, regionalised, Sustainable Operation
standardised, informed and internationalised” development was conducted, to ensure sustainable development of the Company.
Corporate Governance Technological Innovation
中国建筑建立职权明确、协调运转、有效制衡的股东 China Construction established management systems with
clear functions, effective coordination and a balance of powers,
including a Shareholders’ General Meeting, Board of Directors,
并在董事会下设战略与决策委员会、人事与薪酬委员会、 Supervision Committee, Independent Directors and Board Secretary. 质
审计委员会等三个专门委员会。公司股东按照公司章程和 Three special committees – the Strategy and Decision-making
Committee, Personnel and Pay Control Committee and Audit Office Quality
– were also established under the Board of Directors. The Company
2010年,公司董事会继续探索解决问题的有效途径, shareholders exercise their rights according to regulations set out in
针对国家对房地产业严厉的调控政策,公司召开董事会房 the Articles of Association of the Company and Rules of Procedures
of Shareholders’ General Meetings.
In 2010, the Board of Directors continued to explore effective
模式与方向,明确在宏观调控大背景下的政策和措施。 ways to solve problems. In response to the central government’s 全 安
stringent adjustments to and management policy of the real property
market, the Company promptly held a board meeting to discuss Safety
its development strategy for the real estate business. All directors,
supervisors and senior managers of the Company and all leaders of
the subsidiary companies participated in meetings and seminars to
公司治理结构 study and examine together the policies and measures to adopt in
Corporate governance structure
the light of the state’s macroeconomic control policies. 环
Shareholders’ General Meeting Environment
Supervision Committee
董事会秘书 董事会 战略与决策委员会
Board Secretariat Board of Directors 人事与薪酬委员会
Strategy and Decision-making Committee 员
总经理 Audit Office 工
General Manager Personnel and Pay Control Committee Staff
Deputy General Manager
Functional Organisations
会 Society
2010可持续发展报告 29
Sustainability Report 2010