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                                                               Unreserved sacrifice                                   Sustainable Operation
                                                                   The average altitude in Yushu is over 4,000 metres, and the
                                                               level of oxygen is only 40%-60% of that at sea level. Temperatures
                                                               are also extremely low, making the conditions for post-disaster
                                                               reconstruction very difficult. China Construction proposed the
                                                               slogans of “The higher the altitude, the higher the aspiration,
                                                               the higher the standard, the higher the passion” and “The
                                                               stronger the rainstorm, the stronger the will, the stronger the
                                                               actions, the stronger the team”, and established the five guiding    Technology Innovation
                 倾情奉献                                          principles: “Scientific reconstruction, quality reconstruction, rapid
                 玉树平均海拔4,000米以上,含氧量仅为海平面的                      reconstruction, loving reconstruction and green reconstruction”.
                                                               Leaders of different levels went to the construction sites in person
                                                               to give direction and make arrangements, in order to strengthen
            提出“海拔高,追求更高、标准更高、激情更高”、“风                          the organisation, raise morale, and ensure the supply of materials.   质
            雨强,斗志更强、作风更强、团队更强”的玉树精神,确                          They worked energetically, rapidly and non-stop to ensure smooth
                                                               progress of the construction work.                     Quality
                                                                   China Construction used labour competitions and campaigns
            建”五大方针,各级领导带队亲赴施工一线进行现场指挥                          such as “Working 50 days”, “The Battle of October” and “Pioneering
            和安排,强化施工组织、增加人力投入、确保材料供应,                          Worker” competition to encourage the teams of workers to
                                                               devote themselves to the reconstruction work in Yushu, with the
                                                               determination and courage of “Fighting till the end”.
            利进行。                                               Results of the reconstruction                         安
                 中国建筑以劳动竞赛活动为载体,充分激发工人队                            With the hard work and effort from all frontline workers,
                                                               China Construction’s post-disaster reconstruction work in Yushu    Safety
                                                               has reached the first stage of success. The gross output value of
            “工人先锋号”等活动,以不达目的誓不罢休、不完成任                          construction was worth 120 million RMB. A total of 77 residential
            务决不撤兵的决心和勇气,倾情投身于玉树重建工作中。                          buildings were completed; they housed the farmers and herdsmen
                                                               of Anchong, while another 410 buildings were topped out. These
                                                               residential buildings for the farmers and herdsmen won four   环
                 经过全体前线员工的艰苦努力,中国建筑玉树灾后                        “Number one” positions: in terms of the completion and handover     境
            重建援建工作取得阶段性成果,累计完成施工产值1.2亿                         time, the number of buildings completed and handed over, the
                                                               number of buildings topped out, and the speed of construction.    Environment
                                                               Moreover, the main building of Yushu Red Flag Primary School was
            套,农牧民住房建设中取得了“四个第一”:交付入住时                          also topped out, and 30 kilometres of road foundation were laid on
            间第一、交付入住套数第一、结构封顶率第一、施工速度                          Village Highway.
                                                               Honours received
                                                                   Four party organisations of China Construction, including
            路完成路基施工30公里。                                       the Party Committee of the frontline headquarters, were named   员
                 获得荣誉                                          Yushu Advanced Grassroots Party Branch and Qinghai Worker
                                                               Pioneer, while 10 members of the team responsible for the Yushu    Staff
                                                               Red Flag Primary School Project received the honour of becoming
            州、县先进基层党组织,并被授予青海省工人先锋号,红                          Yushu Distinguished Communist Party Members, and another 11
            旗小学项目部10名员工被评为玉树州、县优秀共产党员,                         members of the same team were named Advanced Individuals of
                                                               Yushu Post-disaster Reconstruction. Moreover, six groups received
                                                               the titles of Pioneer Party Member, Pioneer Worker and Youth
            党员先锋号、工人先锋号、青年突击队荣誉称号。                             Shock Brigade.                                          会   Society

                                                                                                   2010可持续发展报告  27
                                                                                                   Sustainability Report 2010
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