Page 25 - shehuizeren2010
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艰苦卓越的付出 Hard work, dedication and excellence About Us
China Construction never fails to face up to challenges. By
中国建筑积极迎接挑战,加强组织管理,应用世界 constantly enhancing organisational management, use of high-end
建筑前沿技术,精心组织施工,所有承建工程如期、高质 architectural technologies, and meticulous care in construction
execution, all of its construction projects were completed on time,
to the highest standard.
严密组织 Structured organisation Sustainable Operation
China Construction established a dedicated Expo working group
comprising key members of the Company’s senior management. With
小组,优化资源配置,全面协调各项工作。组建以k8凯发八 a view to optimising resource allocation and coordination, the Company
局为主力军,k8凯发一局、k8凯发三局、k8凯发装饰、泛华建 formed an Expo construction team headed by the eight engineering
bureaux, comprising a number of business units that included China
Construction First Bureau, China Construction Third Bureau, China
建设团队。 Construction Decoration Engineering, Pan-China Construction, and China
精心施工 Shanghai Architectural Design & Research Institute. Technology Innovation
Meticulous care in execution
Upholding the value of “Serving the five continents and putting
品,质量重于泰山”的质量方针,发扬“努力拼搏、奉献 quality first” and driven by devotion to the Expo, China Construction
世博”的精神,将节能降耗、环保生态的绿色建筑技术融 applied energy-saving and ecologically friendly architectural technologies
to the construction of the pavilions, realising the themes of “Green Expo”
入场馆建设中,体现“绿色世博”与“科技世博”主题。 质
and “High-tech Expo”.China Construction actively conducted external
中国建筑积极与外方人员沟通,充分理解场馆主题 communications to fully understand the themes and exhibition values of
the pavilions, strictly followed design plans, and devised highly detailed
及参展理念,严格贯彻设计方案;精心制定项目工程策划 Quality
construction solutions. During construction, we put quality and safety first,
方案,在施工过程中,严把施工质量和安全关,严控施工 and closely managed progress, in order to deliver the highest standards
进度,为世博奉献精品工程。 of expertly crafted architecture for the Expo.
High-end technologies
China Construction highly values innovation. By exploration
中国建筑勇于创新,反复探索、不断吸收、应用世 and learning, it strived to apply high-end architectural
界建筑的前沿技术,将新颖设计构筑成世博园中的瑰丽 technologies, turning novel designs into reality in the Expo Park. 全
For the United Arab Emirates Pavilion, China Construction
adopted the long-span reticulated shell node construction method Safety
在阿联酋馆建设中,应用大跨度网壳节点施工技 together with five-axial machining technology, to represent sand
术、五轴加工技术,使新型钢板再现风中沙丘的造型。 dunes in the wind using a new type of steel panels.
For the Spain Pavilion, we adopted the heaped load pre-
compression method for consolidation, and employed a double-
钢管偏心支撑桁架,及空间异形结构、异形玻璃幕墙、呼 layered steel tube eccentric chassis, special-shaped spatial
structures, shaped glass curtain walls, a “breathing” three- 境
dimensional suspended ceiling, and expansive rattan decoration.
摩洛哥馆应用解决挂板固定的次结构施工技术。 The Morocco Pavilion was finished with a secondary Environment
太空家园馆应用超大不锈钢异形柱施工技术。 structure as a solution to fixing ceiling panels.
The Space-Home Pavilion was built with super-large,
specially shaped stainless-steel columns.
规则钢柱施工技术。 The Singapore Pavilion employed a reinforced concrete inverted
丹麦馆应用数螺旋体施工技术。 cone structure, and a rain cover made of irregular steel columns.
The Denmark Pavilion employed the helicoid construction method.
中南美洲联合馆应用老框架梁柱穿越新展馆形成的 员
The Joint Pavilion of Central and South American Countries
梁柱接点防渗漏技术等等。 employed beam-joint anti-leaking technology for the traditional
真情服务 beam-and-column framework that formed a network across the Staff
pavilion structure.
人参与的服务保障队伍,设置24小时通畅的红色电话。参 The Company set up a dedicated steering organisation leading a
service team of over 300 people, and a 24-hour emergency hotline,
to ensure comprehensive services for the Expo. It also contributed
交通秩序、清洁城市活动,为各方提供优质服务。 to particular services by taking part in the “Devoting one hour to 社
the Expo” volunteer programme, organising teams of volunteers 会
for traffic control and keeping the city clean. Society
2010可持续发展报告 23
Sustainability Report 2010