





Page 28 - shehuizeren2010
P. 28

援建实施工作                                             Implementing the reconstruction

                                                               High importance
                                                                   China Construction responded promptly to the earthquake in
                                                               Yushu, and started relief work at once. An emergency meeting was
            灾之中,并迅速召开灾后重建紧急会议,对灾后重建工作                          immediately called, to discuss the post-disaster reconstruction
            进行具体部署。公司成立由董事长任总指挥、各有关部门                          work and formulate specific strategies. We established a disaster
                                                               relief headquarters comprising different departments and units,
                                                               with the Company President as commander-in-chief, responsible
            负责灾后重建的组织及实施;成立由k8凯发八局、市政西北                          for organising and implementing the reconstruction work. A
            院、西南院、西北办事处、西南办事处组成的前线指挥                           frontline headquarters comprising the eight engineering bureaux,
                                                               Northwest Municipal Institute, Southwest Municipal Institute,
                                                               Northwest Office and Southwest Office of China Construction
            灾后重建工作,勇争央企玉树援建的排头兵。                               was also set up. China Construction was determined to be in the
                 周密布置                                          vanguard amongst the state-owned enterprises, and pioneer the
                                                               post-disaster reconstruction work in Yushu, sparing no effort.
                                                               Detailed and comprehensive arrangements
                                                                   China Construction carefully arranged the reconstruction
                                                               work.  All  eight  Engineering  Bureaux  and  more  than  160
            台,自建混凝土搅拌站、实验室、砂石料场等。各参建单                          managers were engaged in the organisation of six special project
            位加强内部协调沟通,团结一致,确保品牌、品质最好,                          departments and 12 on-site construction teams, comprising 2200
                                                               staff members and over a hundred machines. Concrete mixing
                                                               stations, laboratories, and sand and gravel sites were also built.
                                                               Coordination and communication between different participating
                                                               units was strengthened. Together, these units played their part
                                                               in the reconstruction project on behalf of China Construction, to
                                                               ensure the best quality of the brand.

                                                                指挥长                   党委书记
                                                               Commander           Secretary of Party Committee

                                                         副    总     总    总    工     纪     团    安
                                                         指    工  Chief Engineer  经  Chief Economist  会  会  Chairman of Labour Union  委  委  全  Director of Safety
                                                         挥  Deputy Commander  程  济  计  Chief Accountant  主  书  Secretary of Discipline Committee  书  Secretary of Youth League committee  总
                         中国建筑玉树灾后重建                      长    师     师    师    席     记     记    监
                        Disaster Relief Frontline Headquarters
                           of China Construction at Yushu
                                                         技    物                     规     党    综
                                                         术    资     工     财     合     划   委    合
                                                         质  Technical quality department  管  Material Management Department  Engineering Department  Finance Department  Contract Department  设  Planning and Design Department  工  Party Committee Department  办  Integrated Office
                                                         量    理     程     务     约     计   作    公
                                                         部    部     部    部    部     部     部    室

                                                                   Reconstruction Programme Department

         26  中国建筑股份有限公司
            China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited
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