Page 37 - shehuizeren2010
P. 37
建议。2010年,开展工程成本、分包采购、工程结算等方 Monitoring efficiency About Us
面的效能监察,立项453项,提出效能监察建议1,763项, The Company has begun to monitor efficiency, by closing
management loopholes and implementing recommendations
arising from monitoring. In 2010, the efficiency monitoring
项,新建制度106项,增加经济效益4,128万元人民币。 system was implemented in areas spanning construction costs, 可持续经营
distribution and procurement and construction costing. In all, 453
items were established and 1,763 recommendations were made
排、大额资金使用”(“三重一大”)集体决策,开展党 based on efficiency monitoring; 62 endorsements of monitoring
务效能监督。全年党务效能监督立项81项,提出效能监督 were sought, resulting in 464 reports; 117 system improvements
were made, with 106 newly established rules – resulting in a Sustainable Operation
建议187项,监督决定6项,形成监督报告104份,完善改 financial gain of 41,280,000 RMB.
进制度39项,新建制度28项,产生经济效益6,008万元人 Group endorsements were required on “Decisions on major
issues, appointments for major positions, arrangements for major
民币。 projects, and deployment of large amounts of capital” (“3 Majors 1 科技创新
Large”) to facilitate monitoring the efficiency of the party’s affairs.
During 2010, 81 items were established on monitoring the annual
腐败预防与惩治 efficiency of the party’ s affairs, and 87 recommendations were
made; 6 endorsements were sought, resulting in 104 reports; 39 Technological Innovation
system improvements were made with 28 newly established rules,
resulting in a financial gain of 60.08 million RMB.
Corruption prevention and penalties
核力度,与各二级单位签订《党风廉政建设责任书》,将 The Company has strengthened its anti-corruption measures 质
党风廉政建设纳入对各子企业班子整体考核,推动惩防体 and improved mechanisms to prevention corruption and impose 量
penalties. A corruption-free culture has been fostered, to
系在基层单位落实。 Quality
promote identifying any source and penalise wrongdoers. The
wrongful use of authority in exchange for payment is strictly
prohibited, to avoid inappropriate competition. The checking and
assessment processes of the prevention and penalty system were
strengthened. A Letter of Responsibility on Building a Corruption-
free Culture was signed by all second-tier units. The corruption-
free measures became one of the assessed items in the overall 全 安
appraisals of each unit, to advance the implementation of the
prevention and penalty mechanism in lower-level units. Safety
廉洁文化建设具体行动 范围/规模
Solid measures on building a corruption-free culture Scope/Scale
廉洁文化建设示范点立项 188个 环
Items demonstrating the importance of building a corruption-free culture 188 items 境
学习《国有企业领导人员廉洁从业若干规定》和《党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》 Environment
Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations for Senior Management of State-owned Enterprises and the 17,764人次
Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations on Political Practices for Party Leaders
警示案例教育 29,243人次
Education with warning cases person-time
签订党风廉政责任书 3,523份
Signing the “Letter of Responsibility on Building a Corruption-free Culture” letters 员
各级领导人员实行廉洁承诺 3,688人次 Staff
Leaders of all levels person-time
领导人员述廉议廉 2,589人次
Discussions among leaders on the promotion of an anti-corruption culture person-time
领导人员任职谈话 1,294人次
Briefings for senior positions person-time
会 Society
2010可持续发展报告 35
Sustainability Report 2010