





Page 38 - shehuizeren2010
P. 38

            Win-win Cooperation

                 中国建筑本着开放和互利共赢原则,与政府机构、                            On an open and mutually beneficial basis, the Company was
                                                               strategically allied with governmental bodies and strategic partners
                                                               to actively lead and promote the development of private enterprises,
            企业发展,推动行业、社会的整体发展,拓展公司发展                           foster the overall development of the industry and society, and explore
                                                               future expansion for the Company.
                                                               Cooperation with the government
                                                                   The Company has innovatively proposed the “City operator
            政府合作                                               ” concept, which brought together four integrated services:
                                                               planning and design, investment and development, infrastructure
                                                               construction, and housing construction. The concept contributed
                 中国建筑创造性提出“城市运营商”概念,发挥规                        to facilitating regional urbanisation, and led the industry in a new
            划设计、投资开发、基础设施建设和房屋建筑工程“四位                          direction. The company signed a cooperation agreement involving
                                                               a sustainable investment of 50 billion RMB with Mentougou in
            一体”的综合服务优势,推动地方城市化建设,引领行业                          Beijing. Strategic cooperation agreements were signed with
            发展新方向。中国建筑先后与北京门头沟区签订滚动投资                          regions including Henan province; Xinjiang Autonomous Region;
                                                               Putung New District in Shanghai; Binhai New District in Tianjin;
                                                               Western Jinan; Fuzhou; Guiyang; and Zhuhai, to advance the
            区、天津滨海新区、济南西区、福州市、贵阳市、珠海市                          development of the construction of integrated city complexes. In
                                                               2010, the total investment value of projects in collaboration with
                                                               different levels of government totalled 90 billion, and 39 BT and
            2010年,与各级政府合作项目实现总投资额900亿元人民                       BOT projects were reviewed and approved.
                                                                   Regarding overseas business, the Company actively sought
                                                               sincere communications with the local governments to establish
                 在海外,中国建筑主动与当地政府进行诚信沟通,                        rapport. Contributions were made for the development of the local
            建立友好合作关系,在合作中为当地产业发展做出积极贡                          real estate industry in the cooperation. In 2010, our Dubai branch
                                                               was in close cooperation with the Public Utilities Department,
            献。2010年,k8凯发中东公司与阿联酋公共事业部、阿联酋                        the Military Affairs Command of the UAE as well as the Land
            军事工作司令部、迪拜路政交通局紧密合作,先后完成多                          Administration and Transport Department of Dubai. Numerous
                                                               joint infrastructure and public utilities construction projects in the
                                                               region were successively completed.

                                                               Strategic partners
            战略伙伴                                                   The Company was strategically allied with other enterprises,
                                                               financial institutions and prestigious academies, to optimise the
                                                               integrated value of overall development of the industry and society.
                 中国建筑与企业、金融机构和知名高校等开展高端                            Strategic  cooperation  agreements  were  signed  with
            战略合作,实现行业、社会整体发展的综合价值最大化。                          the COFCO, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, the
                                                               Baosteel Group, China Telecom, and Dalian Wanda, creating win-
                                                               win collaboration platforms for high-level exchange, market
            连万达等企业签署战略合作协议,搭建高层对接、市场开                          development, and complementary services. In 2010, a total of 19
                                                               projects were contracted by Dalian Wanda under the strategic
                                                               cooperation, with contract values totalling 25.9 billion RMB.
            作方式承接大连万达项目19个,合同额259亿元人民币。                            We signed strategic agreements with financial institutions, to
                 与金融机构签订战略协议,拓展公司融资渠道。继                        explore capital-raising channels for the Company. We established
                                                               strategic alliances with the Agricultural Bank of China, the
            与中国农业银行、中国工商银行、中国进出口银行、招商                          Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, the Export-Import Bank of
            银行、北京银行等建立战略合作关系以来,2010年,又新                        China, the China Merchants Bank and the Beijing Bank of China;

         36  中国建筑股份有限公司
            China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited
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