





Page 55 - shehuizeren2012
P. 55

加强环境管理  加强环境管理
 Strengthening Environmental   Strengthening Environmental
 Management  Management
   奉献绿色人居    奉献绿色人居
 Dedicating Green Habitat  Dedicating Green Habitat
 共建绿色社区  共建绿色社区
 Building Green Communities   Building Green Communities
 Together   Together

 物资采购  土地资源利用           规划布局:分析热、声、光、风场等因素,做好空间布局和朝向;合理开发建筑物地下空间,提高土地的使用率
 Material Procurement  Use of Land Resources  Planning layout: analyze heat, sound, light, wind and other factors when planning the space and direction of the building, and
                        develop underground space that increases the utilization rate of the available land.
 在保障质量的前提下,优先选用当地的建筑材料,减少建筑  合理利用土地资源、科学建筑选址,优化场地设计
 材料运输过程中的环境污染  Make reasonable use of land resources by selecting the project   节能:选择适宜的技术充分利用太阳能、风能、浅层地热等可再生清洁能源,推广使用节能设备与灯具,提高能源利用率,减少二氧
 Give priority to local building materials on the premise of   site in a scientific way, and optimize the site’s design  化碳排放
 safeguarding quality to reduce environmental pollution in the
 transportation of building materials  Saving energy: select technology that utilizes renewable and clean energy such as solar, wind and geothermal energy, and
                        promote energy-saving equipment and lamps to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.
 Green                  节水:创新节水技术,应用节水器具,收集雨水、废水,减少自来水消耗
 根据项目所在地的自然环境与社会环境、项目预算,选择适  Development  根据场地环境中通风、日照、热环境等条件,建设绿色生态  Saving water: use innovative water-saving technology and water-saving appliances to collect rainwater, and wastewater to reduce water consumption.
 宜的节能、节水、节材技术  环境景观,最大限度地保留场地内的原生树木,避免对周边
 Adopt suitable energy saving, water saving, and material saving   生态环境的破坏
 technology in accordance with the natural and social environment   Build green ecological environmental landscape that is in line with   节材:优化建筑造型,选用高性能、低材耗、耐久性好的结构体系,推广绿色建材;加强建筑工业化政策研究,制定相应发展规划,
 of the project site and the project budget  the conditions of project site, including ventilation, sunshine and   持续推进建筑工业化,节约建筑材料
 hot environmental conditions,  which will retain all original trees at   Saving materials: optimize the architectural design, adopt a high performance structure system with low material
 the site and avoid damaging the surrounding environment.  consumption and good durability, utilize green materials, strengthen policy research for industrialization of construction, and
                        make corresponding plans to promote industrialization and save building materials.
 技术应用  绿化景观
 Technical Application  Green Landscape
                                                 Ensure the Livability and Function of All Building
                       Basis: ensure the natural conditions of the project site such as topography, climate and geology, and its economic
                                                   and social conditions are maintained.

 天津k8凯发 ·滨海壹号项目在开发时被定位为绿
                       均气温 24.1℃。k8凯发西南设计研究院根据海陆风的昼夜变化特点,在
 绿化固碳释氧能力,避免人工景观破坏原有土地的                                                        瓦努阿图国家会议中心项目
 生态基底。                 Case Study: National Convention Centre of Vanuatu       National Convention Project of Vanuatu
                           Vanuatu, located in the South Pacific, is characterized by typical low-latitude oceanic climate with mild and humid climate,
 CSCEC Binhai No.1 Community in Tianjin  strong radiation solar and an average temperature of 24.1. According to characteristics of diurnal variation because of land-sea
 Case Study: Creating a Green Community with a Good   breeze, China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institution (CSWADI) pay much attention to sun-shading, ventilation
 Environmental Landscape  in the design. They modify the wind direction and speed through architectural composition and eliminate solar radiation through
                       insulation mechanism and thermostability of roofings. The national convention centre of Vanuatu is expected to become a model of
 The Binhai No.1 Community project in Tianjin   reduced our energy consumption throughout the lifecycle
 was selected by China Construction to be an exemplary   of the project and enhanced myriad plant life that benefited   green building with low energy consumption in low-latitude oceanic climate region.
 green community. Our goal was to create a harmonious   carbon fixation and oxygen emissions and avoided damage
 environmental landscape. By implementing a low-carbon   caused by the artificial landscape to the local ecology.  Case  Study: Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground Project of
 framework and using low-carbon designs and materials,   案例:香港将军澳运动场项目  Hong Kong
 as well as plant carbon sinks, low-carbon construction   香港地区太阳高度较大,等量的太阳辐射散射
 and operations and low-carbon emissions, we successfully             Comparing with other areas, the same amount of solar
                       面积小,光热集中,地表单位面积上获得太阳辐射                      radiation in Hong Kong has a small scattering area and unit
                       能量多。k8凯发香港充分利用当地太阳能优势,应用                      area of the earth surface can get much more energy from solar
                                                                   radiation. Zhongjian Hong Kong make full use of local advantage
                       太阳能 - 热泵中央热水系统、太阳能光伏电系统、
 绿色设计  Green Design                                                to realize the effective utilization of solar energy through
                       节能照明系统,实现了对太阳能的有效利用。                        solar-energy-and-heat-pump hot water system, solar energy
 设计是绿色建造的源头,主导后续建筑活动对环  Design  is  the  first  phase  of  green  construction   photovoltaic power system and energy-efficient lighting system.
 and dominates the environmental impacts and resource
 境的影响和资源的消耗。k8凯发注重建筑与绿色技术的  consumption of all subsequent construction activities. We pay
 有机结合,倡导根据项目所在地的条件选择适宜的绿  attention to architectural design and green technology and   绿色建造  Green Construction
 advocate the use of suitable green technology on a project-
 色技术,采用整体设计方法,最大限度地实现建筑功能,  k8凯发将社区、环境要求融入到施工中,加强施工                     We integrate community and environmental
 by-project basis. We always use an integrated approach when       requirements into our construction, regularly strengthen our
 减少建筑物整个生命周期内能源的消耗和对环境的不  designing our projects to make them as functional as possible   管理、创新施工技术,努力节约资源,减少废弃物排放,  construction management procedures, and use innovative
 and to reduce energy consumption and adverse environmental
 利影响。                尽量避免影响城市景观与社区居民。                              construction technology. We also strive to save resources, and
 impacts associated with the building.
                                                                   reduce waste discharges to avoid negatively impacting the
                                                                   urban landscape and community residents.

 52  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  53
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