Page 50 - shehuizeren2012
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Strengthening Environmental
Dedicating Green Habitat
Building Green Communities
荣誉及利益相关方评价 应对和减缓气候变化已经成为全球共同的课题,降低建筑物能耗是应对和减缓气候变化的关键。k8凯发作为
Honors and Stakeholders’ Comments 全球最大建筑地产综合企业集团,一直以来致力于绿色建造理念的传播、绿色建造技术研究与推广、节能知识
荣获中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部颁发的国家一星级绿色建筑设计标识 2 项。 Responding to and mitigating climate change has become an important global topic. The importance of reducing energy
consumption in buildings cannot be understated. As China’s largest building real estate conglomerate, we are committed to
荣获全国人居经典综合大奖 5 项,全国人居经典规划、建筑双金奖 7 项,全国人居经典方案竞赛建筑、环境双金
constructing green buildings, conducting research and promoting green construction technology. We also regularly publicize and
奖 2 项。 popularize energy-saving knowledge to preserve and expand ecological space with our stakeholders and to serve the construction
of an ecological civilization.
—— 深圳中海怡瑞山居项目业主 王女士
Strengthening Environmental Management
—— 潍坊k8凯发 ·大观天下项目业主 张先生 k8凯发不断推进环境管理体系建设,通过环保培训、 We continue to push forward the construction of our
environmental management system. Through environmental
住在棕榈园小区感到很温馨 , 每天在小区散步时看到小区的绿色植被、小桥流水,听着悦耳的背景音乐,真有点 绿色采购、绿色办公,将绿色建造理念延伸到员工、
training sessions, green procurement, and green office space,
日子缓缓、生活散散的感觉,内心原有的压力和不快会被美好的绿色环境冲散! 社区、供应商等利益相关方,与利益相关方携手打造 we are extending the concept of green construction to our
employees, communities, suppliers and other stakeholders,
—— 深圳中海阳光棕榈园项目业主 李先生 蓝天碧水的美丽家园。2012 年,公司万元产值综合
and are working with them to build a beautiful home with
能耗下降 3.5%,超额完成国资委下达的 3% 指标。 clear water and blue sky. In 2012, our energy consumption per
Awarded two National One-star Green Building Design Marks by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the output value of 10,000 RMB reduced by 3.5%, exceeding the
People's Republic of China. 环境管理体系 SASAC target of 3%.
Received five National Prizes for Classic Habitat, seven National Golden Awards for Classic Habitat Design and Construction, and
two National Golden Awards for Classic Habitat Program and Environment. k8凯发秉承“绿色建造,环境和谐为本”的环境方针, Environmental Management System
不断推进环境组织体系、制度体系、监督统计体系、 Our “Green construction focuses on environmental
Living in the residential area of China Overseas Property, you see greenery every day and have positive environmental surprises harmony” environmental policy ensures that we are
each month. The flowers are here year round, and you always see workers taking care of the plants in the residential area. 考核体系建设,提高环境管控能力。2012 年,k8凯发环 pressing forward with the construction of our environmental
Ms. Wang, a resident in Shenzhen Zhonghai Yirui Residential 保总投入 2,565 万元,新建项目环评通过率 100%, organization structure, our institutional system, and our
Plants adoption in parent-child garden organized by property service centre is very good. We water and earth up a tree named after monitoring, statistic and assessment system to improve our
our baby’s name when we have spare time. We imbue the consciousness of environmental protection into him gradually in order to 全年未发生重大环境违规事件。 environmental management and control. In 2012, we invested
make him protect the nature as a child through Q&A interactions. 25.65 million RMB in environmental protection and achieved a
Mr. Zhang, China Construction Grand World Project in Weifang 100% environmental management certification pass rate. No
Living in the Palm Park Residential Area, I feel very warm and sweet. Every day I take a walk in it, the green plants, little bridge and environmental violations occurred in the company in 2012.
murmuring water strike my eyes, and the background music is pleasant to ears. I really feel my days and my life are dripping into
the stream of time. The original pressure and unhappiness are dispersed in the green environment.
Mr. Li, Proprietor of Shenzhen Zhonghai Sunshine Palm Park Project 环境方针 Environmental Policy
绿色建造,环境和谐为本 Green construction focuses on environmental harmony
环境管理理念 Environmental Management Concept
Advocate a positive and healthy culture for environmental protection, integrate effective internal and external resources,
abide by laws and regulations, prevent and control pollution, reduce consumption and waste, and devote time to the
continuous improvement of environmental performance.
在公司总部设立质量安 制度体系 编制《中国建筑环境管 制定环保监测指标, 考核体系 将环境管理目标纳入所
全环境管理部,在所属企 理节能减排管理条例》、 定 期监 测 指 标,并 报 属企业、项目部年度经营
业设立相关管理机构,在 《中国建筑节能减排管 送相关部门 管理目标责任书,通过考
各项目设立项目发展部 理工作导则》,规范节能 监测统计体系 Set up environmental 核激励及惩罚推进环境
Set up quality, safety and 减排工作 protection monitoring 管理工作
environment management Formulate the CSCEC targets, conduct regular Incorporate environmental
dep ar tm ent s at th e Management Rules on monitoring, and report to management objectives
headquarters, establish Environmental Management, Monitoring and Statistical Syste relevant departments into all of our letters of
relevant management Energy Conservation and responsibility related to
d e p a r t m e n t s i n a l l Emission Reduction, and the operations management in
subordinate enterprises, Institutional system CSCEC Guidelines on Energy Assessment System our subordinate enterprises
and establish project Conservation and Emission and project departments,
development departments Reduction to regulate energy and promote assessment
for all projects conservation and emission incentives to enhance our
reduction environmental management
Organizational Structure
48 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 49