Page 52 - shehuizeren2012
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加强环境管理 加强环境管理
Strengthening Environmental Strengthening Environmental
Management Management
奉献绿色人居 奉献绿色人居
Dedicating Green Habitat Dedicating Green Habitat
共建绿色社区 共建绿色社区
Building Green Communities Building Green Communities
Together Together
环保能力建设 Capacity Building for Environmental Protection k8凯发贯彻落实党中央、国务院的号召,完善绿色 We have implemented the CPC Central Committee and
the State Council’s calls to improve green office systems, and
推行绿色建造离不开员工的支持。k8凯发高度重视 Our approach to constructing green buildings is supported 办公制度,积极开展绿色办公教育与宣传,推动绿色 are actively conducting green office education and publicity
by our employees. Green construction training is important,
绿色建造培训,首次举办绿色建筑专题会议——中国 which is the reason why we organized the first green building 发展理念融入到日常工作中,使员工自觉地节电、节水、 as well as promoting the integration of green development
concepts into our daily work so that we can save electricity,
建筑绿色建筑论坛暨 2012 年度总工程师培训班,宣 conference, the CSCEC Green Building Forum and 2012 Training 节纸、节油、节气。2012 年,仅公司总部会议预算节约 water, paper and oil. In 2012, the headquarters saved
Sessions for Chief Engineers, and the reason why we publicized 139.2 万元(不包含差旅费),减少出差约 365 人次。
读《推进绿色建筑,拓展幸福空间》的倡议书。2012 年, RMB 1.392 million (exclusive of traveling expenses) on our
the Initiatives on Promoting Green Building to Expanding a Happy conferencing budget, and reduced business travel equivalent
k8凯发组织环保培训 150 余次,覆盖 2,000 余人次。 Living Environment. In 2012, we organized 150 environmental to 365 person times.
training sessions for more than 2,000 staff.
Green Procurement
k8凯发积极组织开展供应商的环保评级,将供应商 We evaluate the environmental performance of our
是否通过环境管理体系作为重要考核标准;主动将“节 suppliers, and view the implementation of an environmental
management system as essential to our evaluation standards. 奉献绿色人居
We also incorporate environmental protection requirements
料的加工和运输过程中的环保要求,优先选择带有环 for energy conservation and emissions reduction into our Dedicating Green Habitat
procurement contracts, defining environmental requirements for
processing and transporting building materials, and giving priority
k8凯发致力于提升整个产业环境管理水平,积极与 to products with environmental certifications and markings. k8凯发根据工程项目全生命周期整体运营需要,搭 In accordance with the overall operational needs of a
We are committed to improving environmental project’s lifecycle, we build operational platforms for green
供应商共同开发、推广绿色环保技术;督促供应商推 建绿色建筑整体运营平台,建立基于统一资源调配、
management in the industry, and are jointly developing and buildings, and establish an industry mechanism that are
进环境管理体系建设,通过认证审核,促进供应商提 promoting green technology with suppliers, urging them to 质量标准、信息交换的产业联动机制,实现“开发—设 based on uniting our resource allocation, quality standards
drive the construction of environment management system and informational exchanges. We do this integrate our
升环境管理水平。 计—建造—运营”全生命周期一体化运作,不断推进
forward by getting environmental certifications to improve operations for the lifecycle of project. The integration includes
environmental management among our suppliers. 绿色社区和生态城镇建设,打造具有中国建筑特色的 all aspects of investment, development, design, construction
绿色社区和生态城镇品牌。 and operations. We also promote the construction of green
communities and ecological towns, and are creating new
brands with the green characteristics of CSCEC.
Green Offices
Establish a conference management system, print and issue the conference management rules, actively United Resource Allocation, Quality Standards, and Information Exchange
promote video conferencing, and strictly control the number and size of on-site conferences and conferences
in other cities
绿色开发 绿色设计 绿色施工 绿色运营
加强办公信息系统建设,推进无纸化办公。2012 年,仅总部节约 10 万元左右的纸张费和邮寄费 Green development Green design Green construction Green operations
Strengthen the office information system and promote a paperless office. In 2012, headquarters saved about
RMB 100,000 in paper expenses and postage
总部推进绿色机房建设,优化机房布局,便于机房散热;创新技术,提高服务器使用效率 Green building
Promote the construction of a green equipment room and optimize its layout to efficiently cool the equipment
room, and make technological innovations to increase the efficiency of servers
绿色开发 Green Development
按需采购办公设备,不断提高办公用品的使用效率 绿色开发需要在开发的过程中充分地考虑低碳、 Green development is often characterized by great
Purchase office equipment as needed , and increase the utilization rate of office supplies complexity and high costs. However, we accept that we must
节能、节地、节水等环保要求,难度大、成本高。k8凯发致 give full consideration to low carbon development, energy
力于传播绿色开发理念、探索绿色开发途径,携手同 saving, land and water resources, and other environmental
核定公务车编制,优先选用低能耗、低污染的车辆 requirements as we develop. We are committed to
Check the organization’s official vehicles and give priority to energy-saving and environmentally friendly 行共同提升绿色开发建造水平。 disseminating green development concepts, exploring new
vehicles ways to further green development and improve construction
with our counterparts.
Promote water-saving appliances and install a rainwater recovery system to collect rainwater
50 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 51