Page 59 - shehuizeren2012
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加强环境管理 加强环境管理
Strengthening Environmental Strengthening Environmental
Management Management
奉献绿色人居 奉献绿色人居
Dedicating Green Habitat Dedicating Green Habitat
共建绿色社区 共建绿色社区
Building Green Communities Building Green Communities
Together Together
案例:降尘 Case Study: Dust Reduction 案例:打造绿色工程 Case Study: Building a Green Project
为避免将车辆泥土带出施工现场造成扬尘和 To avoid dust and the scattering of pollution caused by 基础设施事业部在承建武汉四环线西段后观 When building the Houguan Lake Viaduct project in the
construction vehicles, China Construction 7th Engineering western part of 4th Ring Road in Wuhan, the Infrastructure Business
遗撒,k8凯发七局在施工现场土方施工阶段安装滚轴 Bureau has installed roller-type truck washing equipment 湖高架桥工程时,开展员工生态保护培训,严禁员 Department provided training sessions on ecological protection for
式车辆清洗设备,清洗运输土方车辆,减少车辆灰 at the construction site to clean the dust and lessen the 工捕捞水生生物;在施工现场设置警示牌,防止桩 employees and prohibited employees from fishing for aquatic life in the
impact on the city’s appearance. We have also installed area. The Department also set up warning signs at the construction site,
尘影响市容;在施工现场主要道路四周安装自动喷 基施工过程中泥浆进入湖中,严禁向湖中排放生活
automatic spraying devices around the main road at the prevented mud from being disposed into the lake when constructing a
淋装置,定时自动喷淋,减少施工扬尘。 construction site and spray water at regular intervals to 污水和施工废水;全力保护当地水资源和现有植被, pile foundation, and forbade the discharge of all forms of wastewater
reduce dust pollution caused by construction. into the lake. Our efforts protected local water resources and existing
vegetation, establishing a green project with pleasant scenery.
循环利用 Waste Recovery
k8凯发视废弃物为放错位置的资源,通过加强回收 We see waste as an opportunity to reuse valuable 共建绿色社区
resources. Our recovery management and innovative recycling
管理、创新回收工艺,最大化地回收建筑垃圾,实现变 technical processes maximize the recovery of construction Building Green Communities Together
废为宝。 waste, turning it into useful resource that can be reused by the
k8凯发贯彻落实国家推进生态和谐城镇化的建设 We adhere to all national urbanization requirements
by constructing ecological and harmonious towns. When
constructing green buildings, we extend our green concepts
社区的运营管理中,积极倡导客户选择绿色环保的生 to all aspects of our operations and the management of
Strengthen 执行“领出多少材料,交回多少包装”的规定,统一收集、集中储存胶桶包装等物品,通知供应商 活方式,为客户创建绿色社区、打造宜居家园。 communities, and recommend customers adopt a green
All Aspects 及时回收 lifestyle to create green communities.
Abide by relevant provisions, collect packaging materials, store rubber buckets and other
of Recovery packaging items, and notify the supplier of timely recovery 碳中和项目 Carbon Neutral Project
循环利用 Carbon dioxide is the root cause of global warming and
Recycling 二氧化碳是全球变暖加剧和气候异常的根源。碳
创新回收工艺 采用先进的工艺,利用相关设施,将大块混凝土、土方、碎石等建筑垃圾加工成粗沙子、细沙子、 climate change. Carbon neutrality is one way people can
Use 泥沙等可再生材料 中和是人们减缓全球变暖的行动之一,园林绿化是我 mitigate global warming. While landscaping is a main way to
Innovations Use advanced technology to process mass concrete, earthworks, gravel and other develop carbon neutrality. By ensuring that our landscaping
in Recycling construction waste into different renewable materials like coarse and fine sand, and 们开展碳中和的主要途径。k8凯发在保障社区景观质量 projects utilize plants with a strong carbon fixation capacity we
Technology sediment 的前提下,选择固碳能力强的植物,提高社区绿地固 can benefit the environment and greenery in the community.
碳效益;注重不同植物固碳能力的互补优势,提高植 We also pay attention to the complementary strengths of
different plants in an effort to improve the carbon fixation
物群落的整体固碳能力。 capacity of the plant life.
生态保护 Ecological Protection
k8凯发在工程建设过程中遵守项目所在国的相关 We abide by the laws of our host countries and all
international conventions related to the construction industry.
法律和国际公约,尊重项目所在地的生态环境和土 We respect the ecological environment at our project sites,
地属性,不断提升员工生态保护意识;完善动植物保 enhance employees’ awareness on ecological protection in
new regions, and implement measures to protect animals
and plants in order to minimize the impact of our projects on
地恢复项目所在地的原有生态。 wildlife and to maintain the original ecology of the project to
the fullest extent.
Sample Area of Zhongjian Big Mansion in Shanghai
做好生态预防保护 提升员工生态保护意识 完善动植物保护措施
Ecological Prevention and Enhance Employees’ Awareness Improve Wildlife Protection
Protection Measures on Ecological Protection Measures
废弃物处理 Waste Disposal
做好施工计划,避免在野生动植物 开展野生动植物保护宣传 ; 设立保护区与生物通道 ; The careless disposal of decorative garbage, daily
保护区内、繁殖季节施工 ; 介绍野生动植物保护法规 ; 将野生动植物迁到适宜生存的地 装修垃圾、生活垃圾、废旧电池、宠物粪便的随意
逐步清退基本生态控制线内不符 标识工程区域内珍稀动植物 方,安排专人看管 ; 丢弃不仅对土壤、水源造成污染,更影响客户的生活安 garbage, waste batteries and pet feces not only pollutes soil
合规定的建设用地 Carry out public initiatives for wildlife 禁止捕猎,保护水源 and water, it affects the safety and quality of our customers.
Create a plan to avoid construction in protection; Set up protected areas and paths for 全与居住品质。k8凯发在每个社区配备生活垃圾中转站, Our domestic waste transfer stations in local communities
protected areas where animals and Introduce laws and regulations for wildlife; help customers to collect garbage and use classified rubbish
plants thrive or during the breeding wildlife protection; Transfer wildlife to suitable areas 方便客户投放垃圾;在每栋楼宇前放置分类垃圾桶,倡
season of wildlife; Label rare animals and plants within during the construction phase and bin to dispose of rubbish by types and strengthen the overall
the project area
Gr adually retur n all improper ly assign individuals to look after them; management of garbage.
acquired construction land to the Prohibit hunting and protect water resources 导客户按照标识分类投放垃圾,加强垃圾回收管理。
ecological control line
56 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 57