Page 62 - shehuizeren2012
P. 62
Protecting the Rights and
Interests of Employees
Focusing on Occupational Health
Boosting Comprehensive
Focusing on Caring Culture
荣誉及利益相关方评价 中国建筑恪守以人为本的管理思想,尊重人、关心人、成就人。尊重员工的合理诉求,全力保障员工的合
Honors and Stakeholders’ Comments 法权益;努力为员工成长提供全面的职业发展通道和广阔的发展空间,助力员工成就自我价值;与员工共享企
荣获第十届中国最佳雇主排行榜建筑行业“最佳雇主”称号。 We uphold a people-oriented management approach. We respect our employees, care for them and work hard to help
them succeed. We respect the demands of our employees, and protect their rights and interests. We provide them with plans for
荣获第十届中国最佳雇主排行榜全国“最佳雇主 TOP50 ”称号。 comprehensive career development and offer the broadest development space possible to help them achieve their career goals
and share in the success of the enterprise.
从加盟k8凯发美国公司 6 个月以来,我发现这是一个乐观向上并对未来充满抱负的公司。这种乐观向上来自于k8凯发
刚踏入职场的年轻助理到经验丰富的高层管理人员,齐心协力,付诸实施。我很荣幸可以加入这支人才济济的团队, 保障员工权益
一同展望一个由k8凯发丰富的想象力与激情构筑的未来、一个充满无限可能的未来。 Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees
—— k8凯发美国公司副总裁 Phillip Gesue
k8凯发严格执行相关法律法规,尊重员工劳动,坚 We implement all relevant laws and regulations, respect
了未来职业的发展方向。经过努力,伴随着公司的大发展,我逐步成长为一名带领团队的项目经理,感谢中国建筑。 our employees and respect equal employment opportunities.
—— k8凯发三局北京公司项目经理 陈明留 We also provide employees with competitive remuneration and
妥善处理员工来信来访,维护员工民主权益,保护员工 benefits, safeguard their democratic rights and interests, and
加入k8凯发六局这个大家庭快半年了,在这半年的时间里我学到了很多工程方面的专业知识,也了解了中国企业的 protect their privacy in order to improve their overall happiness
管理模式和中国人的思维方式。中华民族宽容博大,中国企业的管理非常国际化,和中国人在一起工作很开心。 and satisfaction.
我爱中国!我爱中国人民!我爱中国建筑! 平等雇佣 Equal Employment
—— k8凯发六局刚果(布)国家 1 号公路钢结构项目经理部外籍员工 麦格罗
k8凯发不因性别、年龄、民族、国籍、宗教、文化背景 We treat all employees equally regardless of their sex,
我参加工作 30 年了,这是第一次和这么多同事一起参加自己的生日聚会,心情真是太激动了。 age, nationality, religion and cultural background. We abide
by the relevant laws and regulations of the project location,
—— 公司总部老同志于正乾在中国建筑总部首次集体生日会上的幸福感言
相关法律规定,抵制雇佣童工,禁止强迫劳动。2012 年, boycotting child labor and prohibiting forced labor. In 2012,
中国建筑给了我良好的发展平台,让我学以致用并不断得到锻炼,在不足一年的工作里我感到自己迅速成长起来, 100% of our employees signed labor contracts, our staff
劳动合同签订率 100%,员工流失率 4.7%,残疾人雇
turnover rate was 4.7%, and we had a disabled employment
佣率 1.5%。 rate of 1.5%.
—— k8凯发钢构 2012 届入职毕业生 孔欢 In 2012, CSCEC had 192,194 employees, with a male to
2012 年,公司自有在岗员工 192,194 人,男女员工
female ratio of 3.4:1 and 154,807 management personnel.
比例为 3.4 : 1;管理人员 154,807人,女性管理人员占 23.7% of our staff is made up of women and we have 9,088
Awarded “Best Employer” title in construction industry on the 10th China Best Employer List. overseas employees, along with 21,293 new employees which
Awarded title of “National Top 50 Employer” on the 10th China Best Employer List. 比 23.7%;海外雇员 9,088人;年度新增员工 21,293人,
accounts for 11.08% of our total number of employees.
占员工总数的 11.08%。
Since I joined CSCEC US Company six months ago, I have found it to be an optimistic and ambitious company. The optimism
stems from the foresight of an excellent and hard-working team and its impact on building projects, real estate investment and
development, and our real estate financial consulting business. The foresight cannot be separated from the concerted efforts of the 员工年龄构成 员工学历构成 男女员工比例
team, which is made up of fresh assistants and experienced senior management. I am honored to be a part of this elite team, and I Age Structure Education Background of Staff Male/Female Staff Ratio
look forward to a bright future full of rich imagination and passion.
Phillip Gesue, Vice President of CSCEC US Company 51% 24% 77%
For me, CSCEC is like my own home. I still remember the time when I came into our company, it offered us clear career orientation
and channels for development, which made me see my career in the future. With the great develop of the company, I was promoted
to be a project manager leading a team gradually. Thank CSCEC very much. 49%
Chen Mingliu, Project Manager of Beijing Company undertaken by CSCEC 3rd Bureau
I joined CSCEC 6th Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. about half a year ago. Since then Within six months, I have increased my
engineering expertise, and come to understand the Chinese management model and the thinking of Chinese people. The Chinese 25% 6% 27% 23%
nation is tolerant, and Chinese enterprises follow international management standards. I am very happy to work with Chinese 18%
people. I love China, the Chinese people, and the 6th Bureau of CSCEC.
McGraw, a foreign employee of Steel Structure Project Department of 30 岁以下 大学及以上 男性员工
Congo No. 1 National Highway Project undertaken by CSCEC 6th Bureau 30 years old and below bachelor degree and above male
I have been working for 30 years. I recently had my first birthday party with my colleagues, so I am really excited. 31 岁至 40 岁 大专 女性员工
Happy speeches of Yu Zhengqian, an old comrade of the headquarters, at the collective birthday party of CSCEC 31-40 years old college degree female
CSCEC offer me a good platform. Here I can use what I learned and practice myself. In less than one year, I feel that I learn much 41 岁至 50 岁 高中及以下
more than ever before. I shall continue to work hard here and witness the development of CSCEC. 41-50 years old high school and below
Huang Kong joined China Construction in 2012 as a graduate 50 岁及以上
50 years old and above
60 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 61