





Page 67 - shehuizeren2012
P. 67

保障员工权益  保障员工权益
 Protecting the Rights and   Protecting the Rights and
 Interests of Employees  Interests of Employees
   关注职业健康    关注职业健康
 Focusing on Occupational Health  Focusing on Occupational Health
 助力全面发展  助力全面发展
 Boosting Comprehensive   Boosting Comprehensive
 Development   Development

 注重人文关怀  注重人文关怀
 Focusing on Caring Culture  Focusing on Caring Culture
                     职业发展                                          Career Development
 Training Content       k8凯发尊重员工个人的发展意愿,结合工作岗位需                         Respecting the aspiration of each employee and combining the
                                                                   needs of each position, we regulate career management activities
                     要,规范人力资源职业生涯管理活动,不断推进职业                       to make sure each employee has their own career planning. We
                     生涯设计全员覆盖,努力平衡公司人力资源需求和员                       endeavor to balance the human resource needs in our company with
 知识类培训  技能类培训  素质类培训                                               career development of each employee in order to meet the needs
 Knowledge Training  Skill Training  Quality Training  工个人职业生涯发展,满足企业生产经营与员工个人  of company operations and personal development. In addition to
 与员工岗位工作相关的专业知识培训  对员工的职责、操作规程和专业技能的  对员工进行的心理学、人际关系学、管  发展的需要。除管理序列发展通道外,k8凯发为员工提  development access to management sequence, we provide them
 Offer relevant training about professional   培训  理学、价值观等方面的培训     with seven development options. These include project management,
 knowledge related to work of staff  Offer training about the responsibilities,   Offer training about psychology, human   供项目经理、建筑原创、科技研发等七个发展方向,
 operational instruction and professional skills  relations, management, values, etc  construction design, research and development of science and
                     逐步建立相应专业人才的职业发展通道。                            technology, among others. The options help us establish occupational
                                                                   development channels for professionals.
 使其具备完成本职工作所必需的基本  使其在充分掌握理论知识的基础上,  建立企业与员工之间的相互信任关系,
 知识和迎接挑战所需的新知识  能自由地应用、发挥和提高技能  满足员工自我实现的需要
 Make them possess the basic knowledge   Make them apply and develop what they   E stablish  mutual  tr ust  relationship
 for their own work and new knowledge for   learn on the basic of possessing adequate   between company and employees and meet   领导人员  重点加强领导力培训,发展和提高参加者的战略思考能力
 challenges  theoretical knowledge  their needs of self-fulfilment  Leaders  Focus on leadership training, develop and enhance strategic thinking

                           项目经理          项目运作与管理、团队建设、专业技术等
                         Project Manager  Focus on the operation and management of the project, team building, and professional technology
 k8凯发利用覆盖全公司的视频会议系统,邀请知名  By means of our company-wide video conferencing
 system, we invite well-known experts, scholars, and
 专家学者、政府机构官员举行专题讲座,带动员工参加  建筑原创人才        专业理论知识、国内外先进经验、创造性思维开发与管理等
 governmental officials to give lectures and promote employee   Architecture Designer  Focus on professional theory, domestic and foreign advanced experience, and the development and
 网络学习培训。2012 年,公司共组织三期“书香k8凯发”  participation in online learning and training. In 2012, we   management of creative thinking
 organized three “Literate CSCEC” lectures.
 大讲堂活动。                  科技研发人才          专业理论知识、国内外先进经验等
                           R&D Talent    Focus on professional theory, and domestic and foreign advanced experience

                         商务法务人才          经济学、市场营销、法律等理论知识,以及商务沟通技巧、团队协作和工程管理等
                      Business and Legal Talent  Focus on economics, marketing, laws and theories, business communication skills, teamwork
                                         and project management
 员工培训绩效  2010  2011  2012
 Employee Training Performance
                         投资运营人才          投融资、资本运营与管理、工程管理等
 培训经费(亿元人民币)  0.91  1.13  1.4  Investment and Operation Talent  Focus on investment and financing, capital operation and management, and project management
 Training Expenses (100 million RMB)
                          高技能人才          操作技能、安全知识、管理技能、团队合作等
 覆盖范围(人次)  197,260  208,370  238,878  Highly skilled Talent  Focus on operational skills, safety knowledge, management skills and teamwork
 Training Scale (person-time)

                        k8凯发积极推进总部试点先行。2012 年,公司总部                      We actively promote pilot programs at our headquarters.
                                                                   In 2012, our headquarters examined 18 departments, 35
                     通过 360 度考核与单向评价相结合的方式,对 18 个
                                                                   department heads and 182 regular employees for their
 案例:“海之子”计划          部门、35 名部门负责人和 182 名普通员工进行 2011                performances in 2011 via all-round evaluations and single-item
                                                                   assessments. We also promoted competition for positions.
 “海之子”计划是中海地产对校园招募的潜质  年度考核;继续推进公开竞聘工作,完成了总部 17 个
                                                                   In 2012, we held an open competition for 17 departments at
 人才的吸纳、 培养、使用计划,由“研习计划”、“实  部门副职公开竞聘,共有 152人报名,118人参加了面试,          the headquarters involving152 candidates, of whom 118 were
                                                                   interviewed and 15 took up new management posts.
 习计划”、“体验计划”、“启航计划”和“锤炼计划”  15 人通过公开竞聘走上了领导岗位。
                       案例:领导力提升与发展专题培训班                            Case Study: Special Training Session for Leadership
 Case Study: “Sea Son” Program  2012 年,中国建筑在定制化开发的基础上,举办              In 2012, on the basis of customized development, China
 China Overseas Property used the Sea Son program   了历史上首次领导力提升与发展专题培训班。培训班  Construction organized its first special training session for
 to attract new talents from colleges and universities. The   采取分阶段的方式开展,综合运用活动研讨、推荐学  leadership development. It conducted the training session
 program draws on its Research Plan, Internship Plan,              by stages in the forms of discussion, recommended learning
 Experience Plan, Sailing Plan and Tempering Plan. Each   习资料、小组辅导、行动学习等方式,将中国建筑的战  materials, group tutoring, action learning and others, and
 sub-plan has a clear function that supports and depends   略和业务内容融入培训课程,让学员在解决战略问题  also incorporated the company’s strategy and business
 on each other plans.                                              into the training courses, so that the trainees can improve
                       和业务问题的同时,不断提升自身的领导力。                        their own leadership while solving strategic and business
 中海地产员工培训                                                          problems.
 Employee Training of China Overseas Property

 64  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  65
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