Page 72 - shehuizeren2012
P. 72
Promoting the Development of
Achieving Win-win Outcomes
with Subcontractors
Promoting Strategic
荣誉及利益相关方评价 共赢是中国建筑的价值追求,是对利益相关方的承诺。k8凯发坚持与各利益相关方在分工与协作中谋求共赢,
Honors and Stakeholders’ Comments 形成利益共同体,汇集力量,整合资源,共同承担责任,共同创造价值,实现共同发展。
We always aim at achieving win-win outcomes with our stakeholders as collaboration helps us build a community of interests.
By pooling our efforts and integrating resources we believe we can share our responsibility, create value and achieve common
development together.
—— 时任山东省委副书记、省长 姜大明
Promoting the Development of Suppliers
—— 北京市门头沟区常务副区长 陈国才
实步伐,“走出去”成绩可圈可点。国电集团愿与k8凯发总公司进一步深化合作,推动双方实现互利共赢。 k8凯发建立供应商管理机制,实行阳光采购,严格 We have established a supplier management mechanism
that contributes to our sunshine procurement policy, honors
—— 中国国电集团公司总经理、党组副书记 朱永 信守合同承诺,保障供应商合法权益;审查供应商资质,
all contracts and protects the legitimate rights and interests
过去几年,中国建筑不仅高效地完成了工期,创造了工程建设的奇迹,而且在质量上也取得了很大突破。今后两年 鼓励负责任供应商,打造责任价值链;建立沟通机制, of the suppliers. We inspect the qualifications of all of our
suppliers and encourage them to responsible suppliers that
将是万达集团在建工程质量年,希望通过各个项目的建设,使万达集团与中国建筑的战略合作伙伴关系更加稳固。 共同解决难题,共享信息,共同成长。
contribute to the value chain. We have also established a
—— 大连万达集团董事长 王健林 communication mechanism that jointly solve problems, shares
保障供应商权益 information and achieves common development.
The Grand Theatre is both a political project and a livelihood project. We are assured to entrust such a key project to China k8凯发积极推行阳光采购,通过规范采购管理流程、 Protecting the Rights and Interests of Suppliers
Construction. I hope the central enterprise may make more contribution to the development and construction of Jinan. 分置关键环节核心权利、推进信息化平台建设,努力
Jiang Daming, the Former Governor of Shandong Province and Deputy Secretary of CPC Shandong Committee We continue to press ahead with our approach to
In recent years, CSCEC has been actively involved in the construction of several projects in Mentougou District, which has greatly 营造公开、公平、公正的招投标环境;严格履行合同, sunshine procurement. By standardizing our procurement
improved the infrastructure conditions of social construction here, eased the pressure on urban construction, and laid the 及时支付合同款项,维护供应商合法权益。 management process, decentralizing our core procurement
foundation for the local economic and social leap-forward development. rights, and building an information platform, we are creating
Chen Guocai, Executive Vice Governor of Mengtougou District an open, fair, and just bidding environment. We strictly fulfill
As a professional building construction enterprise, CSCEC has formed its own striking advantages in the technology, human all contracts, make timely payments, and safeguard the
resources, management and others. In particular, it has taken a substantial step forward towards overseas markets, and made legitimate rights and interests of our suppliers.
remarkable achievements in the policy of going global. China Guodian Group hopes to deepen the cooperation with CSCEC and
promote both parties to achieve mutual benefit and win-win outcomes.
Zhu Yongpeng, Deputy Secretary of Party Group and General Manager of China Guodian Corporation
In recent years, China construction has completed its projects on time and has created miracles in engineering construction as well Issuing the Manual on Central Procurement Management Provide an institutional guarantee to open, fair and just procurement system
as breakthroughs in project quality. The next two years will be important for Wanda Group’s under construction projects. I believe
the construction of these projects will consolidate our strategic partnership with China Construction.
Wang Jianlin, Chairman of Dalian Wanda Group 分置关键环节核心权利 确保具有公正的采购工作流程
Decentralizing the core rights of key links Ensure a fair procurement process
建立信息化的采购业务平台 采购工作阳光透明、全过程可追溯
Building a procurement information platform Ensure procurement is transparent and traceable
与供应商签订《廉洁合作协议》 预防商业贿赂及其他腐败发生
Signing an Anti-corruption Cooperation Agreement with suppliers Prevent corruption and bribery in business
2012 年,k8凯发实行现场旁站式监督,由纪检监察 In 2012, our Discipline Inspection Department
supervisors conducted on-site inspections of all bidding
documents and supervised the winning bid process to ensure
确保采购过程公开、透明。 open and transparent procurement.
70 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 71