





Page 74 - shehuizeren2012
P. 74

助力供应商成长                                                                                                                助力供应商成长
       Promoting the Development of                                                                                           Promoting the Development of
       Suppliers                                                                                                              Suppliers
         与分包商携手                                                                                                                 与分包商携手
       Achieving Win-win Outcomes                                                                                             Achieving Win-win Outcomes
       with Subcontractors                                                                                                    with Subcontractors
       推进战略合作                                                                                                                 推进战略合作
       Promoting Strategic                                                                                                    Promoting Strategic
       Cooperation                                                                                                            Cooperation
                     促进供应商履行社会责任                                   Promoting Suppliers to Implement Social                                  与分包商携手
                        k8凯发积极影响和带动供应链企业履行社会责任,                                                                                               Achieving Win-win Outcomes with Subcontractors
                                                                      We demand that supply chain enterprises fulfill their
                                                                   social responsibility, and help SMEs in our supply chain analyze
                     行责任采购,将社会责任理念和要求融入采购全过程,                      and improve their contribution to sustainable development.
                                                                   We also believe in responsible procurement and integrating                  分包商是k8凯发持续发展的劳务主体。k8凯发积极转                          Subcontractors are a key part of labor services and
                                                                   social responsibility concepts and requirements into the entire          变管理方式,以大项目部建设为核心,全面开展各项劳                      play  an  important  role  in  our  approach  to  sustainable
                                                                   procurement process in order to improve social responsibility                                                          development. As such, we have transformed the structure of
                                                                   initiatives in supply chain.                                             务管理工作,努力实现双方共生共存、共赢共荣。                        our management model to enhance the construction of big
                                                                                                                                                                                          projects. We are also rolling out a labor service management
                                                                                                                                               2012 年,k8凯发培训分包商投入 10,430 万元,培训
                                                                                                                                                                                          system to achieve mutually beneficial win-win outcomes and
                                                                                                                                            149 万人次,培训覆盖率 100%。                           common prosperity.
                                              Encourage suppliers to fulfill their social responsibilities.                                                                                   In 2012, we invested RMB 104.3 million in subcontracting
                                                                                                                                                                                          training for 1.49 million people, achieving 100% coverage for
                            鼓励负责任的供应商                  评估供应商履行社会责任情况                  引导供应商履行社会责任                                                                                         our all subcontractors.
                        Encourage responsible suppliers.  Evaluate suppliers’performance   Guide suppliers to improve their
                                                     implementing social responsibility.  social responsibilities.
                         通过增加订单等方式,鼓励负责               建立健全供应商管理体系,开展               通过培训,提高供应商社会责任                                                            保障权益        制定《分包分供合同示范文本》,依法签订合同,保障合法权益
                         任的供应商                        供应商资格认证,审查供应商诚               意识;在合同中增加约束条款 ,                                                        Protect Rights and   Formulate the Contract Template for Subcontractors, sign contracts in accordance with
                         Encourage responsible suppliers   信经营、安全生产、环境保护等          保障社会、环境和农民工的权益                                                            Interests   laws and protect all legitimate rights and interests.
                         through  incentives  such  as   情况                        Enhance their awareness on                                    共
                         increasing orders.           Establish and improve a supplier   social responsibility through                                      能力建设         开展相关管理技术培训、岗前培训和安全培训,提高管理水平
                                                      management  system,  carr y   trainings, and adding binding                             Win-win Outcomes  赢  Capacity Building  Conduct skills trainings, pre-job training, and safety training, and improve our approach
                                                      out the supplier certifications,   clauses that protect society, the                                               to management.
                                                      and  inspect  their  business   environment and the rights and
                                                      credit, production safety, and   interests of migrant workers in                                      共同发展         扩大海内外市场,带动分包商“走出去”
                                                      environmental protection.    contracts.                                                           Common Development  Expand to overseas markets and drive subcontractors to go global

                                                                                                                                            《分包分供合同示范文本》中保障分包商合法权益的措施                     Measures to Protect the Legitimate Rights and Interests of
                       案例:将社会责任要求纳入供应商合同                           Case Study: Incorporate Social Responsibility                                                                          Subcontractors in Contract Template for Subcontractors
                                                                   Requirements into Supplier Contracts                                     提供按月支付和按阶段 / 形象节点支付两种方式供分
                          k8凯发地产在与供应商签订的合同中,增加保障                                                                                                                                            Provide two options of payment, that is, the monthly payment and
                                                                      CSC Land Group added binding clauses in the contracts                 包商选择,充分保障分包商订立合同的自由选择权;
                       社会、环境和农民工权益的约束条款,内容涉及环                      it signs with suppliers to protect society, the environment                                                            stage/image payment for subcontractors to fully protect their
                                                                                                                                                                                          freedom of choice when signing contracts;
                       境保护、农民工工资支付保障、反腐败等。通过签订                     and the rights and interests of migrant workers. The clauses             严抓安全责任关,关注分包商职业健康,保障分包商                       Focus on safety responsibility, pay attention to the occupational
                                                                   cover environmental protection, guarantees on payments                   生命健康;
                       合同,公司监督供应商善待农民工、保护环境,引导                     to migrant workers, and anti-corruption. By signing the                                                                health of subcontracting, and protect the rights and interests of
                                                                                                                                                                                          subcontractors in life and health;
                       其履行社会责任。                                    contract, the company ensures that its suppliers protect                 要求分包商提交农民工工资保证金担保,保障农民工                       Ask subcontractors to submit a migrant worker security deposit to
                                                                   migrant workers and the environment, and indirectly guides               工资按时发放;                                       ensure that migrant worker pay is paid in full and on time;
                                                                   its suppliers on how to perform social responsibility.
                                                                                                                                            公平设置双方违约条款,对承包人违约情形,给予分                       Establish a default clause that is fair to both sides; if default by the
                                                                                                                                                                                          contractor occurs, the subcontractor will be given reasonable time
                                                                                                                                                                                          for rescheduling or cost compensation.

                     与供应商共同成长                                      Develop with Suppliers Together
                        k8凯发注重与供应商沟通,通过定期组织供应商见                         We focus on communicating with our suppliers                          Promoting Strategic Cooperation
                                                                   through the organization of regular supplier meetings and
                     面会,建立技术共享平台等方式,与供应商共享信息,                      the building of a technology-sharing platform. We also
                     协商解决项目实施过程中的难题,研讨行业及市场的                       share information with suppliers, negotiate the resolution
                                                                   of problems that occur in the process of implementing a
                     发展方向,与供应商相互促进、共同成长。                                                                                                        k8凯发遵循“诚信、创新、超越、共赢”的精神,推行                      In following the spirit of integrity, innovation, transcendence
                                                                   project, and discuss how the industry and markets can best                                                             and achieving win-win outcomes, we have pressed ahead with
                                                                   move forward to achieve mutual promotion and common                      强强联合,与央企、国企和地方企业展开合作;在投资、                     our association between strong enterprises and continue to make
                                                                                                                                            城市综合建设方面,与地方政府合作建设开发;在银                       cooperation a central focus of our business dealings with state-
                                                                                                                                                                                          owned and the local enterprises. In terms of investment and urban
                                                                                                                                                                                          construction, we cooperate with local governments and banks
                                                                                                                                            资金支持,谋取合作共赢。                                  and enterprises. To date, we have signed strategic cooperation
                                                                                                                                                                                          agreements with several banks for financial support and win-win
                                                                                                                                                                                          cooperation agreements.

         72  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment                                                                                                                                                拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment  73
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