





Page 45 - shehuizeren2011
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            Scope of Construction                                                                                    About Us

                中国建筑开展全产业链的质量管控,为客户奉献精                             China Construction carried out quality control in its entire   可持续经营
                                                               industry chain, offering high-grade engineering to customers to create
                                                               a harmonious home, providing quality standards for the construction
            量提升路径,为国家打造高质量的安居工程、塑造建筑                           industry to better explore upgrades to quality, and building high-
                                                               quality housing projects to shape the image of the construction
                                                               industry and make the country powerful.               Sustainable Operation

            品质采购                                               Quality Procurement
                                                                   Procurement of high-quality raw materials and services is a
                采购高品质的原材料和服务是中国建筑的一贯要求。                                                                             全产业链创新
                                                               requirement of China Construction. In line with the unified planning,
            公司遵循统一规划、分步实施、试点先行的方针,打造覆                          implementation step by step, and experiment in pilot areas principles,
            盖总部和所属企业的集中采购平台,将资金、建筑材料、                          the Company built a centralized procurement platform covering our
                                                               headquarters and subsidiary companies. The platform centralizes the
            劳务的采购权集中到法人层面,进行公开透明采购,保障                          funds and the procurement rights of the building materials and labor force
            采购建筑材料与劳务队伍质量。2011年,责任采购比率                         to the legal person responsibile and provides an open and transparent
 质 量        100%。                                              procurement process to ensure the quality of the procurement of building    Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
                                                               materials and labor force. In 2011, we achieved a 100% responsible
 QUALITY    接参与采购。主要负责完善集中采购制度流程,推进采购                          procurement rate.
                                                                   ・Central Procurement Platform: established by the Group
                                                               primarily responsible for improving the centralized procurement
            平台信息化建设,监控所属企业采购行为,记录、汇总并                          Company and not directly involved in procurement. The platform is   质
                                                               system process, promoting the information platform, monitoring     量
                                                               procurement activities of subsidiary companies, recording, collecting
 建筑领域           ・分采购平台:所属企业建立的集中采购平台,直接                        and analyzing procurement data, and providing data support for    Quality
 Scope of Construction                                         subsidiary companies in order to better enable procurement decisions.
                                                                   ・Regional Procurement Platform: established by subsidiary
 品质采购       价,选择适宜供应商/分包商;监督建筑材料加工、进入                          companies and directly involved in procurement. The platform’s main   安
 043  Quality Procurement                                                                                             全
            施工现场的整个过程,严控分包商施工进度、质量。                            responsibilities include inspection and evaluation of subcontractors
 044  质量控制                                                     and suppliers, selection of suitable supplier/subcontractor, supervision    Safety
 Quality Control                                               over the full manufacturing and delivering building materials process,
                                                               and strict control of subcontractors’ construction progress and quality.
 优质服务                                                                                                               环
 046  Quality Services                                                                                                境

 047  荣誉及利益相关方评价
 Honors and Stakeholders' Comments                                                                                   Environment

 地产领域                                                                                                               员
 Scope of Real Estate                                                                                                 工

 品质策划                                                                                                                Staff
 048  Quality Planning

 048  品质采购  中国建筑四局采购中心信息管理平台                                                                                          会 社
            Information Management Platform of Procurement
 Quality Procurement
            Center in China Construction 4th Bureau Co., Ltd.
 质量控制                                                                                                                Society
 050  Quality Control
 051  优质服务      案例:集中采购                                            Case Study:  Centralized Procurement
                                                                   China Construction 4th Bureau establishing a procurement
 Quality Services
                                                               center, building an information management platform, improving
 053  Honors and Stakeholders' Comments  善集中采购管理制度,开展集中优选、统一采购,进一步  the management systems for centralized procurement, and making
            提高采购质量与效率,方便承建商/供应商的款项能够及时                         prioritized selection and uniform procurement, to further enhance the

 042  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 043
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