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                案例:助力客户“走出去”                                       Case Study: Helping Our Customers with “Going Global”           国际工程承包                                                                                                  关于k8凯发
                                                                   China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (Hereinafter referred
                                                               as CGN) is committed to the “going global” business strategy but        中国国际工程承包业务的开拓者与领导者,中国最早                                          新签合同额
            出去”经营战略,但海外资源与经营经验较缺乏。中国建                          initially did not have adequate overseas resources and management   从事国际工程承包业务的承包商,连续28年进入世界最大                                           (亿元人民币)                             About Us
            筑充分发挥自身的优势,主动为中广核提供贴身咨询服                           experience. China Construction gave full play to its own advantages   225家国际承包商和环球承包商行列。中国建筑在很多国                                         Value of Newly Signed Contracts
                                                               and provided considerable consulting services to CGN, to help the                                                                        (100 million RMB)
            务,协助中广核分析海外目标市场的政治、经济、文化环                          company analyze the political, economic and cultural environment    家和地区承建标志性的建筑,树立了“中国建筑-CSCEC”                                                                            可持续经营
            境,为中广核“走出去”战略的决策实施提供富有价值的                          of its targeted market. This gave CGN valuable information to help   的优良品牌。
                                                               implement its “going global” strategy and won the trust and respect of                                                          2011年  2010年  2009年
            信息,赢得了中广核的信任与尊重。                                   the Guangdong Nuclear Power Group.                                      2011年新签合同额460亿元、营业收入281亿元。
                                                                   Case Study: Being a Customer—— Putting Ourselves in
                案例:“客户感受法”——客户体验我知道                                                                                                                                                                     309                                 Sustainable Operation
                                                               Customers’ Shoes                                                    International Engineering Contracting
                让客户在接受服务过程中身心倍感愉悦,是k8凯发物业                            The goal of China Construction Property Company is to allow our     As the pioneer and leader of international contracting services in   293
            的服务宗旨。为增强服务人员对客户感受的认识,k8凯发物                          customers to feel pleased and satisfied in the process of receiving   China, and the first and largest international construction contractor
                                                               our services. In order for our service personnel to better understand                                                                                                       全产业链创新
            业推崇“客户感受法”,让服务人员从客户的视角审视自                                                                                              in the country, China Construction has been listed among the world’  营业收入
                                                               and relate to the feelings of customers, we have introduced the “Being   s top 225 international contractors for 28 consecutive years. The
            己的服务,检验所有服务环节的衔接是否顺畅,是否存在                          Customer” activity, which gives our service personnel the opportunity   Company has taken over the construction of landmark buildings in   (亿元人民币)
                                                               to examine our services from the perspective customers, examining                                                                        Operating Revenue
            服务盲区,服务环节是否周到,推动员工不断的提高服务                                                                                              many countries and regions, and established the prestigious “China
                                                               how they interact with customers and where improvements can be                                                                           (100 million RMB)
            意识。                                                made, in order to raise their awareness of their service level.     Construction — CSCEC” brand.
                                                                                                                                       In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts reached 46 billion
                                                                                                                                   Yuan, and the operating revenue was 28.1 billion Yuan.      2011年  2010年  2009年                          Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain

            Development of Entire Industry Chain                                                                                                                                                                                             量 质

                                                                                    7223                                                                                                               742                                  Quality
                                                                                    6326                                                                                                               587
            房屋建筑                                                                    3246                                               中国最大的房地产企业集团之一,中国土地储备面积                                         440                                   全 安
                中国建筑引领中国房屋建造领域发展和创新,以承建                                                                                                                                                                                                     Safety
            “高、大、精、尖、新”工程著称于世,承建大量中国及                                               新签合同额                                                                                                              新签合同额
            其他国家或地区的地标性建筑,创造了中国乃至世界建筑                                               (亿元人民币)                                        中国最具价值的房地产品牌之一。旗下“k8凯发地产”依托                                           (亿元人民币)                             环
                                                                                    Value of Newly Signed Contracts                集团优势,成为“大地产模式”的创新者、实践者和领                                            Value of Newly Signed Contracts       境
                                                                                    (100 million RMB)                              导者。                                                                 (100 million RMB)
                                                                                                                                       2011年新签合同额742亿元、营业收入483亿元。                                                                           Environment
            Housing building                                              2011年  2010年  2009年                                                                                                2011年  2010年  2009年

                We are pioneers in the development of and innovations in the        3679                                           Investment and Development of Real Estate                           483                                   工 员
            building construction sector in China. Since China Construction took    2656                                               China Construction is one of the largest real estate enterprises,   456
            over the construction of a large number of landmark buildings in China                                                 and  also  one  of  the  largest  land  reserves  in  China.  As  the                                    Staff
            and other countries, we have become famous for our high-quality,        1827                                           championship enterprise among China’s real estate enterprises, China   383
            large-scale, excellent architecture, and our advanced technology and                                                   Overseas has maintained its leading position in China’s real estate                                     社
            innovation. The Company has created projects that have been given                                                      development sector and is the highest valued real estate brand in                                         会
                                                                                    营业收入                                                                                                               营业收入
            a “Number One” rating in architecture, both in China and around the                                                    China. China State Construction Land, our subsidiary company has                                         Society
            world.                                                                  (亿元人民币)                                        created, practiced and led the large-scale real estate development in   (亿元人民币)
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Operating Revenue
                                                                                    Operating Revenue
                In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts was 722.3 billion      (100 million RMB)                              China.                                                              (100 million RMB)
            Yuan, and our operating revenue was 367.9 billion Yuan.                                                                    In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts reached 74.2 billion
                                                                                                                                   Yuan, and the operating revenue was 48.3 billion Yuan.    2011年  2010年  2009年


       038  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                                                                                                                                              2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 039
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