Page 42 - shehuizeren2011
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基础设施与投资 992
867 关于k8凯发
资商和优质承建商;加强专业领域的培育,掌握专业技 荣誉及利益相关方评价 About Us
术,使专业领域具有稳定的市场能力与品牌影响力,保障 Value of Newly Signed Contracts Honors and Stakeholders' Comments
业务发展的延续性;在新领域寻求商业机会,增强抵御传 (100 million RMB)
2011年新签合同额1,207亿元、营业收入581亿元。 2011年 2010年 2009年 “国家游泳中心(水立方)工程建造技术创新与实践”获国家科技进步一等奖。
Infrastructure and Investment 581 “北京国贸三期工程综合施工技术”获2010年度中国施工企业管理协会科学 Sustainable Operation
509 技术奖技术创新成果特等奖。
China Construction enjoys the fastest growth of any
infrastructure construction and investment business in China. We will 343 Our Technological Innovation and Practice in the Construction of the National Aquatics Center
realize super-conventional development in our business, and strive (Water-Cube) was awarded the National First-grade Prize for Progress in Science and Technology. 全产业链创新
to be the number one infrastructure investor and contractor in China. "Guangzhou West Tower Intelligent Platform and Mold System" was awarded the National
We will continue to strengthen our professional training in terms of Second-grade Prize for Science and Technology Invention.
knowledge and skills in order to increase market stability and our Operating Revenue “Comprehensive Construction Technology in Phase III of the Beijing World Trade Center
brand influence, and to maintain business sustainability. We will also (100 million RMB) Project” was granted a “Special Prize for Innovation in Science and Technology” in 2010 by China
seek business opportunities in new sectors to enhance our ability to Construction Enterprise Management Association.
survive industry life cycle risks faced by traditional businesses.
In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts reached 120.7 billion 2011年 2010年 2009年 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
Yuan, and the operating revenue was 58.1 billion Yuan.
——国有企业监事会主席 时希平 量
设计勘察 77 Quality
58 中国建筑与门头沟区政府达成协议,投资建设公益事业及社会项目,并将其
41 移交政府,政府再分期还款或给予约定的投资回报。按照这种模式,区文化馆、
一。高端专业人才储备量居行业前列。通过高端服务促品 安
牌,实现规模倍增;打造行业标准,保证国内最大房建设 图书馆、博物馆、少年宫、中医院改造、民生综合服务楼建设……呼吁多年却一
计企业地位;实施业务转型,加大在基础设施领域的设计 新签合同额 筹莫展的事儿,而今逐一实现。 Safety
(亿元人民币) ——北京日报
Value of Newly Signed Contracts 环
程公司方向发展。 (100 million RMB) 2011年7月4日 境
At the vanguard of the construction industry, China Construction should carry the banner Environment
of innovation in architectural science and technology, and use science and technology to achieve
Design and Site Investigation corporate strategic objective. In addition, China Construction should maintain its leading position
53 among large-scale construction enterprises directly under the central authorities on the road to
China Construction is one of the largest enterprises engaged in 工 员
integrated buildings and municipal site investigation and design. Its 38 scientific and technological innovation, and take the responsibility to promote scientific innovation
high-end professionals rank at the forefront in the industry. Through 26 in the industry. Staff
brand promotion and high-end services, we aim to double our size, set Shi Xiping, Chairman of Supervisory Board of State-owned Enterprises
industrial standards and maintain our position as mainland China’s 社
largest building construction and design company. We will also modify 营业收入 China Construction has reached an agreement with the government of Mentougou District, 会
our business structure to increase the proportion of design in our (亿元人民币) which agreed that the former will make investments in public welfare and the construction of Society
infrastructure business. By integrating our upstream and downstream Operating Revenue social projects, and then transfer them to the latter, who will return the investment in installments
businesses along the industry chain, we aim to gradually position (100 million RMB) or give an agreed return on investment. Under this model, several things that were unable to be
ourselves as a comprehensive international construction company. solved will be realized such as transforming the district’s cultural centre, library, museum, Children’
In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts came to 7.7 billion 2011年 2010年 2009年 s Palace, and hospitals, and building General Service Building, among others.
Yuan, and the operating revenue was 5.3 billion Yuan. Beijing Daily
July 4th 2011
040 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 041