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案例:岭澳核电站二期工程 案例:阿尔及利亚外交部新办公大楼项目 Contract compliance is fundamental to the sustainable development of China Construction. The Company has established a standardized
business system and controls the fulfillment of contracts. We have set up a supervisory group for major construction projects and strictly control the
在岭澳核电站二期建设中,中国建筑二局吸收大亚湾 阿尔及利亚外交部新办公大楼工程建筑面积88,000平
project schedule and quality in line with contract requirements to enhance our capacity for contract compliance. The Company has also strengthened
核电站、岭澳核电站一期的承建经验,坚持以质量确保进 方米,设计造型复杂、质量要求高、工期短。中国建筑在 its management of confidential business information, and strictly keeps all customer information, contract terms, and design programs confidential.
度,实施质量工作“全过程管理”,建立“两级质保、三 施工中,开展质量评比活动,收集保障质量的金点子;在 Throughout 2011, laws and regulations were violated, and no serious complaints were received regarding the violation of customer privacy or About Us
information loss.
级质检”的质量控制体系,严格按照核安全质量保证要求 装修施工中,组织分包商进行进场前质量培训,派专人协
控制工程建设质量,使核电站土建施工质量达到了国际先 调分包商间的进度,明确各自责任,严格执行质量检查,
进水平。 保障装修质量。
Case Study: Building Phase II Project of Ling’ao Nuclear Power Case Study: Building a New office building for the Ministry of 帮助客户办理规划报建手续,解决报建难题。
Station Foreign Affairs of Algeria During Planning and Design 向客户提供类似工程的含量指标、经济指标对照表,协助客户进行投资测算与控制。 Sustainable Operation
In the construction of Phase II of the Ling’ao Nuclear Power The office building had a construction area of 88,000 square Assist customers to look for and obtain land, and help them with structural checking, and comparison and selection of equipments and materials.
Station Project, China Construction 2nd Bureau utilized the experiences meters. The building had a complicated design, high quality Help customers to declare the building and solve relevant problems.
of building the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station and Phase I of the Ling’ requirements, and a short construction period. China Construction Provide customers with content and an economic indicator list of similar projects, and assist them to make budget and control their investment.
ao Nuclear Power Station Project. This ensured the project’s progress therfore conducted quality assessment activities, and collated 全产业链创新
and quality and allowed the project to be implemented quickly and a number of good ideas to ensure all aspects of quality were
qualified. A quality control system with “two-level quality assurance, maintained during construction. During the decoration period, the 及时向客户披露工程建造中的变更信息,将客户需求反馈到工程建造中。
and three-level quality inspection” was also established. In addition, Company organized subcontractors to conduct quality trainings 推广建筑业新技术、新材料及新工艺,优化施工组织结构,在保障工程质量的前提
learning from previous experiences helped to control the quality of before work began, assigned a person to coordinate the progress 施工建造阶段 下降低工程造价、缩短工期,为客户节约项目资金。
project construction and ensured that it was in accordance with the between subcontractors, clarified the responsibilities of each party, During Construction 编制工程使用说明,方便客户。
quality assurance of nuclear safety requirements and was in line with and performed strict quality inspections to ensure the quality of the Disclose changes to the construction project to the customer in a timely manner, and feedback their needs to the construction of project. Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
international advanced levels in civil construction quality. decoration. Promote new technology, new materials and new technical process in the construction industry, optimize the organizational structure of
construction, reduce the cost of project, shorten construction periods, and save funds for customers under the premise of ensuring project quality.
Compiling the Recommendations for Use for the convenience of customers.
建立工程质量售后服务体系,设立专职售后服务部门,为处于保质期内工程提供专 量
采取走访、问卷回访等方式了解客户诉求,受理客户发现的质量问题。 Quality
工程交付后 组织开展工程质量、服务情况客户满意度调查。
After Project Completion
Establish an after-sales service system to ensure project quality, set up a special after-sales service department, and assign professionals for 安
large-scale projects within the warranty period to timely solve quality problems. 全
Understanding customers demands by visiting them, offering a questionnaire, and handling customers' problems.
Carry out customer satisfaction surveys on project quality and service. Safety
荣誉及利益相关方评价 Environment
客户的理解和支持是实现企业可持续发展的原动力。中国建筑加强合同履约管理,保障客户隐私,为不同客户提供差 Honors and Stakeholders' Comments
异化、全过程的服务。2011年,公司房建客户满意度90分,建筑合同履约率100%(会签评审率100%、合同交底率100%、 员
获鲁班奖13项,占全国鲁班奖的13.5%。 Staff
获詹天佑奖4项。 社
同条款、设计方案。全年未发生因违反相关法规受到制裁的重大事件,未接到侵犯客户隐私、遗失资料方面的重大投诉。 会
Quality Services Society
The understanding and support of an enterprise’s customers is a driving force for sustainable development. China Construction strengthens Awarded 13 Luban Awards, accounting for 13.5% of all such prizes in China.
the management of its fulfillment of contracts, protects customers’ privacy, and provides differentiated and comprehensive services for different Granted 15 Awards for National Excellent Project, accounting for 9.55% of all such prizes in China.
customers. In 2011, we achieved 90 points in house building customer satisfaction and 100% fulfillment rate of construction contracts.(100% joint Awarded 4 Zhantianyou Awards.
signing rate, 100% contract disclosure rate, and 100% contract implementation and planning rate) Received 13 First Prizes for Excellent Project Management, and was the largest winner of all such prizes in the construction industry.
046 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 047