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中国建筑2011年重要战略合作(部分)                持续盈利能力
 Key Strategic Partners of CSCEC in 2011(segment)
                                    Sustainable Profitability                                                        关于k8凯发
 类别  战略合作伙伴  合作领域
 Classification  Strategic Partners  Cooperation Field
 湖南省政府  “两型社会”和新型城镇化建设                  中国建筑积极推进增长方式和盈利模式转变,不断加强自主创新、科学管理和风险管                                        About Us
 Government of Hunan province  Construction of resource-saving and environmentally friendly society, and new urbanization.
 地方政府  山东省政府  进港口、水务工程配套铁路、公路等基础设施工程投资建设                                                                            可持续经营
 Local Governments  Government of Shandong province  Ports and water works, investment and construction of supporting railways, high roads, and other infrastructure.  司主要经济指标呈现合同额、营业收入、利润持续增长的良好态势。2011年归属上市公司净
 广西自治区政府  房地产开发、基础设施投资建造            利润135.4亿元人民币,年末母公司可供股东分配利润33.6亿元人民币,资产负债率76.6%。
 Government of Guangxi Autonomous Reigion  Real estate development, investment and construction of infrastructure.
 中国银行  授信服务、现金管理服务、投资银行和保险服务等
 Bank of China  Credit and cash management services, investment banking and insurance services.                      Sustainable Operation
                                        China Construction changed its profit growth models, strengthened independent innovation, scientific
 金融机构  境内外的授信业务、现金管理及结算、理财业务、中间业务及金融顾问  management and risk control, improved the quality of its economic operations, and enhanced its overall
 Financial Organizations  中国建设银行  业务等  operational capability. In 2011, under unfavorable economic and political conditions at home and abroad, the
 China Construction Bank  Crediting business at home and abroad, cash management and clearing, wealth management business, intermediate   Company gained momentum economic indicators by increasing the value of its contracts, its operating revenue,   全产业链创新
 business and financial advisory business.
                                    and its profits, and decreasing its overall expenditure. In 2011, the Company achieved a net profit of 13.54 billion
 高等院校  清华大学  Scientific and technological research and development, transformation of scientific findings, personnel training, and   RMB, with 3.36 billion RMB of profit attributable from the parent company to shareholders at the end of 2011,
 Colleges and Universities  Tsinghua University  and an asset-liability ratio of 76.6%.
 management of international projects.
 海航集团  工程承包、现代物流等
 Hainan Airlines Group  Contracting of projects, modern logistics  归属上市公司净利润135.4亿元人民币
                                    The Company made a net profit of 13.54 billion RMB                               Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
 其他企业  中关村发展集团  Investment, construction and operation of infrastructure, and regional integrated development in the functional areas of
 Other Enterprises  Zhongguancun Development Group  年末母公司可供股东分配利润33.6亿元人民币
 high-end industry
                                    With 3.36 billion RMB of profit attributable from the parent company
 美国铁狮门公司  工程总承包、城市综合体开发及基金募集等       to shareholders at the end of 2011
 Tishman Speyer  General contracting of projects, development of urban complexes, fundraising and others            质
                                                9307                                  4828                           Quality
                                                8015                                  3707
                                                4593                                  2604
                                                新签合同额                                 营业收入                           Safety
                                                (亿元人民币)                               (亿元人民币)
                                                Value of Newly Signed Contracts       Operating Revenue
                                                (100 million RMB)                     (100 million RMB)               境 环
 公司秉持“在公平竞争中共享市场”理念,在开展  Upholding the “sharing the markets in a fair competition”
 concept, the Company honors its business orders in local markets and                                                Environment
 海外业务时,维护当地市场经营秩序,防止恶性竞争,              2011年  2010年  2009年                  2011年  2010年  2009年
 avoids vicious competition in the development of overseas businesses
 与同行企业共享优势资源,实现合作共赢,推动行业健  in order to share resource advantages with its counterparts, achieve
 康发展。  win-win cooperation and promote the healthy development of the                                               员
 industry.                                      258.9                                 448.5                           工
 参加主要社会组织(部分)                                   196.4                                 347.6                          Staff
 List of Main Social Organizations CSCEC Involved in (segment)
                                                133.0                                 229.3
 参加社会组织名称  Name of Social Organizations   参与形式  Joining Forms                                                       社
 中国建筑业协会  China Construction Industry Association  副会长单位  Vice-Chairman Unit
                                                利润总额                                  利税总额                           Society
 中国对外工程承包商会  China International Contractors Association  副会长单位  Vice-Chairman Unit   (亿元人民币)  (亿元人民币)
                                                Gross Profits                         Gross Revenue
 中国施工企业管理协会  China Association of Construction Enterprise Management  副会长单位  Vice-Chairman Unit  (100 million RMB)  (100 million RMB)
 中国投资协会  The Investment Association of China   副会长单位  Vice-Chairman Unit
 中国土木工程学会  China Civil Engineering Society  常务理事长单位  Standing Director  2011年  2010年  2009年  2011年  2010年  2009年

 028  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 029
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