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过程法律管理;推行合同归口管理机制,规范各级企业合                          implementation.  We also enforced standardized management to all        案例:赴巴黎参加G20反腐败研讨会                                  Case Study: Participating in G20 Anti-Corruption Seminar in Paris
                                                               kinds of contracts in order to regulate the review process for contracts                                                   From April 26th to 28th 2011, the Seminar of G20 Businesses   关于k8凯发
            同评审会签、审核用印程序。全年合同专用章用印审核率                          and joint company contracts at all levels. Moreover, China Construction   2011年4月26日至28日,二十国集团政府和企业联合                  and Governments on Joining Forces against Corruption was held in
            100%。                                              inspects 100% of the Company’s contracts and stamps them once       打击腐败研讨会在法国巴黎召开,会议内容包括跨国商业                          Paris, France. At the event participants discussed the treatment of
                                                               they are approved.                                                                                                     multinational commercial bribery and solutions to anti-corruption
                                                                                                                                   贿赂治理,重点领域、重点行业的腐败治理等议题。公司                                                                                About Us
            内部控制                                               Internal Control                                                    作为唯一一家中央企业,出席会议并做主题发言,与主持                          challenges in key fields and industries.  As the only Chinese central
                                                                                                                                                                                      enterprise to present at the seminar, China Construction gave a
                公司坚持深入业务、重点突出、重视整改的原则,设                            Upholding the principles of plunging into business, highlighting   人、有关国家与会代表围绕反腐倡廉展开广泛深入交流。                       keynote speech and made extensive exchanges on anti-corruption   可持续经营
                                                               the focus and paying attention to rectification, the Company has                                                       with the host and delegates from all concerned countries.
            立由董事会统一领导的内部控制组织架构,创建内部控制                          built an internal control structure that is centrally led by the Board
                                                               of Directors, developed evaluation standards for internal control,
                                                               and established a risk-oriented internal control system. In 2011, the
            公司完成审计项目596项。                                      Company completed a total of 596 auditing projects.                                                                                                                          Sustainable Operation
                                                               Monitoring Efficiency
                                                                   Taking improving the operational performance of business
                公司以提高业务流程的运行效能为主线,采用检查指                        processes as a corporate edict, we strengthened the management of                                                                                                           全产业链创新
                                                               our core business processes by means of inspection and guidance.
            导、统一立项、培训、成果评审、设立示范项目等方式,                          We also unified project determination, training, evaluation of
            加强公司核心业务流程管理,深入推进效能监察体系建                           achievements, demonstration projects among others, so as to deeply
                                                               press ahead with the construction of performance monitoring system.
            设。2011年,实际立项448项,提出效能监察建议7,288                     In 2011, we established 448 items, received 7,288 suggestions on
                                                               monitoring efficiency, and made 210 supervisory decisions. This
                                                               resulted in 430 supervision reports, improvements to 875 systems                                                                                                             Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
            875项,新建制度244项,增加经济效益1.79亿元。                        and 244 newly established rules and regulations. The result was a
                                                               financial gain of 179 million Yuan.
            腐败预防与惩治                                            Corruption Prevention and Penalties

                公司坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预                             Adhering to the principles of seeking both temporary and permanent                                                                                                      质
                                                               solutions, carrying out comprehensive control, taking measures of    廉洁文化建设具体行动                                                                        范围/规模                  量
            防的方针,开展腐败预防和惩治工作,使企业廉洁文化深                          prevention and punishment, and paying attention to prevention, we carried   Solid Measures on Building a Corruption-Free Culture                      Scope/Scale
            入人心。2011年,公司处理违纪违规案件23起。31个全                       out anti-corruption activities on prevention and punishment in order to   廉洁文化建设示范点立项                                                                   245个                 Quality
                                                               facilitate a corruption-free culture among our employees.In 2011, the   Items demonstrating the importance of building a corruption-free culture       245 items
            资子公司全部开展腐败风险分析,员工接受反腐败培训率                          Company handled 23 cases of violations of disciplines and regulations,
                                                               and analysis of corruption risks was made in 31 wholly-funded subsidiary   学习《国有企业领导人员廉洁从业若干规定》和《党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》                                                            安
            100%。                                                                                                                                                                                                    12,410人次                全
                                                               companies. 100% of employees received the training on anti-corruption.  Studying the Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations for Senior Management of State-owned Enterprises and the Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations on Political   12410 persons
                                                                                                                                    Practices for Party Leaders                                                                             Safety
                                                                                                                                    警示案例教育                                                                           20,521人次
                                                      Guard against business risks                                                  Education with warning cases                                                      20521 persons
                                                       ਸቛጆၜዎ૙                                                                       签订党风廉政责任书                                                                           35份                  境 环
                                                  Carry out special action against corruption                                       Signing “Letter of Responsibility on Building a Corruption-free Culture”          35 copies
                                                                                                                                    各级领导人员实行廉洁承诺                                                                      678人次                 Environment
                                                                                                                                    Anti-corruption commitments of leaders at all levels                             678 persons
                        કٷܔྔჇد঍ୁ                                                ླྀ৊߾ፕୁײՔጚࣅॺย
                       Extend overseas publicity and exchanges                  Promote standardized working processes              领导人员述廉议廉                                                                          3,950人次
                                                                                                                                    Discussion among leaders on the promotion of an anti-corruption culture          3950 persons
                    ेഽݒޫב૸߾ፕڦბသ঍ୁ                                                    ৊ႜ዆܈๹૙                                                                                                                                                员
                Strengthen learning and communication on anti-corruption work     Improve systems and regulations                                                                                                                            工
                                                   ޫӨᇨݞࢅ׳ዎ߾ፕ                                                                                                                                                                                Staff
                                                     Corruption prevention
                   ᅜӄຫ݆LjኍܔႠഽLjཌྷৎํा                       and penalties        ኝࢇ॔۽ጨᇸLj༵ื॔۽ၳ୲                                         合作共赢
                Effectively and realistically discuss the laws according to specific cases  Integrate supervision processes and promote its efficiency                                                                                      社
                                                                                                                                   Win-Win Cooperation                                                                                       会
                          ਸቛয়๖ঞᇣ                                             ظႎ॔۽༹ဣLjॺ૬ნ๫዆܈
                         Carry out warning education                      Establish a supervision system and create an inspection system                                                                                                    Society
                                                                                                                                       中国建筑本着开放和互利共赢的原则,与各利益相关                            On an open and mutually beneficial basis, China Construction
                                                                                                                                                                                      was faithfully allied with various stakeholders to promote the common
                                કٷঞᇣ॔࠶ᆖၚ૰                             ඇ௬ླྀ৊ဣཥ૸ল࿔ࣅॺย                                                 方精诚合作,推动企业、行业和社会的共同发展。
                            Expand influence of education and supervision  Press ahead with corruption-free cultural education in all subsidiary companies                             development of enterprises, the industry and society.
                                                                                                                                       公司深化与政府、金融机构和科研单位等利益相关方                            The  Company  deepened  its  strategic  cooperation  with
                               ेഽଶڞටᇵঞᇣ॔࠶                              ਸቛ૸ল࿔ࣅ๖ݔۅॺย                                                                                                    governments, financial institutions, scientific research units and other
                            Strengthen education and supervision for leaders   Carry out construction of corruption-free demonstrations  的战略合作,不断提高合作层次,扩大合作领域。
                                                                                                                                                                                      stakeholders to improve and expand its cooperation levels and areas.

       026  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                                                                                                                                              2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 027
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