Page 26 - shehuizeren2011
P. 26
精细管理 风险管理
Detailed Management 公司坚持务实求效的原则,加强重大风 ޅ၃࠶ਦݛӄ ޅ၃࠶֧ 关于k8凯发
Strategy of risk management
Solution to risk management
险、重大事件和重要流程的管控,努力将风险 ޅ၃ೠࠚ
Risk evaluation
管控融入到公司运营的各个环节,全面推进风 About Us
中国建筑秉承精益入微、标准规范、崇尚执行的管理 Adhering to the management concept of striving for perfection and ඇ௬ޅ၃࠶༹ဣ
taking care of the details, standardizing the regulations and advocating 险管理。 Enterprise-wide risk management system
理念,引入新的管理要素,持续改善管理方法和流程,全 ॔۽ᇑ߀
implementation, China Construction has introduced new element of 创建项目法律顾问制度,建立健全覆盖一 Supervision and improvement 可持续经营
面推进精细化管理,提升运营效率。 management and improved its management methods and processes to 线项目的法律事务工作体系,全面推行项目法 ፇኯ༹ဣ
increase operational efficiency. Organizational system
启动区域化试点工作 ୁײऐ
Establishing Regionalization Pilots Culture of risk management Processes and mechanism
公司变革区域管控模式,以西南、西北、东北三个重 We reformed our regional management model by creating three Risk Management Sustainable Operation
点经营区域为试点,优化资源配置,降低运营成本,解决 pilot projects in key business areas—the southwest, northwest and We persist in the principle of pragmatism and efficiency, strengthen our management and control of significant risks, major events and
northeast. Through this we optimized the allocation of resources
特大型传统建筑企业资源分散、内部无序竞争的问题,实 and reduced operational costs, solved problems such as scattered important processes, and strive to integrate risk management and control into all aspects of our corporate operations in order to promote enterprise-
现区域效益最大化。 resources and internal disorderly competition in the large traditional wide risk management. 全产业链创新
construction enterprises, and maximized regional benefits. We created legal consultation system, established and improved a legal affair system covering the first-line projects, and fully promote the legal
affairs of the projects so as to control the significant legal risks from the source.
建立AB角联签制度 Establishing a Joint Signing System of Double Positions
公司建立并启动基于补位、协同支持和监控于一体的 China Construction established and implemented its “System of Legal consultant of project
Double Positions”, which integrates complementing responsibility, offering
collaborative support and performing a supervisory role. The approach Ė߾ײၜణ݆ୱ๚ခ߾ፕဦሶतࢃ࠶Ӹ݆ė Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
provides a solid foundation for improved and standardized management.
Detailed Rules and Assessment Methods of Legal Affairs in the Engineering Projects
Aঙ Bঙ ၜణ݆ୱ࿔ກ࠶ ֖ᇑ୬ሀ֧ࣄ
Position A Position B Management of project legal document Engage in fulfilling contracts and planning
ဣཥ߳पഓᄽ 质
ඇ୬ႜኰሴLjڅሴඪ ଶڞࢅዷᄲߖ࿋क़ ཚࡗ܈ሀۨLjևݴ֖ᇑ Subordinated enterprises at all levels 量
Fulfill the duty and assume the responsibility with ࢇཞ࿔ࡧอֱ ࢇཞޅ၃ࡗײ࠶੦
एᇀց࿋ full powers Between leaders and Partial involvement upon agreement of systems Examination of contracts Contract risks, and process management Quality
Base on complementing main positions ၜణ߲߳࣍ব
responsibility All links of project
ঢ়ᄓݿLjڅߖ࿋ኰሴ ߳ևோࢅၜణዐ ၹዺLjक़থ॔۽ 安
एᇀට֍ಢᄢ Experienced to assume job responsibility Among the departments Assistance and indirect supervision 全
Base on cultivation of and projects
talents Safety
ႜ๑ਦ֧Ljڅྜඇሴඪ గᅃၜਏ༹߾ፕ ༵ࠃޜခኧLj॔۽อࢃ 合规管理 Compliance Management
Aussme full responsibility and exercise Provide service and support, conduct supervision and
एᇀޜခኧࢅ decision-making rights A concrete job examination 公司健全企业总法律顾问制度,完善公司主营业务中 We improved our centralized corporate legal consultation 环
ሀຐ॔۽ system and worked to perfect our legal risk prevention mechanism 境
Base on service and support, 各环节法律风险防范机制,保障公司合规经营,降低经营 in our main businesses so as to ensure compliance throughout our
constraint and supervision operations and reduce business risks. In 2011, no significant violations
风险。全年未发生重大违规事件。 Environment
occurred in the company.
培育合规文化 Cultivating a Culture of Compliance
公司将合规思想作为企业文化的重要内涵,通过普法 Compliance is an important part of our corporate culture and
we have established a strong compliance system that promotes the 员
依法合规 教育、合同管理培训、日常管理、标准化建设,全力打造 integration of a “compliance culture” in our approach to management, 工
Compliance with Laws and Regulations 合规体系,推进合规文化融入公司管理。 legal education, daily management, construction as well as in our Staff
contract management trainings.
健全合规制度 Improving Compliance System
编制《法律事务管理手册》和《合同管理手册》,规 We prepared the Legal Affairs Management Manual and Contract 会 社
中国建筑遵守国家法律法规,强化内部控制,加强风险管理,实施效能监 范法律事务、合同签订履行等环节的工作,建立合规管理 Management Manual, standardized legal affairs as well as the process
to signing and fulfilling contracts and other links. We also established Society
察,开展反腐倡廉建设,积极推进诚信企业建设。2011年,公司积极履行纳税义 工作标准;出版海外法律法规汇编《新加坡分卷》和《阿 standards for compliance management and published sub-volumes of
务,未发生偷税漏税现象。 尔及利亚分卷》,为公司在海外合法经营提供制度保障。 Compilation of Overseas Laws and Regulations in Singapore and Algeria
to provide an institutional guarantee for legitimate overseas operations.
China Construction abides by state laws and regulations, strengthens internal controls,
控制合规风险 Controlling Compliance Risks
enhances risk management, implements performance monitoring, carries out the construction After adding the “Legal Management of Investment Project”
of anti-corruption culture, and actively promotes the construction of enterprises with integrity. In 在法律与合同管理信息系统增加“投资项目法律管 module to our laws and contracts management system, we outlined
2011, the Company actively fulfilled its tax obligations, and no tax evasion occurred. 理”模块,实现从立项、决策、合同评审、项目实施的全 a full legal management process for our approach to project
determination, decision-making, contract reviews and project
024 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 025