Page 43 - shehuizeren2012
P. 43
建筑领域 建筑领域
Scope of Construction Scope of Construction
地产领域 地产领域
Scope of Real Estate Scope of Real Estate
地产领域 客户是企业价值的提供者和最终评判者。k8凯发按照客户的需求,提升产品品质和服务能力,努力为客户打造
Scope of Real Estate 宜居典范。
Our customers pass the final judgment on our corporate values. In accordance with our customers’ needs, we must strive to
荣誉及利益相关方评价 improve our product quality and services, and build livable buildings that help them maintain .
Honors and Stakeholders’ Comments
中国海外第三次蝉联香港“杰出上市企业大奖 2012”。 Creating Livable Model Buildings
中海地产荣获 2012 中国房地产开发企业品牌价值 20 强第 1 名,连续九年荣获“中国房地产行业领导公司品牌”。
品质策划 Quality Planning
中海地产北京中海尚湖世家项目荣获第 49 届全美 Gold Nugget 奖项最高奖—最佳社区奖。
k8凯发地产荣获第二届中国房地产家居口碑榜—民意价值企业奖。 k8凯发主动收集、分析客户产品需求和物业服务需 We strive to take the initiative in collecting and analyzing
customers’ demands on our buildings and property services.
求,明确产品定位,确定适宜的定价方式和产品特点, We aim at clearing our product positioning, and determining
2012 年 11 月 21 日,我在外地出差,老母亲一人在家。由于早上家里电话一直没人接,我担心老母亲安危,情急之 全力打造有竞争力的产品与服务,提升客户未来入住 an appropriate price and our product features. We do this to
create competitive products and services that enhance the
下联系客服人员小张。小张和秩序员马上去了k8凯发家,在询问邻居、看过监控记录后,及时告诉我母亲外出了;在 的舒适度。 living conditions and comfort of our customers.
—— 北京k8凯发 ·琥珀天地项目业主 郭先生 自然环境、社会环境考察 产品需求调查 物业服务需求调查
Inspection of the Natural and Product Demand Survey Property Service Demand Survey
楼房的质量,结构比较不错,住了这么多年,没有质量问题,窗户都很结实,不变形。 Social Environment
—— 深圳中海丽苑项目业主 曹女士 调查分析项目所在地的自然环境、交 开展潜在客户的产品需求调研,了解客 向客户进行物业服务问卷调查,了解客户
通设施、区域配套以及当地的气候与 户对房屋的朝向、面积、价格、设施的 物业服务需求;
房子设计不错、施工不错,外观来看,5、6 年没变化。空间很合理,建筑格局还可以,小区的间隔比较大,采光日 居住风俗习惯 需求方向 对同区域、同品牌、同时段、同业态、同品
照都比较满意。 Investigate and analyze the natural Investigate the product demands 质的项目进行调查
of potential customers to better
environment, transportation facilities,
regional support, local climate and understand their housing needs in Conduct customer questionnaires and surveys
—— 北京中海城中海苑项目业主 薛女士 living customs at all project locations building orientation, square footage, to better understand their property service
price and facilities
Investigate projects of similar quality that were built
during the same period and in the same area to
For the third year running, China Overseas Development was awarded the “2012 Outstanding Listed Enterprise Award” in Hong Kong. gauge our current standing against similar brands
China Overseas Property ranked first among Top 20 real estate business brands in China in 2012, and has been the “Leading Brand
in China Real Estate Industry” for nine consecutive years.
Beijing Shanghu Villa Community of China Overseas Property was awarded the “Best Community Award” which was the highest 产品规划 产品设计
ranked enterprise at the 49th American Gold Nugget Awards. Product Planning Product Design
CSC Land Group was awarded the “Prize for Enterprise with Best Public Opinion Value” in the Second China Real Estate Home
Reputation List. 确定产品质量等级、质量目标,明确社区档次定位、楼栋规划方向、 将规划落实到设计理念、设计方案中,明确方案评审及图纸审
产品户型分布、面积区段大小、价格等 查重点,确定技术、施工工序等相关要求
On 21 November, 2012, I went to another city on business and my old mother was alone at home. As nobody answered the phone Determine product quality and objectives at the community level, Integrate comprehensive planning into the design concepts
and programs, clear all key program points and prepare for all
analyze the direction of future building plans, and investigate all
one morning, I was worried about the safety of my mother. In my anxiety, I contacted Xiao Zhang, a customer service representative aspects of housing distribution by type and segment size, and inspections, and determine the technology and construction
processes and other related requirements
in my residential area. He and his colleague went to my house immediately. After asking neighbors and checking the camera
records, they promptly called me back to tell me that my mother had gone out. When my mother returned, they phoned me to set
my mind at ease. I am extremely grateful for the responsible property company and their exceptional staff.
Mr. Guo, a resident of CSCEC Amber Land Residential Area 案例:客户需求调查 Case Study: Customer Needs Survey
The quality and structure of the housing is really good. Having lived in this residence for so many years, I haven’t had any problems Before the Shangcheng project in Xi’an was started,
with the quality of the building. The windows are strong and have kept their original shape. 在西安k8凯发 ·尚城项目开发前,k8凯发地产根据 CSC Land Group visited more than 50 communities to
Ms. Cao, a resident of Shenzhen Zhonghai Mansion 地块的属性及规划指标,走访 50 余个城东社区, know the age, occupation, salaries, home background
The house is well designed and the construction is world class. From its appearance, nothing has changed in five years. The space and purchase intention according to property of the land
is reasonable and the building is beautifully designed. We are very satisfied with the daylighting effect that was built into the design. 了解潜在客户的年龄、职业、收入、家庭情况、购买 and planning index. Combing with the product features
Ms. Xue, a resident of Beijing Zhonghai Mansion 意向,结合周边在售竞争项目的产品特点,确定社 of competitive projects for sale nearby, we intensified the
区档次、楼栋规划方向、户型分布、面积区段大小、 grade of community, building orientation, house style, room
area and price, which optimized the product structure and
reduced the waste of building area.
40 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 41