Page 38 - shehuizeren2012
P. 38
建筑领域 建筑领域
Scope of Construction Scope of Construction
地产领域 地产领域
Scope of Real Estate Scope of Real Estate
全过程质量控制 设计 采购 施工建造
造的全过程,为客户筑就精品工程、提供最优服务,努力为客户创造更多价值。 Full-process Quality Control Design Purchasing Construction
机构建设 加强科技设计质量管理体系建 加强采购管理制度建设 加强施工质量管理组织体系
Having the trust and recognition of our customers is our strongest source of value. We prioritize their interests, integrating Institution Building 设、完善科技设计质量管理制度 Strengthen the procurement 建设和制度体系建设
their requirements into the construction process so as to provide them with high-grade engineering and world-class services that Strengthen the scientific and management systems Strengthen the construction quality
provide exceptional value. 制度建设 technological design quality management system and the
management system, and
institutional system
Institutional Improvement improve all quality management
提升科技设计人员质量意识能力 提升采购人员质量意识能力 提升施工人员质量意识能力
能力建设 Enhance quality awareness of scientific and Enhance quality awareness and Enhance quality awareness and
坚持公平营销 Upholding Fair Marketing Capacity Building technological personnel and designers capacity among sourcing staff capacity among construction workers
加强设计方面的质量控制 加强采购方面的质量控制 加强施工建筑过程中的质量控制
k8凯发将公平理念贯穿到与客户合作全过程,主 Fairness plays a vital role in our cooperation with 质量考核 Tighten quality controls for design Tighten quality controls in procurement Tighten quality controls in the
customers. We provide detailed engineering information Quality Assessment construction process
动向客户提供详实工程服务信息,坚定履行对客户 and services, honor our commitments and ensure that our 开展设计质量考核 开展采购质量考核 开展施工质量管理考核
的每一份承诺,全力保障合同的公平制定与有效执 contracts are formulated fairly and implemented effectively. 全方位质量管理 Conduct assessments on design quality Assess procurement quality Implement assessments related to
In 2012, we had a 100% fulfillment rate for construction Overall Quality the construction quality management
行。2012 年,k8凯发建筑合同履约率 100%(会签评审率 Management
contracts. This included all aspects of reviewing, disclosing
100%、合同交底率 100%、合同履行策划率 100%)。 information, fulfilling and planning contracts.
全员能力建设 设计人员 采购人员 施工建造人员
Overall-staff Capacity Building Designers Sourcing Staff Construction Workers
全方位质量管理 Overall Quality Management
k8凯发持续推进质量管理组织体系、制度体系、考 We regularly promote improvements to our quality
施工建造阶段 management system, the institutional system and assessment
At the construction stage 核体系建设,全方位地保障工程质量。2012 年,质量 system to ensure the quality of our projects. In 2012, we had
管理体系覆盖率 100%。 a 100% pass rate in our coverage of the quality management
合同制定阶段 system.
At the contracts formulation stage
招投标阶段 在合同制定前与客户洽商,提出合
At the bidding stage 理化建议,帮助客户预防工程施 Establish a project steering group
for key projects, strictly control the
工过程中可能出现的难题; project schedule in accordance with 设计:经住房和城乡建设部批准,成立建筑工程质量标
the contract, and enhance contract
在合同制定过程中,将合理化建议、 performance 准化技术委员会
配备专人复核项目的各类信息,为客 客户合理要求纳入到合同中,有效 施工:推进质量管理组织体系建设
户提供真实完整的工程业绩档案; 解决工程专业性的信息不对称问题 Design: establish a Technical Committee for Construction
Engineering Quality Standardization approved by the Ministry
制定招投标内部管理办法,完善 Negotiate with proprietors before formulating of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
contracts and put forward suggestions
对外报送资料的评审机制,配备 to prevent problems in the construction Construction: promote the construction of a quality management
专人审核招投标文件的真实性 process;
Incorporate suggestions and customers’
Assign staff to review all project information reasonable requirements into contracts
and provide customers with accurate and related to the construction process and 机构建设
complete files on engineering performance; resolve any engineering information Institution Building
Develop internal regulations on bidding asymmetry
management, improve all mechanism
for reviewing declared documents, and
assign staff to review the authenticity of
the bidding process and documents
设计:设立专门施工图设计文件审查机构, 全方位 设计:制定《k8凯发设计集团工程总承包项
完善审查制度,加强对施工设计文件审查 质量管理 目评审办法》,推进设计 - 施工一体化
采购:完善采购流程,分置采购核心权力; Overall Quality 采购:完成《k8凯发股份集中采购手册》,
使用交易平台,定期公布采购质量 Management 同步推行标准化手册与集中采购平台试
施工:完善《项目管理标准化考核办法》, 点
将项目管理标准化考核纳入二级企业绩 and Assessment 制度建设 Institutional 施工:修订完善《中国建筑股份有限公
效考核中 司施工企业质量管理考核评价办法》
筑就精品工程 Building High-grade Engineering
Design: establish a special censorship on Design: formulate the China Construction
k8凯发恪守“品质重于泰山、高于一切”的信念,通 Quality is a top priority and we always conduct holistic construction design documents to improve Engineering Design Group’s Appraisal and
Examination Rules on General Contracted
review mechanism and improve work
quality management in order to build capacity among our staff Procurement: improve procurement procedures, Projects to promote the integration of the
过全方位质量管理、全员能力建设、全过程质量控制, and provide full-process quality controls that guarantee high- decentralize core procurement rights, and utilize design and construction process
Procurement: compile the CSCEC Central
our trade platform to regularly publish information
为客户奉献精品工程。2012 年,项目一次交验合格率 grade engineering to our customers. In 2012, we had a 100% on sourcing quality Procurement Manual, and implement pilot
projects on the standardization manual and
pass rate from our customers in the acceptance of completed Construction: improve the Assessment Rules centralized procurement
on Project Management Standardization, and
为 100%。 incorporate all assessment into performance Construction: revise and improve the
evaluation of secondary enterprises CSCEC Appraisal and Assessment Rules
on Quality Management of Construction
36 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment 37