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支持西部发展     全球责任
 Support Western Development  Global Responsibilities                                                               关于k8凯发

                                                                   Upholding the international cooperation concept of “Harmony
 助力新疆发展  Power the Development in Xinjiang  中国建筑秉承“和谐共赢”的国际合作理念,推行采  and Win-win”, China Construction promotes local procurement and    About Us
            购本地化、员工本地化,带动当地经济文化发展。                                                                                  可持续经营
 In order to respond to the spirit of Central Party informal discussion   local staff to boost the local economic and cultural development.
 of work in Xinjiang, the Company reorganized the former Xinjiang   公司在全球有20多个分支机构,形成了合理的海外市  The Company has set up more than 20 branches in overseas
 建工集团进行重组,并通过企业发展增加当地就业、带动  Construction Engineering Group, and stepped up its development to   场布局,业务先后遍及116个国家,承建的多个项目成为  markets. Its business is in 116 countries, and a number of projects
 enhance local employment opportunities, boost the growth of staff
 员工福利增长、参与当地公益事业。公司指导新疆建工在                                     included local landmark buildings.
 welfare, and involve local public welfare undertakings. The Company   当地地标性建筑。
 乌昌地区、北疆伊犁地区和克拉玛依市、南疆喀什地区和  directed the Xinjiang Construction Engineering Group to speed up safety   Localized Management   Sustainable Operation
 库尔勒市、东疆哈密地区,大力发展安全生产,以制度落  production in the Urumqi-Changji region, Yili area and Karamay city of   属地化运营
 Northern Xinjiang, Kashi and Korla city of Southern Xinjiang, and Hami   In accordance with the concept of localized operations and using
 实、培训教育、资金投入、现场管理、应急救援五项工作  of Eastern Xinjiang, focusing on the implementation of various systems,   公司在项目所在地秉承属地化运营理念,通过劳务、  local labor force and managers, the Company has integrated into local
 为主线,改善当地基础设施建设,带动当地经济文化发  training and education programs, fund investment, on-site management   markets to achieve a win-win situation.  全产业链创新
 and first-aid rescue in order to improve the local infrastructure and   管理属地化等方式,融入当地主流市场,实现互利共赢。  The Company observes the laws of the countries where it has
 boost local economic and cultural development. In 2011, the Xinjiang   公司遵守项目所在国法律,尊重当地文化习俗,依  construction projects, respects local customs, operates with integrity and
 业收入同比增长23%。  Construction Engineering Group increased more than 50% new contracts   boosts local employment by subcontracting work to local companies. In
 over the previous year, operating revenue up 23%.  法诚信经营。通过当地分包等方式带动就业。2011年,
                                                               2011, the Company’s overseas departments employed nearly 7,757 local
 支援玉树                                                          workers, and had a local employment rate of 33.64%.
 Supporting Yushu  7,757名。                                                                                           Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
 公司秉承以人为本,民生优先的玉树援建工作方针,  Adhering to the people-oriented, their livelihood first working   Case Study:  Equatorial Guinea "Horizon Development Plan"
 积极选配管理力量,调配建筑物资,协调施工力量,通过  principles in its Yushu aid work, the Company positively selected and   The Company makes every effort to understand local political
 dispatched managers, allocated construction materials, coordinated   案例:赤几“地平线发展计划”  and cultural practices in Equatorial Guinea, and integrates itself
 开展“百日攻坚”等活动,保障援建工作的顺利进行。  construction departments, and conducted its “100-day Fight” activity   在赤道几内亚,公司坚持本地化经营理念,了解并尊  into the local society. The Company takes an practical role in public
 ・农牧民住房:援建的669套农牧民住房全部实现竣  to ensure the smooth operation of its aid work.  activities, and supports the local government in carrying out the   质
 ・Housing for farming herdsman: allow herdsman to live in 669   重当地政治、文化习俗,融入当地社会。积极参加当地各                             量
 工入住,援建的安冲乡农牧民住房全面交工。                                          “Horizon Development Plan” and the training of 60 local youth at the
 sets of newly-completed homes, and hand over the housing project in   项公益活动,配合当地政府开展“地平线发展计划”,首                     Quality
 ・城镇居民住房:共885户已经达到入住条件,竣工  Anchong village.  期培训当地青年60人。       first phase.
 ・Housing for town dwellers: a total of 885 households reached
 the living standards, with a completion rate of 91%, achieving the goal                                            安
 ・学校项目:援建施工的安冲乡中心寄校、玉树州红  ahead of schedule.                                                                          全
 ・School project: completed three schools: Anchong Central
 旗小学、玉树县第一完全小学共3所学校全部竣工。                                                                                             Safety
 Boarding School, Yushu Red Flag Primary School, and Yushu First
 Complete Primary School
                                                                                                                      境   Environment

                                                                                                                      工   Staff

                案例:与阿职业教育培训部签署青年培训协议                               Case Study: Signing an Agreement on Youth Training with   社
                                                               Algerian Vocational Education and Training Department
                                                                   On  September  27th  2011,  China  Construction  signed  a    Society
            部签订以“共筑未来”为主题的框架合作协议,约定阿职                          cooperation framework agreement themed as “Building the Future
            业教育培训部负责组织各职业技术培训学校选拔、输送优                          Together” with the Algerian Vocational Education and Training
                                                               Department. It agrees that the latter is responsible for selecting
                                                               excellent students from local vocational schools and sending them for
            收、管理这些学员,分专业和工种安排实习。                               practice and work in China Construction projects, while the former is
                                                               responsible for accepting and managing the students, and arranging
                                                               practice and work that is in line with their majors and professions.

 090  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 091
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