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公司积极参与城市发展的全过程,有步骤地改造和更                            The Company participates in urban development, transforming     童,公司还多次举办员工、客户与师生们互动和交流的关                          handicapped, the Company also organized dozens of activities where   关于k8凯发
                                                               and upgrading the living conditions of the old city, improving people’                                                 employees and customers interacted with teachers and student to
            新老城市的物质生活环境,改善人民群众劳动、生活服务                                                                                              爱活动,给孩子们带来关爱和希望。2011年,该项目入选
                                                               s working and living conditions, and creating a more comfortable                                                       bring love and hope to the children. In 2011, the project was selected
            条件,为百姓创造更加舒适宜居的生活氛围,实现城市资                          atmosphere in urban areas while contributing to sustainable         国务院国资委“2011中央企业优秀社会责任实践”。                          as the “2011 Excellent Social Responsibility Practice of Central    About Us
            源更新换代、可持续发展。                                       development.                                                                                                           Enterprise” by SASAC of the State Council.

            CSCEC's Main Urban Redevelopment Projects in 2011 (segment)

                                                                   计划总投资(人民币)           规划建筑总面积(平方米)                                                                                                                                        Sustainable Operation
             所在地            项目名称
             Project site   Name of Project                        Total Planned Investment    Total Planned Construction
                                                                   (RMB)                Area (m 2 )
             贵阳             大营坡旧城改造项目                              40亿                  95万                                                                                                                                                全产业链创新
             Guiyang        Daing Slope Urban Redevelopment Project  4 billion          950,000

                            大明宫遗址保护和周边开发项目                         40亿                  95.7万
                            Protection of Daming Palace Ruins and its Surrounding   4 billion  957,000
                            Development Project
                            河西岸老工业区改造开发项目                          90亿                  227万
                            Transformation and Development of Old Industrial Zone   9 billion  2.27 million                        志愿者活动                                              Volunteer Work                                        Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
                            at West Bank of Chanhe
                                                                                                                                                                                          Advocating the volunteer spirit of “dedication, friendship, mutual
             河北             k8凯发・温泉花园旧城改造项目                          1.02亿                12.6万                                                                                         help and progress”, the Company carried out volunteer activities
             Hebei          CSCEC Spring Garden Redevelopment Project  102 million      126,000                                    神,开展多样的志愿者活动,激励员工立足岗位,奉献社                          to motivate employees to contribute to society. In 2011, more than
                                                                                                                                   会。2011年,公司有2万多名职工参与志愿者活动,累计                        20,000 employees participated in volunteer activities, offering a total   质
                                                                                                                                                                                      of approximately 50,000 hours of volunteer service.
                                                                                                                                   志愿服务约5万小时。                                                                                               Quality
                                                                                                                                                                                          Case Study:  Taking Kid to Work Day
            公益慈善                                                                                                                       案例:带孩子上班日                                          In order to alleviate concerns about being away from their   安
            Charitable Activities                                                                                                      公司为缓解农民工思念儿女、留守儿童思念父母的情                        children, China Construction organized the “Taking Kid to Work Day”     全
                                                                                                                                                                                      initiative for migrant workers, under the premise of safety. On the
                                                                                                                                   绪,举办“带孩子上班日”活动。在每年8月的第二个星期五,                       second Friday of every August, the Company invites the children (6-12    Safety
                                                                                                                                   在保证安全的前提下,将年龄在6-12周岁的部分农民工子女                       years old) of migrant workers join their parents at the construction
            对外捐赠                                               Exterior Donation                                                   邀请到工地,与父母一同上班,参观父母的工作环境,学习父                        site to visit the working environment and learn labor skills from their   环
                                                                                                                                                                                      parents. The event was collected into the book — Volunteer Service     境
                                                                   Through the establishment of its foundation and cooperation
                公司通过组建基金会、与慈善机构合作等方式对捐                                                                                             母的劳动技能。该项活动被共青团中央收入《共青团关爱农                         Cases of Caring the Children of Migrant Workers —  by the Communist
                                                               with charitable organizations, China Construction has standardized
            赠资金进行规范化、透明化管理。2011年对外捐赠共计                         a transparent management process for donating funds. In 2011,       民工子女志愿者服务行动工作案例》一书。                                Youth League.                                         Environment
            1,128万元。通过企业慈善基金会、残疾人联合会等慈善                        the Company donated 11.28 million Yuan with 2.5786 millon Yuan
                                                               donated through charitable organizations like Corporate Charitable
            机构捐助257.86万元,用于帮扶弱势群体、支持文化教育                                                                                                                                                                                                   员
                                                               Foundations and China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF). The                                                                                                                工
            事业。公司通过建立希望小学、设立奖学金和助学金等方                          donations were used to help vulnerable groups and support cultural
            式,助力教育事业发展。                                        and educational undertakings. In addition, the Company established                                                                                                           Staff
                                                               the Hope Primary Schools, and set up scholarships and grants to
                                                               promote the development of education.                                                                                                                                       社
                案例:爱在都江堰                                                                                                                                                                                                                     会
                都江堰中国海外新建特殊教育学校是中国建筑开展的                            Case Study: Love in Dujiangyan                                                                                                                                           Society
                                                                   The Dujiangyan Chinese Overseas New Special Education
            “海无涯 爱无疆”公益事业的重点项目,也是“5.12”汶
                                                               School is one of China Construction’s key public welfare projects and
            川地震后公司第一时间在四川捐赠的灾区学校。公司共投                          was the first school donated to the Wenchuan earthquake disaster
            入2,500万元人民币,为学校建设教学楼、行政办公楼、                        area. The Company invested 25 million Yuan and built a teaching
                                                               building, an office building, a dormitory and a canteen as well as other
                                                               ancillary facilities. Considering that most of students at the school are

       088  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                                                                                                                                              2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 089
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