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             Culture-led Social Responsibility Progression Model

                                                   Contributing to the  Value Space

                    拓展品质空间                   精细化管理,强化风险管控,不断提升盈利能力。                        拓展和谐空间
                   Contributing to the       In cooperation with our shareholders we want to   Contributing to  the                          在《财富》“全球 500 强企业”排名中位列第 100 位、列全球建筑地产企业第 1 位、中央企业第 5 位、中国内
                     Quality Space           increase our common happiness, market value and   Harmonious Space                              地企业第 9 位。
                                             sustained returns. We will continue to uphold our
                                             scientific development strategy, and we will work to
            创造“物超所值”的价值是客户和k8凯发的共              transform our development model. We will also   社会和谐与繁荣是全球社区与k8凯发共同的                              国务院国资委中央企业负责人经营业绩考核 A 级。
            同幸福。k8凯发始终将客户利益放在首位,全              promote our fine management approach  in order to   幸福。k8凯发重视安全生产,严格落实安全责
            力为客户提供富含科技人文内涵的高品质               strengthen our risk management and control systems   任制;拉动就业,减轻社会就业压力;热心                        ENR225 全球最大国际承包商排名第 22 位,ENR 全球承包商排名第 3 位,ENR 全球顶尖 150 家设计公司排名
                                             and improve our profitability.
            产品,不断超越客户需求。                                                            公益事业,扶贫助困;担当央企责任,维护
                                                                                    社会稳定;履行全球责任,共建幸福家园。                                      第 59 位。
            Creating common happiness and value
            that goes above and beyond quality is the                                Social harmony and prosperity throughout the
            goal of CSCEC for our customers. We            股东                        world is a fundamental ambition at CSCEC. We will       国内唯一一家同时拥有房建、市政、公路三类特级总承包资质与建筑行业工程设计甲级资质的建筑企业。
            prioritize customers’ interests and provide                              continue to strive to be a safe and secure company
            customers with high-quality products that   Shareholders                 that adheres to all aspects of safety to ensure a
            are culturally rich and technologically                                  safe working environment. We provide job
            advanced, which  regularly surpass                                       opportunities to mitigate national pressures on         Ranked 100th among the Fortune 500 Global Companies, 1st among global building real estate enterprises, 5th among central
            customers’ expectations.                                                 social employment, and contribute to public
                                                                                       welfare to alleviate poverty concerns. As a           enterprises, and 9th among mainland Chinese enterprises.
                                      客户                                        社区     central enterprise we also have a                     Awarded Class-A Prize in the Examination of Business Performance by SASAC.
                                                                                       responsibility to maintain social stability while
                                    Customers           房屋建筑工程                Communities  fulfilling our global responsibility to build a   Ranked 22nd on the Engineering News Record’s (ENR) Top 225 Global Contractors list, 3rd on ENR’s Global Contractors list, and
                                                                                       happy homeland.
                                                          Housing                                                                            59th on ENR’s Global Top 150 Design Firm list.
                                                         Construction                                                                        We are the only construction enterprise in China certified with three Top Grade Qualifications (premium general contracting
                                                                                                                                             qualification, including housing construction, municipal construction and road constrction ), as well as Grade A Qualification for
                                                                                                                                             project design in the construction industry.
                                      国际工程承包          拓展幸福空间
                                    International Project               房地产开发与投资                                                             在《财富》中国企业社会责任 100 强排行榜中排名第 10 位。
                                       Contracting    Expanding a      Real Estate Development                                               在“第八届中国企业社会责任国际论坛暨 2012 最具责任感企业颁奖典礼”上,获评“2012 最具责任感企业”。
                                                                           and Investment
                                                      Happy Living
                                环境                    Environment                     行业                                                     《中国建筑股份有限公司 2011 可持续发展报告 / 社会责任报告》获中国社会科学院企业社会责任研究中心四
                 拓展生态空间       Environment                                            Industry  拓展创新空间                                        星半评级,列建筑行业第 1 位。
                 Contributing to the                                                          Contributing to the
                  Ecological Space                                                            Innovation Space                               在第四届“上市公司社会责任报告高峰论坛暨授牌典礼”上,《中国建筑股份有限公司 2011 可持续发展报告 / 社
                                        基础设施建设与投资                  设计勘察
                                      Infrastructure Construction   Design and Survey                                                        会责任报告》名列 A 股上市公司第 12 位,列建筑行业第 1 位。
             推行绿色建筑,共建世界美好家               and Investment                                  公平的竞争秩序、科技创新与技术
             园是全人类的幸福。k8凯发搭建绿                                                               进步是k8凯发整个行业的幸福。k8凯发                                    《中国建筑股份有限公司 2011 可持续发展报告 / 社会责任报告》蝉联“金蜜蜂 2012 优秀企业社会责任报告 ·领
             色建筑整体运营平台,实现建筑                                                               自觉遵守行业自律规则,鼓励公平
             全生命周期一体化服务,助力推                                                               竞争政策的制定和执行,尊重并保                                    袖型企业”。
             进生态和谐的城镇化建设,服务                                                               护知识产权;不断创新体制、管理、
             国家生态文明建设。                       员工                          伙伴               技术等,推动公司与建筑行业共同                                    Ranked 10th on the Fortune Top 100 China Enterprises of Social Responsibility.
             We believe that mankind’ s long-term   Employees          Partners           发展。
             happiness is connected to the                                                It is in the best interests of the                 Awarded the title of “2012 Most Responsible Enterprise” at the 8th China CSR International Forum and Ceremony to Announce
             development of green buildings and a                                         entire industry to ensure fair                     2012 the Most Responsible Enterprise.
             beautiful world. We have therefore                                           competition while seeking
             established an operating platform for   拓展成长空间          拓展共赢空间               technological innovation and                       Our Sustainability Report 2011 was awarded a 4.5-star report rating by the CSR Center of Economic Department of Chinese
             the development of green buildings                                           progress in research and
             and realized integrated services in   Contributing to the   Contributing to the  development. We abide by the                   Academy of Social Sciences, ranking 1st in the construction industry.
             construction with an entire life cycle,   Development Space   Win-win Space  self-regulating rules of the
             which will contribute to ecological                                          i ndust r y, enc ourage t h e                      At the Fourth Listed Company CSR Report Summit Forum and Unveiling Ceremony, our Sustainability Report 2011 was ranked
             harmony in urban construction while                                          formulation and implementation
             also serving the national ecological   帮助员工实现自我价值是k8凯发与员工的  共赢是伙伴与k8凯发共同的价值追求、共  of fair competition, and respect                   12th among A-share companies, and 1st in the construction industry.
             interest.              共同幸福。k8凯发恪守以人为本的管理思          同的幸福。k8凯发全力保护伙伴的合法权          and protect intellectual property                  Our Sustainability Report 2011 was awarded the title of “2012 GoldenBee Excellent CSR Report·Leader Enterprise”.
                                    想,实施科学的人才发展策略,为员工搭         益,扩大合作范围、深化合作领域,与合         rights. We also regularly upgrade
                                                                                          our institutions, management and
                                    建发展平台,让员工充分享受企业发展          作伙伴共同创造价值,实现共同发展。          technological advancements
                                    带来的成果,提高员工的生活水平。                                      through innovation to better the
                                                                Win-win outcomes are the common   company and the construction
                                     Helping employees realize self-value is   value and happiness we pursue with our   industry.
                                    the common happiness we have with   partners. We are committed to protecting
                                    them. We are working towards improving   the legitimate rights and interests of our
                                    our people-oriented management   partners and to expanding the scope of
                                    thinking, implementing scientific talent   our cooperation activities. We believe this
                                    policy and building a career development   will help us deepen the cooperation field,
                                    platform, which provides employees with   create value and realize common
                                    the opportunity to benefit from our   development with our partners.
                                    corporate development, and improve their
                                    standard of living.
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