Page 113 - shehuizeren2012
P. 113
报告目录 GRI 对标 中国社科院 CASS-CSR 指标对标 反馈意见表
Report Contents GRI Benchmarking CASS-CSR Index Benchmarking
拓展共赢空间 Contributing to the Win-win Space Feedback Form
荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders’Comments 2.10
拓展共赢空间 / 助力供应商成长 Contributing to the Win-win Space/Promoting HR5/HR6/HR7/EC6/ G3.3/ M3.4
the Development of Suppliers HR2/HR5/HR6/HR7
拓展共赢空间 / 与分包商携手共赢 Contributing to the Win-win Space/Achieving HR5/HR6 M3.3
Win-win Outcomes with Subcontractors
拓展共赢空间 / 推进战略合作 Contributing to the Win-win Space/Promoting M3.2
Strategic Cooperation 希望您在百忙中对本报告和对k8凯发的工作提出宝贵意见。
拓展创新空间 Contributing to the Innovation Space We hope to hear back from you in order to help us to better fulill the social responsibilties of China Construction.
荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders’Comments 2.10 M2.5/ESM2.7 We depend on your feedback to make improvements to our work. Thank you for your time and your valuable comments.
拓展创新空间 / 倡导公平竞争 Contributing to the Innovation Space/Advocating M3.7
Fair Competition
拓展创新空间 / 推动科技创新 Contributing to the Innovation Space/Promoting M2.3/M2.4/ COM2.10 您认为报告总体上:
Scientific and Technological Innovation In your opinion, overall the report is:
拓展创新空间 / 实施管理创新 Contributing to the Innovation Space/ COM2.10
Implementing Management Innovations □ 很好 Very good □ 较好 Good □ 一般 Average
拓展创新空间 / 引领行业发展 Contributing to the Innovation Space/At the 4.13 □ 较差 Poor □ 很差 Very Poor
Forefront of the Development of the Industry
拓展创新空间 / 开展国际交流合作 Contributing to the Innovation Space/ 4.12/SO5 您认为报告在结构上:
International Cooperation and Exchanges In your opinion, the structure of the report is:
拓展和谐空间 Contributing to the Harmonious Space
荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders’Comments 2.10 □ 很合理 Very good □ 较合理 Good □ 一般 Average
拓展和谐空间 / 重视安全生产 / 夯实安全基础 Contributing to the Harmonious LA7 S3.1/ S3.3/ S3.4/ S3.6/ S3.7 □ 较差 Poor □ 很差 Very poor
Space/Focusing on Production Safety/Reinforcing Safety Foundation
拓展和谐空间 / 重视安全生产 / 增强保障能力 Contributing to the Harmonious CA8 S3.2 您认为报告的可读性:
Space/ Focusing on Production Safety/Enhancing Protection Capability In your opinion, the report is:
拓展和谐空间 / 重视安全生产 / 营造安全文化 Contributing to the Harmonious LA8
Space/ Focusing on Production Safety/Creating a Safety Culture □ 很高 Very readable □ 较高 Readable □ 一般 Average
拓展和谐空间 / 促进社会就业 / 促进大学生就业 Contributing to the Harmonious □ 较差 Hard to read □ 很差 Unreadable
Space/Offering Job Opportunities/Promoting the Employment of College S1.8/ S1.9
Students 您认为报告的版式设计是否有助于您的阅读:
拓展和谐空间 / 促进社会就业 / 助力农民工发展 Contributing to the Harmonious In your opinion, the format design is:
Space/ Offering Job Opportunities/Boosting the Development of Migrant S1.8/ S1.9/ S2.9
Workers □ 很好 Very good □ 较好 Good □ 一般 Average
拓展和谐空间 / 助力社区发展 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/Assisting EC8/EC9 □ 较差 Poor □ 很差 Very Poor
Community Development
拓展和谐空间 / 热心公益事业 / 定点扶贫 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/ EC9/SO6 S4.7/ S4.3 您认为报告披露的社会责任信息:
Devoting to Public Welfare/Poverty Alleviation In your opinion, the disclosed information on social responsibilities in this report is:
拓展和谐空间 / 热心公益事业 / 抗震救灾 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/ EC9
Devoting to Public Welfare/Disaster Relief □ 很有价值 Very valuable □ 价值较高 Valuable □ 一般 Average
拓展和谐空间 / 热心公益事业 / 志愿者活动 Contributing to the Harmonious S4.10/ S4.11 □ 价值较低 Of low value □ 没什么价值 Of no value
Space/ Devoting to Public Welfare/Volunteering Activities
专题 / 全球责任 幸福家园 Topic/ Global Responsibility, Happy Homeland EC8/EC8 S4.2/ S4.3/ S4.4/ S4.5/ S4.12 您通过报告是否了解公司的可持续发展理念和实践特点:
专题 / 志愿行动 拓展幸福 Topic/ Volunteering to Expand Happy Space SO1/LA8 S4.10 In your opinion, the concept of sustainable development and practical characteristics are:
展望 Outlook A1
关键绩效表 Key Performance Form P5.2 □ 很好 Very good □ 较好 Good □ 一般 Average
专家点评 Expert Comments A2 □ 较差 Poor □ 很差 Very Poor
评级报告 Rating Report 3.13 A2 您认为报告对利益相关方关注的问题进行回应和披露的程度:
第三方验证 Verification of the Third Party 3.13 In your opinion, the extent of information disclosure and response to problems the stakeholders are concerned
报告指标索引 Reporting Index 3.12 A3 about is:
反馈意见表 Feedback Form A4
□ 很好 Very good □ 较好 Good □ 一般 Average
□ 较差 Poor □ 很差 Very Poor
110 拓展幸福空间·Expanding a happy living environment